McCLIM â A powerful GUI toolkit for Common Lisp
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i'm reading PCL section about packages. are the java style package names "in style" these days?
some people use them
we use them in keepit in our production code, fwiw
they are not as scary as one might think because of local nicknames though
net.libera.commonlisp.channel:foo is not problematic if it's just irc:foo in most of your code
phoe: that makes sense, thanks
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people use them but they are not particularly idiomatic to lisp i would say
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yes, package naming conflicts are slightly more idiomatic
...except also troublesome
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are there some well-regarded small to medium sized CL codebases that would be a recommended reading for a relative newcomer to the language? something like Lua for someone learning C.
i'd prefer an application rather than a library, but both goes
GitHub - robert-strandh/Compta: Primitive accounting system with CLIM GUI.
beach: physical computing of some description would fit my interest the best, but mostly anything will interest me :)
I don't know what "physical computing of some description" means.
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beach: sensing and controlling the physical world with computers. think: machines
I think I see.
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i do that but it's not public
phoe: how common are package naming conflicts in your experience?
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and i mean if one wants java style qualified packages maybe adopt the dashes instead of the dots as separators
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not that it is important either way, just noting that it does look very java and java somehow looks even more antiquated than common lisp at this point
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varjag: rare enough to not affect me personally; the lisp world is still kinda small and creative names are plentiful
also dashes are problematic because they already work as space substitutes
is FOO-BAR-BAZ supposed to be read as "Foo Bar Baz" or as "foo.bar.baz"?
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I think I had a clash once with "UTIL", or some other similar short nickname.
but that's a nickname
you need nicknames less often if full name is tolarable :p
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phoe has a point about the community size naturally
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Local nicknames are the solution though, as phoe pointed out.
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I remember pondering if there was some established practice of dealing with this minor annoyance, other than manually renaming packages as needed. This was before package local nicknames.
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there's none, other than manual renaming of packages, which is a major PITA because packages in your code no longer match packages in your memory
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Lispy gopher climate in 10. (Or northernlights' excellent show aforehand). I'm fasting for some medical thing so a low energy episode. I'll mention noted lisper chaitan as part of some long-winded commentary on the future of programming, also breaking undercover journalism of the nz/uk/us ai policy in pratice. https://anonradio.net:8443/anonradio
Also I received a correction about Douglas Adams' scifi comedy movie pitch rejection that happened pre-men-in-black.