jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/>
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<Krystof> varjag: your (orange site) comment about xplanet-based backgrounds with geolocated IRC nicks brought back memories!
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<varjag> Krystof: heh yes… been a while, was it?
<varjag> think i tried to reproduce it a few years back but found xplanet had lost the ability to add geotags
<Krystof> entropy, in a nutshell
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<jackdaniel> regarding the function NO-APPLICABLE-METHOD, the specification says, that "Programmers may write methods for it. ", and the default method specialization is (generic-function t) -- is it conforming to write an around method specialized to the standard-generic-function ?
<jackdaniel> I'm sure there's something in the spec about functions in the common lisp package and standard classes, so I'm not entirely sure
<jackdaniel> s/I'm sure there's/I recall there's/
<beach> The rule is something like you are not allowed to write a method that is applicable when given only arguments of specified classes.
<beach> So I would say the answer to this question is "no".
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<jackdaniel> that's a shame (and it doesn't make no-applicable-method very useful generally)
<jackdaniel> thanks
<beach> Sure.
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<metannoyer> Hi, SLIME/REPLY with ltk/ui, but a general question i think...I can interrupt the process, but how do i reference the window and their content? ...What should I look at? Feels like I'm using the repl all wrong...
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<kvik> in slime/sly is there a way to batch rename a particular symbol in the source? something like eglot-rename would do (language server protocol rename)
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<varjag> kvik: i just use projectile for that
<pve> kvik: you might get by with dired-do-find-regexp-and-replace (mark some files in a dired buffer, then press Q)
<kvik> right, so no "intelligent" rename :(
<kvik> i guess it might not be as much of an issue. will see.
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<beach> kvik: Emacs + SLIME/Sly does not "know" the role of each symbol, and you need to know that in order to rename correctly. For instance, if you have (let ((PROG1 ...) ...)) you would want to rename only the PROG1 symbols that name the lexical variable, and not the Common Lisp operator.
<beach> kvik: But we are (slowly) working on tools that will be able to distinguish between the roles of symbols.
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<kvik> beach: understood, thanks
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<beach> Sure.
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<mosin> https://0x0.st/8S6d.txt how come :VARS is NIL?
<mosin> Someone in #sbcl told me not to use sb-walker, when I asked why they said "it's not for use"?
<mosin> is sb-walker::env not supposed to look like that?
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<bike> mosin: it's an internal package of sbcl. it's not meant for use by users like yourself. they may change the API without warning and make no guarantees about it working at all.
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