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<beach> ldb: Thanks!
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<beach> ::notify ldb Perfect! Thank you very much!
<Colleen> beach: Got it. I'll let ldb know as soon as possible.
<CraftyNet> Hello, I'm working on a personal project that uses an LGPL-licensed Lisp library. I’m concerned about distributing the project as a binary. Since the LGPL requires that the library can be replaced with a modified version, does distributing binaries comply with the LGPL? If not, is the only way to comply to avoid using binaries and instead ship a
<CraftyNet> image and load .lisp or .fasl files at runtime?
<beach> CraftyNet: As I recall, you can ship binaries as long as you make the source available.
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<CraftyNet> beach: Thanks
<beach> Sure.
<kpg> you could add a --my-lib-fasl to be optionally loaded with CL:LOAD - it lets the user provide a susbtitute even with a binary executable
<kpg> flag*
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<CraftyNet> kpg: Thanks, I think it's a good idea to avoid having to load a lot of .fasl files every time the binary starts.
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<beach> CraftyNet: I think what kpg meant is that no FASL would be loaded by default, but if the user wants to substitute a different version of the library, you would then be compliant that way.
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<CraftyNet> Thanks a lot, beach and kpg, for clearing up my doubts
<beach> Sure.
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<kpg> yes yes - thanks beach
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<jackdaniel> lgpl-2.1+ requires to ship the source code along the distribution, while lgpl-3.0+ requires also to allow the user to replace the library with their own version (so called anti-tivoization clause)
<jackdaniel> allowing to load a fasl is certainly a step towards that goal, but it needs to work (i.e if the "new version" overwrites an essential hash table defined with defparameter effectively corrupting the software, that does not count)
<jackdaniel> on the other hand, if you distribute the source code elsewhere, and you allow to replace the whole binary on the device, then that would suffice too
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<phoe> if you aren't shipping hardware then this is not really an issue, if the user can always rebuild your whole binary from source and it'll work the same as yours
<phoe> s/this/tivoization/
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<kpg> It might depend whether such a modification would be considered 'interface-compatible' - but that phrase is not explained in more detail in the LPGL3 license text, from what I can see.
<ixelp> The LGPL and Java - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation
<aeth> "FSF's position has remained constant throughout: the LGPL works as intended with all known programming languages, including Java."
<aeth> Since GNU (close enough to the FSF) has 2 Common Lisps, 3 Schemes, and Emacs Lisp, that probably includes CL.
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<aeth> My guess is the general approach would be similar here, which is ship and load the LGPL FASLs
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<phoe> what aeth and fsf said
<phoe> as long as you can replace the library for some meaningful definitions of "replace" and "library", you're gonna be good
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<phoe> shipping sources and build instructions is a bulletproof solution to that
<phoe> others exist, too
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<yottabyte> been having some issues making an executable. this code works when I'm in slime, but as soon as (asdf:make "sqlite-test"), it gives me errors at runtime. I'm using windows and sbcl, I don't know if that has something to do with it, or if it's something with the sqlite library I'm using. here's the code: https://plaster.tymoon.eu/view/4701#4701
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<kagevf> yottabyte: what kind of errors? also, is "test.db" resolving as expected?
<yottabyte> I don't think test.db is even important here, since I'm not actually selecting from any actual table. I don't have any such file actually for the sake of this test
<yottabyte> the output of (test:test-select) should just be ((2))
<yottabyte> and it is when I'm in slime and stuff
<yottabyte> when I run the executable, I get this error: debugger invoked on a SB-SYS:MEMORY-FAULT-ERROR in thread #<THREAD "main thread" RUNNING {1001850003}>: Unhandled memory fault at #x7C63D1.
<yottabyte> and "bogus stack frame"
<bike> i don't think sbcl is going to be able to preserve a database connection in an image.
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<phoe> you need to redo the sqlite:connect call after restoring the image
<phoe> otherwise you'll get a dangling pointer
<phoe> or pipe, or fd, or whatever
<yottabyte> so in my entry point is where I need to establish the connection?
<phoe> yes
<phoe> so, in your test-select function, before anything, (setf *db* (sqlite:connect #P"test.db"))
<kagevf> plus, maybe sqlite needs to be "connected" to the db file to run queries, even if they aren't actually querying data like in the example
<phoe> and you can drop the initial binding for *db* because you do not need this function to get called at compilation time
<yottabyte> I was keeping it up there so I don't need to do it for every single function. do I have to connect each and every time?
<bike> you have to connect once when you start up the image. you should be able to keep using that one connection thereafter, i think.
<yottabyte> okay, let me give it a whirl
<yottabyte> worked! thank you, all
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