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I'm not sure why I'm getting the wrong value for this: (decode-universal-time 1304465246) ... on a Linux machine, date -d @ gives me 2025, however (decode-universal-time) is giving me 1955. any suggestions??
(using sbcl)
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ah sorry ... pasted the wrong epoch seconds ... 1736036907 is 1955 according to (decode-universal-time), but, date -d says it's 2025. the other number is 1941 according to sbcl, 2011 according to date
what exactly are you doing with date?
date -d @1736036907
decodeing the seconds.
i'm going to guess that's using posix time, so seconds since 1970
Bubblegumdrop, Target audience is programmers but the link you gave doesn't show it at a glance
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I don't know any pages that show it off
I have a couple of books and the first chapter is usually something like "here's something you can do in lisp that you can't do easily in other languages"
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hmm okay. then the link I've found is the best
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Farooq the book referenced on that page, "Practical Common Lisp" is a good example
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This is a coding style question - I have a function #'f that is supposed to throw a warning. In the test suite, I'd like to test that (f) does throw a warning, and go on testing that (f) returns 0. However, I don't know how to do this with HANDLER-CASE in one blow. Any idea?
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;; also note that warnings are signaled, rather than thrown
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HANDLER-CASE won't let you continue execution after the warning is signaled, so you need HANDLER-BIND to actually get the return value after the warning
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A good example why handler-bind is useful! Thank you, phoe.
Are "signal" and "throw" technically different in CL term?
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"throwing" names a completely different thing in lisp than in java or c++
I see, the special op THROW says it all. Thanks.
when a c++-esque exception is thrown, the stack is more or less immediately unwound as a means of handling the exception; when a lisp condition is signaled, the stack is wound further to handle the condition, and only sometimes unwinding happens, and some conditions (everything except serious-conditions!) are actually allowed to be left unhandled
THROW is meant for non-local transfers of control, non-local jumps, or stack unwinding
control is transferred to CATCH locations that are not lexically established at compilation time; if you can do it lexically, you should use BLOCK/RETURN-FROM instead
...or TAGBODY/GO, depending on what you want to do
Control Flow in Common Lisp - Online Lisp Meeting #11, 26.11.2020 - YouTube
and the whole Lisp condition system is built on top of TAGBODY/GO and BLOCK/RETURN-FROM; you can somewhat easily reimplement it if you wish, see https://github.com/phoe/portable-condition-system
GitHub - phoe/portable-condition-system: A portable Common Lisp condition system
it also requires dynamic bindings a funcall (if we speak about low-level details)
and a funcall *
and by funcall I mean higher order functions
and lexical closures!
I watched that talk before :-)
oh? why? (lexical closures)
for closing over tagbody tags/block names so that your handler-case/restart-case handlers can unwind properly
you can emulate this via throw/catch and gensyms, but it'll be a tad slower
ok, fair
basicnpc: :D
In any case, THROW is about passing values, while SIGNAL is about passing conditions?
Here, "passing" is used none technically.
THROW is about making a non-local transfer of control while passing a value around
SIGNAL is about invoking handlers that match the condition type, in order, until the condition is handled (via a transfer of control) or until you run out of handlers to execute
WARN is like SIGNAL, except a message is printed if we run out of handlers
in that case, the signal goes to the top-level. If it's warning, it prints a warning; if it's an error, it the repl halts.
ERROR is like SIGNAL, except it enters the debugger instead of continuing - it's impossible to continue
signal is, if we ignore some fluff: (defun signal (condition) (dolist (h *handlers*) (funcall handler)))
(funcall handler condition) *
CERROR is like ERROR, but it actually is possible to continue - it establishes a CONTINUE restart that you can select if you're brave enough
the handler may decline (i.e not handle the condition), or transfer the contorol
* phoe
steals that simplified DEFUN SIGNAL from jackdaniel
stuff like error and whatnot may be implemented as the last handler; in common lisp we deal with handler clusters (that's what I mean by extra fluff) and restarts (which are technically a debugger thing)
go ahead
...and with handlers having associated condition types (more extra fluff)
while error would be (defun error (c) (signal c) (internal-error "debugger malfunctions"))
and cerror being simply signal, when debugger declines, then we simply continue
and warn being (defun warn (c) (signal c) (format *error-output* ";; WARNING: ~A~%" c)), sans some fluff
cafe-latte/src/main/java/systems/raptor/cafe_latte/control_flow/tagbody at main · phoe/cafe-latte · GitHub
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treating blocks and tagbodies like objects, rather than compile-time constructs, is not efficient, but if you can express the logic *somewhere* then the rest of the condition system can follow
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technically tagbody labels and blocks are continuations, so
you know, just capture the stack :)
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