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if I create an SBCL image on an x86 Linux machine, will it work on other x86 Linux machines? Can I just give them the binary?
or will it be distro specific?
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jmercouris: glibc must match, any open shared library must be at tge same location
other than that it will work
Also, not all x86 machines would support SIMD. So if the code in your image assumes AVX2 support, say, that wouldn't be portable across the board either.
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glibc -> musl and vice versa probably wouldn't work either, and if you compress the image, there is also a runtime dependency on libzstd which could be missing
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aeth: Does your vector DSL allow ways to bind the values of intermediate computations? Or is the user expected to do that outside the DSL? I'm currently writing a DSL for combining signed distance functions and I'm wondering about the best way to cache intermediate computations.
Configure Common Lisp HyperSpec (CLHS) lookup in Emacs
what you're looking for is called "advice" in emacs
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You can provide "advice" to existing functionality
Of course there are other ways to do it. This method works well.
I'm using w3m and emacs-w3m
as you can see.
or just configure browse-url globally, if you either always want to use the other browser, or don't otherwise open URLs from emacs
Yes, good suggestion. I *only* want w3m to open HyperSpec URLs.
Bubblegumdrop: I think the easiest way is to configure the Emacs browse-url package to use some other browser for Hyperspec links.
yeah, looks like you can configure it per URL with regex match
mwnaylor additionally you can install HyperSpec on your local with clhs package from quicklisp
There is one additional setup step, you must provide the path
(setq common-lisp-hyperspec-root (find-file ...)) or something
Bubblegumdrop: the URL matching |3b| mentioned can be configured using browse-url-handlers
Thanks, this is good to know.
This variable was introduced, or its default value was changed, in
version 28.1 of Emacs.
It's a recent feature.
I don't remember what version of emacs I started on.
Certainly pre-28.1
also, looks like it tries xdg-open before firefox, if you want to configure it even more globally than just emacs
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(on wayland/X at least)
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paulapatience: I just have my own LET that behaves like CL:LET, and similarly LET*
aeth: Ok. That's what I went with as well.
It's hard to write Lispy code without (potentially nested) LETs
Another thing I've added is a form that allows users to locally specify aliases for the operations, similar to with-slots. That way they can use shorter names, without the package prefix.
aeth: So your let also has to be prefixed with the package name?
But I could, if I chose to, just treat CL:FOO as equivalent to FOO.
It might not be a good idea because there are some incompatibilities. For instance, I don't support (let (foo) foo)
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