jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/>
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<fosskers> Does anyone know where the system `list-of` is defined? It's not on QL as far as I can see, and nothing turns up from internet searches. I've found a certain project that mysteriously depends on it.
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<ixelp> asdf / asdf-finalizers · GitLab
<nil> :description "magic list-of deftype"
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<nil> looks like it's still in the current quicklisp
<fosskers> nil: nice find!
<fosskers> Thank you
<nil> it wasn't hard since i have a shell command where i can type "ql-origin list-of" and it comes up with it
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<thuna`> How would you go about documenting a local macro? (Also, is it right that in SBCL LOOP-FINISH is a global macro rather than a LOOP-local one?)
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<thuna`> By local macro I am referring to a situation like (DEFTHING ... (THING-MACRO)) where DEFTHING expands into a (MACROLET ((THING-MACRO ...)) ...)
<thuna`> I can put a docstring into the macrolet in (DEFMACRO DEFTHING ...) but I imagine relevant tools would not pick that up
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<beach> Yeah, that would be hard for those tools. DOCUMENTATION takes a name, and there could be several local macros with the same name.
<beach> On the other hand, documentation strings are meant for people using the feature being documented, and I can't see how a user would be able to use a local macro.
<beach> thuna`: What is the target group for your documentation?
<thuna`> beach: The documentation is for people using the DEFTHING macro to define things (in this case functions). It is pretty much in the same vein as LOOP-FINISH. The local macro is a convenience macro to avoid having to juggle gensym'd variables around.
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<beach> I see. Well, how about you use (SETF DOCUMENTATION).
<beach> That's my preferred way to make documentation strings anyway.
<thuna`> I was leaning towards a global defmacro which just errors, though I'm not sure if that would break anything or not
<beach> It is better to use (SETF DOCUMENTATION).
<thuna`> Why so?
<beach> Because you don't want to increase the scope of your macro unnecessarily.
<beach> That's bad for the person reading your code.
<beach> ,(setf (documentation 'thing-macro 'function) "Syntax: thing-macro...") ,(documentation 'thing-macro 'function)
<ixelp> (setf (documentation 'thing-macro 'function) "Syntax: thing-macro...") => "Syntax: thing-macro...", but (documentation 'thing-macro 'function) => NIL
<beach> I guess the bot doesn't store documentation strings.
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<beach> thuna`: Oh, and the standard gives the implementation a choice as to whether LOOP-FINISH is global or not, as you can see from the dictionary entry on LOOP-FINISH.
<thuna`> Oh, I missed that part. That's a somewhat puzzling choice to make
<beach> By SBCL? I agree.
<thuna`> I mean allowing implementations to make it global in the first place
<beach> ... but then I can't remember what we do in Khazern.
<beach> Yes, that too.
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<beach> LOOP-FINISH is a global macro also in Khazern.
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<bpanthi977> If you had to write a desktop application in Common Lisp, how would you approach creating GUI?
<beach> I would use McCLIM which is an implementation of the CLIM II specification.
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<beach> You can check out what a CLIM application could look like by using Clouseau, the CLIM-based object inspector. It is available on Quicklisp.
<bpanthi977> I'll tried Clouseau. It seems to connect to Xorg. But I am in mac system.
<beach> I don't know what backends are available for McCLIM these days. There might be some that works on a Mac.
<beach> It might be easier to write such a backend than to struggle with foreign code for a GUI library written in some other language. Plus, writing such a backend would benefit other Mac users, whereas your struggle would just help yourself.
<bpanthi977> McCLIM doesn't have backend for Mac or Windows.
<ixelp> McCLIM/Backends at master - McCLIM/McCLIM - Codeberg.org
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<bpanthi977> Do you know how hard it would be to write a backend?
<UncleRRR> Nope
<beach> It is not hard, but it requires knowledge of the interface to the operating system.
<beach> You might want to ask in #clim where jackdaniel has more information than I can provide.
<bpanthi977> And additionally, McCLIM is cool, but the UI looks old and doesn't blend in with other applications.
<beach> UncleRRR: Are you new here? I don't recognize your nick.
<UncleRRR> Yes, that's right
<beach> UncleRRR: Great! Welcome!
<UncleRRR> I am not only new to here, but also new to CL
<beach> I see. You might want to know about #clschool then, where people hang out to answer newbie questions.
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<beach> Newbie questions are tolerated here, especially if traffic is otherwise low, but this channel is mostly for a bit more advanced stuff.
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<UncleRRR> Nice suggestion, I'll take that. But since this channel have much more people active, so I decide to ask questions (if any) there and still keep an eye here.
