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Hi hi
is the swank:*use-dedicated-output-stream* deprecated?
its still mentioned in the docs but the symbol doesn't exist
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hello everyone, could somebody help me understand where the execution starts in this common lisp OS https://github.com/froggey/Mezzano/
GitHub - froggey/Mezzano: An operating system written in Common Lisp
i don't understand where is the assembly code to then bootstrap the thing and be able to run common lisp
i mean in general when writing OS, i know that you have some sort of bootstrapping code, that sets up the stack and other things before the execution is passed to a higher level language like C, C++, Rust etc...
kboot/source/arch/arm64/loader/mezzano_enter.S at mezzano-loader · froggey/kboot
the bootloader sets that up
ohhh now i get it... thanks a lot... wow what an achievement to write an OS in common lisp
it would be really cool if there were resources to approach the same task writing something simpler just as an educational experience
i would like to do the same for RISC-V
do you have anything to suggest/
not really, I don't think I had any significant resources when writing it. Movitz was the big thing when I started: https://github.com/dym/movitz
GitHub - dym/movitz: Movitz: a Common Lisp x86 development platform
aside from that, just sit down and spend the next decade working on it
I guess skeemer would have to write a RISC-V backend for the compiler, and also rewrite the bootloader. But most of the Common Lisp code could be reused perhaps.
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well, yes one could make a tutorial for a mini emulator to run on some fantasy HW
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hello all, i was wondering if there was a kind of minimalistic common lisp implementation, easy to compile on most OS (not many deps) and so on...
skeemer: There's the clisp implementation.
... and ECL ... both written in C.
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CCL might also be an option, it's usually pretty easy to compile
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come to think of it, CL implementations generally have rather few dependencies, don't they
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semz: Yes, both CCL and SBCL have very few dependencies ... libc, libpthread for threads, libm for math, libdl to load libraries. That's about it.
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ECL uses those plus libgmp for bignums and libffi for calling out to C libaries.
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and libgc
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jackdaniel: There's no way to ask this out of the blue without sounding extremely pushy, but: ECL was going to get a new compiler, right? How's that coming along?
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* semz
was reminded of this while doing tests on ECL some time ago
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reb: semz do they all have the same level of interaction that i get with sbcl/emacs/slime?
skeemer: pretty much ...
When used over emacs/slime, yes.
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The raw REPL will be spartan, but so is SBCL's
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semz: yes it is
i've learned a bit of lisp and now my programming career is dead (again). who do i contact for a refund?
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semz: slowly, but it moves forward; in any case nothing to brag about yet