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<jmercouris> if I create an SBCL image on an x86 Linux machine, will it work on other x86 Linux machines? Can I just give them the binary?
<jmercouris> or will it be distro specific?
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<jackdaniel> jmercouris: glibc must match, any open shared library must be at tge same location
<jackdaniel> other than that it will work
<pranav> Also, not all x86 machines would support SIMD. So if the code in your image assumes AVX2 support, say, that wouldn't be portable across the board either.
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<jA_cOp> glibc -> musl and vice versa probably wouldn't work either, and if you compress the image, there is also a runtime dependency on libzstd which could be missing
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<paulapatience> aeth: Does your vector DSL allow ways to bind the values of intermediate computations? Or is the user expected to do that outside the DSL? I'm currently writing a DSL for combining signed distance functions and I'm wondering about the best way to cache intermediate computations.
<paulapatience> jmercouris: You can also create static executables with SBCL. See https://www.timmons.dev/posts/static-executables-with-sbcl-v2.html
<ixelp> Eric Timmons
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<mwnaylor> Running sly in emacs. Is there a way to configure `sly-hyperspec-lookup' to change the browser that displays the documentation?
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<mwnaylor> Out of the box, it defaults to firefox.
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<Bubblegumdrop> Yeah, sec
<Bubblegumdrop> (defun hyperspec-lookup--hyperspec-lookup-w3m (orig-fun &rest args)
<Bubblegumdrop> (let ((browse-url-browser-function 'w3m-browse-url))
<Bubblegumdrop> (apply orig-fun args)))
<Bubblegumdrop> (advice-add 'hyperspec-lookup :around #'hyperspec-lookup--hyperspec-lookup-w3m)
<ixelp> Configure Common Lisp HyperSpec (CLHS) lookup in Emacs
<Bubblegumdrop> what you're looking for is called "advice" in emacs
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<Bubblegumdrop> You can provide "advice" to existing functionality
<Bubblegumdrop> Of course there are other ways to do it. This method works well.
<Bubblegumdrop> I'm using w3m and emacs-w3m
<Bubblegumdrop> as you can see.
<|3b|> or just configure browse-url globally, if you either always want to use the other browser, or don't otherwise open URLs from emacs
<Bubblegumdrop> Yes, good suggestion. I *only* want w3m to open HyperSpec URLs.
<reb> Bubblegumdrop: I think the easiest way is to configure the Emacs browse-url package to use some other browser for Hyperspec links.
<|3b|> yeah, looks like you can configure it per URL with regex match
<Bubblegumdrop> mwnaylor additionally you can install HyperSpec on your local with clhs package from quicklisp
<Bubblegumdrop> There is one additional setup step, you must provide the path
<Bubblegumdrop> (setq common-lisp-hyperspec-root (find-file ...)) or something
<Bubblegumdrop> expand-file-name.
<reb> Bubblegumdrop: the URL matching |3b| mentioned can be configured using browse-url-handlers
<Bubblegumdrop> Thanks, this is good to know.
<Bubblegumdrop> This variable was introduced, or its default value was changed, in
<Bubblegumdrop> version 28.1 of Emacs.
<Bubblegumdrop> It's a recent feature.
<Bubblegumdrop> I don't remember what version of emacs I started on.
<Bubblegumdrop> Certainly pre-28.1
<|3b|> also, looks like it tries xdg-open before firefox, if you want to configure it even more globally than just emacs
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<|3b|> (on wayland/X at least)
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<aeth> paulapatience: I just have my own LET that behaves like CL:LET, and similarly LET*
<paulapatience> aeth: Ok. That's what I went with as well.
<aeth> It's hard to write Lispy code without (potentially nested) LETs
<paulapatience> Another thing I've added is a form that allows users to locally specify aliases for the operations, similar to with-slots. That way they can use shorter names, without the package prefix.
<paulapatience> aeth: So your let also has to be prefixed with the package name?
<aeth> yes
<aeth> But I could, if I chose to, just treat CL:FOO as equivalent to FOO.
<aeth> It might not be a good idea because there are some incompatibilities. For instance, I don't support (let (foo) foo)
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<jmercouris> jackdaniel: I see, thank you
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