You can put it directly in your DEFPACKAGE form.
(:local-nicknames (#:a #:alexandria)...)
I have not locked yet at asdf
but thanks I will check it out later
I didn't say anything about ASDF.
got mistaken mb
thanks thanks
Explicit package prefixes have the advantage that it is immediately obvious where the symbol is coming from.
Sure. Good luck!
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that "x" was not "fingers crossed" but rather me having fat fingers on the phone :) that said, of course, fingers crossed! ;)
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IRC clients should make it so that if anyone types a line that is just "x", anyone can click on that "x" to close the window, as "x" tends to do.
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well, recently X started to mean "pile of rubbish" (:
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and all of those embedded xits have an X in the upper right to boost traffic
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