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<tkb> I'm working with the time-interval package. I've gotten an interval by using t- on two times. Now, how do I get the hours and minutes out? I can use with-slots adn interval::hours and interval::minutes, but surely there is a better way.
<tkb> Am I missing something obvious?
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<mange> I guess you could use TIMESTAMP-DECODED-DIFFERENCE to get the values? Otherwise, yeah, I can't see a public way to get that information. Instead of slots I guess you could use the INTERVAL::INTERVAL-HOURS and INTERVAL::INTERVAL-MINUTES accessors.
<kanuba> I'm not familiar with that project, but it looks like T- has a method that specializes to a LOCAL-TIME timestamp and returns one. You can use LOCAL-TIME:PARSE-TIMESTAMP or similar to extract the time components you need if you work with them
<kanuba> Most time libraries depend on LOCAL-TIME and are expectant of you to be familiar with working with it.
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<tkb> I think all the T- and T+ methods return intervals, which means you can't actually use anything from LOCAL-TIME to destructure them.
<mange> I think (t+ local-time interval) returns a local-time, doesn't it? And the same for t-?
<tkb> Oh, yes, I see that now.
<kanuba> That's not what I'm reading, but perhaps I'm blind. The method t- ((t1 local-time:timestamp) (t2 time-interval)) calls timestamp-add-interval which returns the result of local-time:timestamp+
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<tkb> But I don't actually want a LOCAL-TIME:TIMESTAMP, I want to use the hours and the minutes to find the duration in minutes to use elsewhere.
<tkb> I can use TIMESTAMP-DECODED-DIFFERENCE with MULTIPLE-VALUE-BIND, but I find it odd that there is no more direct way to get access to the slots of a TIME-INTERVAL.
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<tkb> Anyway, thanks, this lets me move on.
<tkb> I just wish that there were :READERs that were exported so you can get the individual components out. Think it would be worthwhile submitting an issue on the GitHub page asking that :READERs be added?
<tkb> And exported?
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<tkb> Or just ask for the accessors to be exported?
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<mange> I think just exporting the accessors would be reasonable. You could raise a PR with that change, I imagine.
<tkb> Ok, thanks again!
<mange> Who knows if it would get merged, but it's probably not much effort to make the PR.
<kanuba> readers are writers are added already, but not exported, perhaps because the underlying implementation may change and the author didn't account for it because they used local-time themself to extract the hours and minutes
<kanuba> An issue raissed on clarification may be worthwhile
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<tkb> Here's the issue: Please export the accessors for TIME-INTERVAL, or at least readers -- https://github.com/slyrus/time-interval/issues/3
<ixelp> Please export the accessors for TIME-INTERVAL, or at least readers · Issue #3 · slyrus/time-interval
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<srji> o/
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