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<jmercouris> on macOS when installing SBCL via MacPorts, there is a dependency on libzstd, `otool -L sbcl`, however I'd like to package my application for distribution, and I can't expect users to have `libzstd`, I tried to use `install_name_tool` to set the shared library to an @rpath, but `install_name_tool` doesn't allow me, anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?
<jmercouris> should I have installed SBCL a different way?
* tux0r used homebrew
<jmercouris> tux0r:
<jmercouris> Sure, I could use Brew, but I don't believe that would remove a libzstd dependency on the SBCL binary
<jmercouris> basically I need to use dynamic linking for this shared library
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<jmercouris> The solution: Download SBCL from the standard dir, doesn't depend on libzstd, only on things in /usr/local/lib that ship with macOS
<jmercouris> s/dir/website
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<beach> Where did you download it from that had the dependency?
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<jmercouris> from MacPorts
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<beach> What would be the reason to download it from there, rather than from the standard website?
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<|3b|> beach: presumably the same sorts of reasons that would lead one to use a linux distro rather than downloading all the linux software they use from the upstream sources (convenience, saving time, shared libs actually being shared, etc)
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<beach> I see.
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<jackdaniel> what is a difference between expressed adjustability and actual adjustability?
<jackdaniel> is it that the former requires ":adjustable t" while the latter may be implicitly adjustable?
<jackdaniel> s/requires/requires in the constructor/
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<semz> that's my understanding of it
<semz> so that an implementation can e.g. have simple arrays that are nevertheless adjustable
<jackdaniel> I see, thanks!
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<beach> I agree with semz.
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<ingeniot> Hello! :-) I'm looking for a project with beginner-friendly issues. Does anybody have hints?
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<beach> ingeniot: What kind of issues are we talking about here?
<beach> ingeniot: Are you looking to contribute?
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<ingeniot> beach: Yes, I am looking to contribute. I meant issues on Github or whatever platform is used.
<beach> Oh, so you mean you would like to contribute by fixing those issues?
<ingeniot> beach: Yes. I browsed the issues of several projects but didn't find any that seemed easy enough for me.
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<beach> I see. I don't have one in mind right now, but I'll let you know if I think of some.
<ingeniot> beach: Thank you! :-)
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<beach> ingeniot: Any particular kind of project you are interested in, like the domain?
<beach> ingeniot: And what is your current level of knowledge of Common Lisp?
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<ingeniot> beach: I don't really know a domain right now. I've already worked in Natural Language Processing and Railroad applications (both not in Common Lisp). But most of the time I tried to understand how to write code others could work with easily.
<beach> I see.
<ingeniot> beach: I'm more or less following the Road to Common Lisp suggested by Steve Losh. I already worked through: Common Lisp - A gentle Introduction to Symbolic Computation, Land of Lisp, Practical Common Lisp and Object-Oriented Programming in Common Lisp. Right now I'm busy with PAIP.
<beach> Sounds like a great plan.
<beach> Would you be comfortable working on a library?
<ingeniot> beach: Thanks! :-) Yes. Libraries are fine.
<ixelp> GitHub - codecrafters-io/build-your-own-x: Master programming by recreating your favorite technologies from scratch.
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<beach> jrx: Please give the reason you posted this link.
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<beach> jrx: Posting links without a description of what we can expect when clicking on it is troll behavior. And this link does not obviously have anything to do with Common Lisp.
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<cdegroot> Except for the bit of course that "build-your-own-x" is easier in CL, every single time :-). But yeah, pretty context-free, that message.
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