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<Josh_2> Hi hi
<Josh_2> is the swank:*use-dedicated-output-stream* deprecated?
<Josh_2> its still mentioned in the docs but the symbol doesn't exist
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<skeemer> hello everyone, could somebody help me understand where the execution starts in this common lisp OS https://github.com/froggey/Mezzano/
<ixelp> GitHub - froggey/Mezzano: An operating system written in Common Lisp
<skeemer> i don't understand where is the assembly code to then bootstrap the thing and be able to run common lisp
<skeemer> i mean in general when writing OS, i know that you have some sort of bootstrapping code, that sets up the stack and other things before the execution is passed to a higher level language like C, C++, Rust etc...
<skeemer> where is that part here?
<ixelp> GitHub - froggey/MBuild: Build system for Mezzano
<beach> Inline: I don't think the build system is what is asked for.
<Inline> make cold-image is the bootstrapping process
<Inline> download MBuild and look in the scripts
<beach> I think what is referred to here is the code that starts the already-built OS.
<skeemer> Inline: ok i don't see any assembly scripts in that repo either
<ixelp> Mezzano/supervisor/entry.lisp at master · froggey/Mezzano
<skeemer> froggey: ok but so there is no actual assembly code?
<skeemer> i mean i don't understand, i was expecting some assembly code to setup the environment before passing the execution to common lisp
<skeemer> but i am not able to find any asm code
<Inline> lol
<ixelp> kboot/source/arch/arm64/loader/mezzano_enter.S at mezzano-loader · froggey/kboot
<froggey> the bootloader sets that up
<skeemer> ohhh now i get it... thanks a lot... wow what an achievement to write an OS in common lisp
<skeemer> it would be really cool if there were resources to approach the same task writing something simpler just as an educational experience
<skeemer> i would like to do the same for RISC-V
<skeemer> do you have anything to suggest/
<skeemer> ?
<froggey> not really, I don't think I had any significant resources when writing it. Movitz was the big thing when I started: https://github.com/dym/movitz
<ixelp> GitHub - dym/movitz: Movitz: a Common Lisp x86 development platform
<froggey> aside from that, just sit down and spend the next decade working on it
<beach> Heh!
<froggey> :)
<beach> I guess skeemer would have to write a RISC-V backend for the compiler, and also rewrite the bootloader. But most of the Common Lisp code could be reused perhaps.
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<Inline> well, yes one could make a tutorial for a mini emulator to run on some fantasy HW
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<ixelp> DC-ROMA RISC-V LAPTOP II - DeepComputing
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<skeemer> hello all, i was wondering if there was a kind of minimalistic common lisp implementation, easy to compile on most OS (not many deps) and so on...
<reb> skeemer: There's the clisp implementation.
<reb> ... and ECL ... both written in C.
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<semz> CCL might also be an option, it's usually pretty easy to compile
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<semz> come to think of it, CL implementations generally have rather few dependencies, don't they
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<reb> semz: Yes, both CCL and SBCL have very few dependencies ... libc, libpthread for threads, libm for math, libdl to load libraries. That's about it.
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<reb> ECL uses those plus libgmp for bignums and libffi for calling out to C libaries.
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<jackdaniel> and libgc
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<semz> jackdaniel: There's no way to ask this out of the blue without sounding extremely pushy, but: ECL was going to get a new compiler, right? How's that coming along?
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* semz was reminded of this while doing tests on ECL some time ago
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<skeemer> reb: semz do they all have the same level of interaction that i get with sbcl/emacs/slime?
<reb> skeemer: pretty much ...
<semz> When used over emacs/slime, yes.
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<semz> The raw REPL will be spartan, but so is SBCL's
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<skeemer> semz: yes it is
<kvik> i've learned a bit of lisp and now my programming career is dead (again). who do i contact for a refund?
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<jackdaniel> semz: slowly, but it moves forward; in any case nothing to brag about yet
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