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slime question: I have a package name like FOO.BAR.BAZ and in some cases/configs I can see the REPL prompt showing only BAZ> instead of FOO.BAR.BAZ>. how can I trigger this behaviour?
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scymtym: Thank you! I must've made some errors when trying that before which is why I was confused.
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Follow-up question: How can I use the condition's details in my restart report string? Would saving the condition using a side-effect of the restart test function be too hacky?
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generally, there is no clear association with a particular condition. consider (restart-case (progn (print (compute-restarts)) nil) (continue () :report (lambda (stream) (format stream "Continue (time: ~D)" (get-universal-time))))). you could try to build the association with a special variable and handler-bind but that kind of coupling between conditions and restarts is typically avoided
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I see, thanks!
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Hey everyone, two hours until our Kent Pitman live interview.
There will be some special announcements and discussion of the lisp condition system.
If anyone has any questions for Kent, and you want to ask them here, I'll have an eye here for the next two hours, though live I'll just be looking at telnet as usual.
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screwlisp: Would the interview be recorded and available for watching later?
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Any way to coerce a list to a vector with adjustable set to t?
or some other alexandria/serapeum type thing?
serapeum/ at master · ruricolist/serapeum · GitHub
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jmercouris: wouldn't make-array itself do it?
,(let* ((l (list 1 2 3)) (a (make-array (length l) :adjustable t :initial-contents l))) (values a l (adjustable-array-p a)))
=> #(1 2 3); (1 2 3); T
and if that's too verbose, you can make an inline (because MAKE-ARRAY has all sorts of implementation optimizations and you're probably not going to modify the code) function to call that three-arg MAKE-ARRAY
or, if you wanted to overengineer it, define-compiler-macro in addition to a defun
yeah, I ended up just going back to make-array
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The Pitmanual: CL Conversion: Hard Changes
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Lispy gopher climate -> on the hour <3 Live interview. So aeth actually I was planning to talk about Kent's revision-18.txt, because we are going to hear about one of Kent's upcoming releases viz the condition system, but we are going to talk about maclisp and the meaning of lisp being "an old language"
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