I want to overwrite a function but I want access to the original function and call that function in the new funciton. I tried doing it with a let form but the variable with the function is basically just calling the overwritten function, so how can I do it instead?
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dnhester26: I'm not exactly sure what you want ...
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If you have a function defined like (defun foo () 10) ... you can call it with (funcall 'foo), (funcall #'foo), and (funcall (symbol-function 'foo)).
If you take the result of (symbol-function 'foo) and save it away somewhere, you should still be able to call it after foo is redefined ...
with LET specifically, there might be some issues with when it gets evaluated, since DEFUN has compile-time side effects, but the LET isn't stored until the form is evaluated (so probably after compilation)
so would flet work instead? or how can I do it?
thanks for replying
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storing the old function in a global (defvar etc) should work as expected though
reb: thanks, my chat disconnected, I just caught up with the logs. I will try that. I was doing (let ((old #'foo)) (defun foo ...)), will try again, thanks!
flet would probably be worse, since you would probably just call the function by name inside the flet
ah, so just try defvar instead
will try it now
alternately, find something in the spec saying the LET should definitely see the old definition, and then convince your implementation to fix it :)
or maybe use (setf symbol-value) instead of defun
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actually, i guess DEFUN doesn't have to have copile-time side effects, so it would be the stuff about compilation blocks instead?
compilation units i mean
or maybe compile-file?
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no, the REPL gets sstuck in a loop, still didn't work
I did it with defvar and symbol-function, but still gets stuck in a loop :(
(defun foo ()1) (defparameter *foo* #'foo) (defun foo () (print (funcall *foo*))) works here
make sure you use #' and make sure you didn't have a bad definition of the function still from previous testing
thanks, will try again, weird that it didn't for me
maybe that's it
I have (defvar original-parse (symbol-function 'com.inuoe.jzon:parse))
and then `(funcall original-parse`
yeah, symbol-function should be fine
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hmm, possibly LET with SYMBOL-FUNCTION instead of FUNCTION / #' works too
hm, I'm doing symbol-function and defvar, why would that be different than let?
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defvar should work with either
let might have issues in some cases because it is in a single form
Ok, maybe I should just restart the REPL and try again tomorrow since it's late... if yours worked, then maybe my image is messed up, will try again tomorrow when I'm rested, thanks again for the help!
* |3b|
somewhat thinks LET not working with FUNCTION might be a bug in at least some cases though
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a bug in SBCL?
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ah, never expected I would run into a bug here, I just assumed it was a result of my own ignorance of CL
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Bugs happen all of the time when your code isn't particularly idiomatic!
That's why some people try to fuzz test
* |3b|
thinks it is reasonably idiomatic, just not very common
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|3b|: Well, in that particular case, it can be a regression in a particular thing that used to work, but nobody uses.
though possibly not the best way to do things, since you can't redefine the wrapper without recompiling the original
Someone has to report regressions, after all
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and also because sbcl's behavior is easier to argue in the case of COMPILE-FILE (at least i think that was the thing that might allow it, can't find in spec atm)
since it allows calling functions in the same file specially in ways that interfere with redefinition
which could arguably apply to an optimized (funcall (function ...) ..) as well
Not a _bug_ in that it complies with the spec, but it took (probably) several years (maybe up to 6) for me to notice a regression in SBCL's 2D bounds checking removal (or the lack thereof, even in the latest (2.5.1), in code that was written in an odd way specifically to remove these bounds checks, on (according to git blame) 2019-06-11).
(well, up to 5 < x < 6 years)
(although I probably wasn't on the latest-to-that-month version)
interesting, someone suggested I just avoid this redefinition altogether and just use my own function because of how unreliable the solutions seem to be, so I probably will do that and just change the places where I used that function
I'm also only on SBCL 2.4.9 I think
yeah, defining your own things is better in general
overwriting functions you don't control is bad style in general
imagine if other libs do that too... maybe you both 'fix' the same thing, and the fixes stack making it wrong again, or maybe they save and modify separately enough that it can overwrite your changes, etc so load order randomly breaks things
or maybe they 'fix' something you thought was already right
(and your 'fix' breaks what they thought was right)
|3b|: so it's "fine" in application code, but not in library code
sort of. at least better in application code
* |3b|
frequently runs multiple "applications" in one image
Yes, the REPL is basically the command line
With threads as processes
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It's actually kind of funny because you can get quite far in Common Lisp without bothering to solve nonessential problems such as "how do I launch this?"
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thanks. Hm, other things I did were also overwriting things because the library owner wouldn't accept a small change to allow for flexibility to customize the code for the users, so I hd made my own fork, but then I thought I may just make it into a library and overwrite the code there instead
So you think it's better to fork it than overwrite the code?
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yeah, a fork with a new package/system name is better than a library that changes behavior of some other library
or one that just exports new versions of functions and internally uses the old library
as long as people have to explicitly request the new behavior
which both avoids problems of it possibly breaking things for unrelated users of the original code, and avoids people accidentally depending on the new behavior if they happened to also load something unrelated that used the new lib
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