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Alexandia and serapeum contain most utilities you would want that didn't make it into the common lisp library. Like partition is in serappeum. So look in those first.
Is there some kinda netsplit going on or who are you replying to
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It was quite a while ago.
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ASDF question: I have a non-Lisp file X, and a Lisp file Y that parses contents of file X. Whenever file X is modified, I would like file Y to be reloaded when I call ASDF:LOAD-SYSTEM. How do I achieve this?
a :STATIC-FILE component doesn't achieve that
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I'm writing a commandline tool with sbcl. sbcl currently goes to the debugger on unexpected conditions. is there any way to, instead, attach emacs to it via slynk and continue the debugging session in emacs? I can certainly start slynk at program start up time, and connect when there's an error -- but I want to inspect the stack from within emacs now.
kanuba: ah, yes, :depends-on - I didn't realize I didn't have :serial t
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nvm -- I figured out how to list threads and start debugging one
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phoe: kanuba: i think that will also recompile (not just reload) Y when X changes. maybe that doesn't matter, though
scymtym: that is what I actually want
apologies for not being clear enough
phoe: i see. seems like the situation in spell with its dictionary text files, then. when i tested it, the suggested solution seems to work well in spell
scymtym: yes, it was me being silly - I didn't declare a dependency or :serial, so no reloading happened
it works on my machine too
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Shinmera: it did but there is another problem I'm looking into
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ERROR: There is no applicable method for the generic function #<STANDARD-GENERIC-FUNCTION ORG.SHIRAKUMO.REDIST:NEXT-VERSION (3)> when called with arguments (#<ORG.SHIRAKUMO.REDIST:DIST ORG.SHIRAKUMO.REDIST::MY-DIST http://my.public.url>).
oh. Hmmm, your dist isn't a timestamped dist.
hold on
I see it needs to be versioned by integer, date or timestamp
yeah. You should be able to just adjust the type in the dist/distinfo.lisp file
I'll fix it so the cmdline creates the proper thing from the start
I recommend timestamp btw
date has the issue that you can't release multiple times on the same day
and integer is a bit inscrutable
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err, should be adjusted in dist/distinfo/dist/1
Anyway, latest release automatically creates the proper dist type. Again, apologies for the bumpy ride.
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Shinmera that worked, thanks, very simple to use now
phew! :)
thanks for sticking with me
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The testing stuff is still... untested, unironically. And unfinished. Ultimately I'd like it to generate extensive reports and a way to view the history of tests and so on
Ultimately Redist should be able to provide the same feature set as what Xach offers with his own stuff (though sans github automation, I ain't boutta deal with that wahoo)
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Shinmera makes sense, that would be cool to have
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Shinmera: I note that you want redist to not have to load the ASDF system definitions. That means you have to assume no side-effects and have your own ASDF defsystem parser. QLOT tries to do this and it works poorly.
Have you thought of instead starting a new lisp process, loading the system into that process, harvesting out the information you need, and then shutting it down?
I've run it on the entire quicklisp ecosystem and it has worked remarkably well, in some cases even better than quicklisp itself.
(because quicklisp ignores features for platforms other than what it is run on, linux, thus missing deps that are for windows only, for instance)
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I have thought of that, of course, and I consider it a poor solution exactly because it misses out on stuff that's featured out.
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I had trouble with qlot because DEFSYSTEM-DEPENDS-ON does not work properly -- it does not handle extensions that add new attributes to system definitions.
I don't know what qlot does and frankly don't care
So there are cases where you MUST still use LOAD-SYSTEM in ASD files.
If you have an actual bug to report, let me know tho
OK. More just a warning based on experience with QLOT's code walker.
Again, I've tested this on literally the entire ql ecosystem, trying to make sure I match the output it produces exactly.
I can't test it on voodoo outside of ql, of course.
And personally don't really care too much about going to great lengths to support bastardised system definitions
The info I need from an ASD is very minimal anyway. I only need the depends-on and defsysem-depends-on.
Everything else I can skip
I'm off to sleep now (and holidays after), so take your time if you want to take redist for a spin.
OK! Have a good rest of your weekend!
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