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Can a defclass's slot's :initform take a make-instance form? (defclass example ((foo :reader foo :initarg foo :initform '()))) works, but :initform (make-instance 'thing) does not.
(defclass foo () ()) => #<STANDARD-CLASS FOO>, while (defclass bar () ((baz :initform (make-instance 'foo)))) => #<STANDARD-CLASS BAR>
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beach: That's what I figured from the documentation I read, but if I do :initform (make-instance 'example :example-arg (quick-xform "fun")), where SBCL says "Control stack exhausted while pseudo-atomic".
That would depend on what happens when the class EXAMPLE is instantiated.
Clearly, if that INITFORM is for the class EXAMPLE, you have an infinite recursion.
... or if QUICK-XFORM does an infinite recursion.
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So you can put any form there, but if the form does something wrong, obviously it won't work.
Agreed. But these are two separate classes. (defclass user ((slot-example :initform (make-instance 'example :example-arg (quick-xform "fun"))))). quick-xform is just a cl-ppcre call to replace some characters.
RavenJoad: I can't tell from that information what is wrong, but I can assure you that you can put any form in the :INITFORM. You need to study the backtrace to figure out why the computation in infinite.
That's the thing. There is no backtrace (beyond the file that fails to compile). I just get "CORRUPTION WARNING", "Memory fault at 0xff...6", unhandled memory fault.
Step one might be to evaluate that form separately an not as an INITFORM.
I can evaluate that form just fine in Sly/Emacs. It produces a valid (and different) class instance each time
An unhandled memory fault means either that your Common Lisp implementation has a defect, or that you (or one of the libraries you use) use foreign code that is buggy.
This is meant to be a well-known default value that I can use if the user does not provide one at initialization-time.
I mean, SBCL could definitely have a bug too, but that would be surprising.
It has bugs, but you are right, that's not the first thing to look for.
The initform gets evaluated for each instance of your class, so if you're wanting a single example instance as the default value for all instances of your class then I don't think you can use (make-instance 'example) as the :initform
I don't need all initialized classes having the same default value (by address/object) for this slot, just that it has a well-known :example-arg value.
Removing the quick-xform call shows that (make-instance 'example ...) is infinitely recursing for some reason (900+ calls to (make-instance 'example ...)).
RavenJoad: Does that happen in a fresh image too? You may have defined the EXAMPLE class incorrectly.
Yes. Each run is happening from a "make check" invocation I have that starts a new SBCL instance.
Unless a cache is reused for some reason.
The cache is used if the file containing the class definition has not changed.
But more likely, you have some method on INITIALIZE-INSTANCE or something similar that causes an infinite recursion.
... or indeed an :INITFORM that does that.
RavenJoad: Wait... you said you evaluated the form as a form outside :INITFORM and there was no problem. But now there is?
Correct. If I evaluate (make-instance 'example :example-arg "example") in Sly (my REPL interface), then it is fine. I get a new object each time. I only get this error when it is in the slot's :initform.
My guess, then, would be that the creation of an instance of EXAMPLE creates an instance of the class that contains the creation of EXAMPLE as an initform.
Seeing some code would really help to debug this. :)
There is one thing I have not mentioned here, the :example-arg I create is a subclass of the top-level class.
mange: I can push some in a minute. The branch is super messy though. I'm changing the whole backend of the compiler right now.
That sounds like exactly what I said.
RavenJoad: We have no idea what your top-level class is, because you haven't told us.
So, wait, your (make-instance 'example) will implicitly use the initform (through the parent class)?
RavenJoad: the INITFORM is evaluated when a subclass is created as well, unless it is overridden.
chil/source/backends/verilog.lisp at 957dc4bb012c4530f2f8c8bd5622548845414075 · Chil-HW/chil
In this case, verilog-module is the top-level class. It uses a verilog-net as its body. But for codegen-inheritance reasons (which may be poorly chosen coming from other OOP paradigms), verilog-net subclasses verilog-module.
Then that's precisely what I guessed.
So an infinite mutual recursion on instantiation? I'll have to figure out how (if) I can break that.
The child class can override the initform, I believe.
In the :INITFORM you create a subclass of the class that contains the :INITFORM.
mange: That is what I said.
My verilog-net class does not have a "body" slot (nor should it (at least for now)), which it would get by inheriting from the verilog-module class. So can I remove it?
You can't remove a slot in a subclass.
Yeah, that's what I figured. I probably need to rework the inheritance here a bit.
That would be contrary to the Liskov Substitution Principle.
But, as was pointed out three times, you can override the :INITFORM in a subclass.
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beach: Could you point me to a tiny example of that? I understand what you're saying but not quit ehow to implement it.
(defclass foo ((bar :ini[...]) ERROR: (FOO ((BAR :INITFORM (LSJFLSKDJ)))) can't be destructured against the lambda list (CLASS-NAME CCL::SUPERCLASSES CCL::SLOTS &REST CCL::CLASS-OPTIONS), because it does not contain at least 3 elements. and (defclass baz (foo) (([...]) => #<STANDARD-CLASS BAZ> finally (make-insta[...]) ERROR: Class #<STANDARD-CLASS BAZ> can't be finalized because superclass FOO is not defined yet
I don't know what that means. But the example shows how to override the slot.
Your first defclass is missing a () after the class name, and those are the errors. Doesn't obscure the example, though.
chil/source/backends/verilog.lisp at edbf4f9d2f1411bf09c107971472cf7de2e2d62b · Chil-HW/chil
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RavenJoad: Top-level comments take three (or four) semicolons.
RavenJoad: And you are wasting precious vertical space by having more than one blank line between top-level forms.
Yeah, I know. The extra blank lines are an accident. I'm not even following the style guide I say I should use. But this branch is a fixable one right now. I've completely rewritten the backend I used to have, so I am still in a tinkering phase before polishing.
So are you satisfied with the answer(s) to your issue?
Yes. That answer was exactly what I needed to solve this issue. I may rework the class hierarchy again, but that is a later issue.
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mange: Thanks for you help.
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beach: mange: Thank you both for your help. I'm going to call it a night on this project.
Good luck!
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