jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/>
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<thuna`> Is there an IGNORABLE equivalent for unused FLET functions?
<thuna`> Ah, (IGNORABLE #'FUNCTION) apparently works
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<pillton> thuna`: If you use SLIME, you can quickly lookup the hyperspec for symbols using the Emacs function SLIME-DOCUMENTATION-LOOKUP which is bound to C-c C-d h.
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<pillton> thuna`: The hyperspec entry for the declaration IGNORABLE shows the syntax that it accepts.
<aeth> why didn't I guess C-c C-d h
<thuna`> pillton: I know, I thought to check the documentation of IGNORABLE only after I asked
<pillton> I only pointed out the keyboard shortcut because it isn't obvious.
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<pillton> ...but useful to know.
<thuna`> Hm, I thought PCL mentioned C-c C-d but it doesn't seem like it. I wonder where I learned about it from
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<thuna`> `C-c C-d ~' is my personal favorite
<pillton> I don't know why the prefix C-c C-d was chosen.
<thuna`> It is recommended practice for major modes to bind C-c C-<something>, so the chosen prefix was likely just C-d, with C-c added onto that by convention
<thuna`> (C-c C-h is reserved, so that's also unavailable)
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<kagevf> C-d would be for "document(ation)", no?
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<mange> I did not know about C-c C-d ~. You have just *measurably* improved my life.
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<Shinmera> New release: machine-state v1.2 https://shinmera.github.io/machine-state/ Several new functions have been added to query things like CPU utilisation, Network and Disk IO, etc.
<ixelp> Machine State
<Shinmera> Please consider supporting my continued work on Patreon: https://patreon.com/shinmera
<ixelp> Yukari Hafner | Creating Open Source Software, Art and Games | Patreon
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<Guest90> can i install machine-state via quicklisp?
<Shinmera> why ask when you can find out on your own?
<Guest90> I guess I won't bother with it then
<Shinmera> That's fine, I didn't write it for you
<Shinmera> Truely amazing that apparently typing (ql:quickload :machine-state) into the repl is too much effort. Lmao.
<Guest90> replying with a "yes" or "no" takes even less effort.
<Shinmera> I find it a bit offensive to be asked questions that folks could have figured out trivially on their own without disturbing anyone else.
<Guest90> that's a poor attitude for a developer.
<Shinmera> It's not about *my* effort. It's about *yours*
<Shinmera> Lmao
<beach> Guest90: Yes, but you are ignoring the time taken for the hundreds of people participating in this channel to read the exchange.
<Shinmera> I already expended my precious time developing software for free. I have absolutely zero obligation for indulging your sorry ass.
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<Guest90> Insulting people who may have been interested (past tense) in your project is simply dumb behavior.
<Shinmera> You using my project gains me nothing. Please understand this.
<Shinmera> This is not a grocery store.
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<Guest90> Me not supporting your Patreon also gains you nothing.
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<Shinmera> Mate I really don't think you would have supported my patreon anyhow
<Shinmera> If typing a commmand shorter than your question into a REPL is too much effort, I really don't think I could have gotten anything from you.
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<jackdaniel> as a chanop I feel obligued to ask you to stop; speak on query if you are that interested in insulting each other
<jackdaniel> (thanks <3,)
<Shinmera> Fair, my apologies for the derail
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<skin> Hi
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<younder> Gilbert you here?
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<younder> Been looking a part of Cuik called tilde. It is a SSA parser written in C. I will attempt to use that as a starting-point for a common lisp implementation. The thing is it is also a C compiler. Thought about your no-ffi library. Seems to me C the compiler front-end could also be ported..
<younder> Clearly Common Lisp has 'special needs' not met by a C compiler, but nothing is stopping me from leaving them in. Just a thought.
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<younder> s/SSA parser/SSA graph manipulations/
<younder> I call it 'Massa' A play on master and SSA. The Whole compiler I called clappers as in 'goes like the clappers' FYI Not everyone in onboard with English/American slang..
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<yitzi> younder: I'd recommend not using "Massa." https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/massa
<ixelp> Massa Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
<younder> Fine.. It is not written in stone.
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<bjorkint0sh> what about ssama?
<varjag> altman's gonna sue
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<aeth> younder: what operations do you need on SSA?
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<younder> aeth: for lack of anything better. Take a look at this https://github.com/RealNeGate/Cuik/issues/37
<ixelp> Linux target produces incorrect assembly for function calls with 5> parameters. · Issue #37 · RealNeGate/Cuik · GitHub
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<aeth> "STILL EARLY"
<aeth> "warning: unfinished and buggy..."
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<aeth> younder: I'm not sure what such a library offers over a CL SPIR-V generator since that has to have some form of SSA
<aeth> maybe it goes all of the way from SSA to asm, but surely that's not the hard part
<aeth> at least, if it's a buggy work-in-progress C library to compete with
<younder> The point it is still simple and fast. Since it is not a truthful replication anyhow, I'm fine with that. It's basically a good place to start.
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<aeth> I'm not sure how that is a good starting point
<aeth> C is just too different from CL
<edgar-rft_> C is only half of CL in case you haven't noticed
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<younder> If you want to understand working code start with something simple. When Apple set out to write a browser they first look to modify Firefox but made no headway. Then one of their developers started with Conkeror and this proved much more fruitful. Here LLVM is bloated after 20 years of use. This library is new and still simple. Also it uses SSA and is cross platform.
<younder> Luckily Common Lisp has classes and methods which simplifies the exposition. The C code is still OO though.
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<random-nick> you mean Konqueror? Conkeror was an emacs-y shell for firefox
<younder> yes, pardon my spelling
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<younder> By the way tilde has support for a dlsl compiler (SPIR-V) as well I could leave some of that support in as well.
<aeth> this isn't a web-browser-hard problem
<younder> Good I am no a team either.
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ColinRobinson is now known as JuanDaugherty
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