tux0r: perhaps I don't undestand what your problem is; Do you want to sort by time ignoring the date?
i basically want to sort a couple of links added to a database of links so that the most recently added links is on top
so i want to sort by (:desc 'date-added), taking the whole timestamp into consideration
the first item being 2025/03/19 01:08, the second one being 2025/03/19 01:00 or whatever. however, it *seems* that postmodern cuts the time from the date completely when sorting
i don't think so; can you show us your query?
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I've just stumbled upon an interesting corner case for compiling files. it is not always possible to store readably the form definition, because it could have been expanded with unreadable objects
for example
(macrolet ((def-it (name)
`(defun test () ,(find-package name))))
(def-it "COMMON-LISP"))
(for some nerdy levels of "interesting corner cases" of course)
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jackdaniel: for this case the readable version of the test definition is: (defun test () #.(find-package "COMMON-LISP")) but generally this is a lot harder than that
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then change COMMON-LISP to FOO and keep in mind that FOO in the compilation environment may be a different thing than FOO in the execution environment
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Can VALUES as a type specifier be nested, so that e.g. (values (values a b) c) === (values a b c)? The spec does mention multiple-value-call in the context of &optional and &rest, but it seems a bit ambiguous to me.
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semz: no.
the definition of VALUES types is pretty self contradictory but it doesn't allow nested values. that wouldn't really make any sense, anyway.
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A fast heap beats ugly stack hacks
VALUES was never my favorite feature
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Vales is fine .. but multiple-value-bind and friends
feels glued on doesn't really fit
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younder: weren't you banned on this channel?
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anyone familiar with getting Lem running? I installed from source but a package UIOP is not being found when running any of the Lem versions
brb gotta restart (firefox)
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and back (firefox restart) so should asdf be missing UIOP?
asdf does a silly thing regarding uiop dependencies, but it doesn't matter if you save the world
or load from source. so I gather that you've created an executable using ECL?
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hey all, back, no progress on this no UIOP package for Lem-project which sucks because I wanted to use it for longtime tinkering
so my question is, how do I get Lem to find UIOP, do I install it via asdf? sbcl? roswell?
sounds like a job for the lem support channel
couldn't find their channel (just realized it was in the upper right corner of their site). but will pop in there now
sounds like lem required more maintenance than emacs though
hipsters gonna hip
uiop is part of asdf or not ?
and so you'd install quickslip
otherwise you have install asdf yourself and then managing that will be a hell as you have to do it all manually
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thanks, i'll be popping into the matrix channel soon. I may have tried installing it via quicklisp but i'll double check
anyone else have no input on https://app.gitter.im/#/login XD tux0r I think I have a bias honestly now that i think about it. I have a feeling that having a real 'full fledged' coding language behind the program rather than a dialect (is elisp less capable than common-lisp?). Because of that I see potential in the lem project but like I said that
may be based on unfounded bias I should take a look at
*having a real.....offers the program more versatility in what it 'could' achieve
....btw i'm very sleep deprived lol
nvm just figured it out lol and i'll be quiet now. Thanks for the insight about asdf, that will probably save me headache knowing about ahead of time
Guest43: elisp is... DIFFERENT than common lisp
because it predates common lisp('s standardization process)
well isn't the purpose of a dialect is to be smaller, designed for a particular purpose or niche but this tends to make them more restricted or less versatile
or I can be quiet XD I can study these things another time
not really. example: racket is a scheme dialect, bot OH BOY does that one include bells and whistles!
so probably more like a spoken language. IE a dialect just comes from a parent language hence dialect but that says nothing about in which way the new language will evolve from the old one, like how spoken languages evolve..
more or less. however, that's not applicable to common lisp and emacs lisp, as both originated in the same roots (previous lisps), but evolved independently. common lisp vs. emacs lisp is roughly similar to english vs. german: a few hundred years ago, they were the same language. nowadays, not so much. but you wouldn't call german an english dialect.
(granted, today, it (somehow) has become one, among the young people and useless creatures like marketing guys -)
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