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5.4% scheme?? huh ... too lazy to go look and see what that would even be haha
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maybe it supports Scheme implementations, too?
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Is there something like Emacs Lisp's `alist-get' generalized variable expander in Common Lisp? whereby evaluating (setf (alist-get key place) value) will either override an existing entry or create a new entry with key and value
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I don't think so. But it would be easy to create.
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is it like ADJOIN?
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kagevf: What makes you think it is?
kagevf: I mean, ADJOIN is a set operation without any side effect, but what was asked for is an operation with a side effect on an association list.
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mosin: alexandria (a library) has ASSOC-VALUE and (SETF ASSOC-VALUE) functions
if there were a vanilla CL operator that does that, then these would not land in the library, hence -- probably not :)
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beach: if we change the requirement from "override an existing entry" to "leave an existing entry intact", then adjoin would almost meet the stated requirement
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we only need to change the order of arguments for list to be first, and define a modify macro