<varjag> bpanthi977: CAPI on LispWorks
<varjag> sadly not free
<beach> UncleRRR: Oh, sure, you are definitely welcome to hang out here as well.
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<mountainman1312> How could I go about looking into using a C# library in common lisp code, or at least making bindings to it? Is there something already made for that?
<mountainman1312> All the searches I do just result in the opposite
<alcor> The IPC route (if applicable) might be the next best thing in this case.
<mountainman1312> Possibly. It's not even that big of a deal if I have to learn C# for this, I just figured why would I do that when I could not. What I'm doing is I'm trying to use the SolidWorks API.
<alcor> You might be able to expose the library functionality as a callable subprocess, a daemon, a server, or a some kind of sidecar container.
<mountainman1312> oooh wait I found a package called "bike" that says "common lisp .net core interop". Seems like this might be what I need
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<mountainman1312> Also, SolidWorks documentation says "You can use any programming language that supports COM to create SOLIDWORKS standalone API (.exe files) and add-in (.dll files) applications"... I'm not sure what COM is but, that's some info I guess
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<ixelp> Lisp Programming - 2019 - SOLIDWORKS API Help
<mountainman1312> No that's actually for DraftSight, it uses AutoCAD Lisp. I'm just curious to see if I can use the solidworks .NET API from Common Lisp.
<bjorkintosh> hmm. let me see.
<bjorkintosh> I've never used solidworks. but can you drive it with python?
<mountainman1312> I mean if any C# libraries can be used, I see no reason this specific one can't be
<mountainman1312> The "out of the box" languages are Visual Basic, C#, and C++
<bjorkintosh> ah VB, C#, and VisualC++
<mountainman1312> All the visual languages
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<bjorkintosh> I just realized I don't know of a good cl for windows at all.
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<bjorkintosh> however, if you want to use common lisp, you could always generate your VB code via cl.
<bjorkintosh> and that will then talk to your target.
<bjorkintosh> ie, if there's nothing else available.
<bjorkintosh> it's a viable approach.
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<mountainman1312> this bike package seems promising, I'm going to try it later at work
<ixelp> GitHub - Lovesan/bike: Common Lisp .Net Core Interop
<bjorkintosh> mountainman1312: I think you just need to be able to talk to com: https://www.lispworks.com/documentation/lw80/com/com.htm
<ixelp> COM/Automation User Guide and Reference Manual
<bjorkintosh> unfortunately, I don't see anything available for sbcl.
<Inline> ?
<Inline> sbcl itself is available for windows
<bjorkintosh> Inline: so can you script windows applications using it?
<bjorkintosh> if so, that's wonderful.
<bjorkintosh> 'cause I can do so with python and even tcl (instead of VB)
<Inline> hmm
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<bjorkintosh> mountainman1312: https://www.cliki.net/win32
<ixelp> CLiki: Win32
<bjorkintosh> unfortunately, you may have to do some work to get it going. but there's a path available.
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<mountainman1312> Thanks everyone, i'm off to work, I'll be checking this stuff out sometime today
<tux0r> i wrote a desktop utility for recurring file maintenance tasks on my work windows pc last year
<tux0r> sbcl & ftw (the lisp win32 wrapper)
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<tux0r> (i reported a bug in it, now it works even better)
<yottabyte> in emacs, when I have like some-package:some-function, how can I go to the definition of that function? the function and package in question is actually in the same file, I do M-. and it tells me "Error: DEFINITION-SOURCE of function {function} did not contain meaningful information"
<bjorkintosh> tux0r: ftw?
<tux0r> bjorkintosh: https://github.com/fjames86/ftw
<ixelp> GitHub - fjames86/ftw: Common Lisp Win32 GUI library
<tux0r> again, "only" a win32 api wrapper, nothing fancy
<tux0r> but i assume most people will "only" need ftw and ffi
<tux0r> ;-)
<bjorkintosh> wonderful, thank you.
<bjorkintosh> did not know of it.
<bjorkintosh> it probably should be listed on the wiki page: https://www.cliki.net/win32
<ixelp> CLiki: Win32
<tux0r> it was a random finding and i'm glad i did
<tux0r> yes, probably
<bjorkintosh> :-D you have the honor and the privilege, tux0r.
<tux0r> here's the thing i wrote with it: https://code.rosaelefanten.org/dateprefixcopy
<ixelp> DatePrefixCopy: Top-level Files of trunk
<tux0r> even less fancy
<tux0r> hmm. i dont have a cliki account
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<beach> Inline: Are you having Internet problems?
<Inline> yes
<beach> I see.
<Inline> i'm connected, but somehow my irc client gets disconnected and reconnected again and again
<beach> That must be what the people in the other channels discovered.
<beach> #java and #c.
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