jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/>
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<synchromesh> Hello all, can anyone (xach, lispm) comment on the state of GBBopen? The website has been down for nearly a year (going by archive.org). Thanks!
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<fengshaun> what's a good resource to learn about asdf? I'm half way through practical common lisp so far, so fairly new to CL.
<fengshaun> the manual is lengthy
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<Josh_2> The manual
<Josh_2> but *generally* you wont need much beyond defining a system and using quicklisp to compile and load it
<aeth> build systems are the same in every programming language, surprisingly. You get it to work once (perhaps by looking at examples) and then copy and paste it (or generate it in a fancier way, e.g. by the IDE) in every subsequent project
<aeth> Probably because build systems are inherently complicated and boilerplatey
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<Josh_2> oof now I can't connect to swank remotely, apparently it can't locate a contrib module
<Josh_2> 'Can't locate module: SWANK-IO-PACKAGE::SWANK-INDENTATION'
<Josh_2> when I connect
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<fengshaun> alright, I'll see what the manual offers! Thanks!
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<Guest75> hello everyone! I hope I can send messages without login
<Guest75> ohh I can :D
<Josh_2> Hi :wave:
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<beach> Hello Guest75.
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<jackdaniel> Guest75: fyi jmercouris is the project founder
<jackdaniel> [context] Guest75 was asking questions about Nyxt, so I've mentioned that devs hang out here sometimes
<Guest75> jackdaniel: wait isn't aadcg is te founder? :o
<jackdaniel> I think that he is employed to work on the project
<jackdaniel> but ask directly the source, I'm not involved in any way
<Guest75> ohh I see
<Guest75> jmercouris: I am learning common lisp only so I can implement gemini support in nyxt browser, I would be glad if I can get some help from you :)
<Guest75> I am currently on this chapter: https://gigamonkeys.com/book/variables so it will take some time before I am capable of writing clisp
<ixelp> Variables
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<beach> Guest75: CLISP is an implementation of Common Lisp. If you don't want to type "Common Lisp", then use "CL" rather than "clisp".
<beach> Guest75: Also, you might want to know about #clschool where people hang out specifically to answer questions about the language.
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<Guest75> beach: Thanks :D
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<tux0r> this MIGHT be a dumb question, but: i have a postgresql table with a timestamp_without_timezone column, evidently filled correctly with (local-time:now). however, (postmodern:select) with :order-by on the timestamp column orders that column by day, not by time, leading to inconsistent sorting. what might i have been doing wrong?
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<josrr> tux0r: I don't see that behavior, here is an example: https://plaster.tymoon.eu/v/760ENXW3U#4775
<tux0r> that's unfortunate. thank you for trying!
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