jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/>
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<mountainman1312> Howdy everyone. I just restarted my computer and tried to start sly again, and I'm getting this error log: https://0x0.st/8-UD.txt ... It seems to be related to quicklisp but I'm not understanding what exactly is causing it.
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<beach> It looks like your SBCL installation is strange.
<beach> Your /usr/local/lib/sbcl contains multiple files with the same code in them.
<beach> Maybe SBCL changed where it puts things from one release to the next, so that when you installed a new version of SBCL, the old files are still around. I am just guessing, though.
<beach> And the error at the end is because ASDF by default signals an error when there were warnings during compilation.
<beach> You can alter that by doing (setf asdf:*compile-file-failure-behaviour* :ignore) in your .sbclrc. Notice the UK spelling for behaviour.
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<beach> mountainman1312: Check the dates of (say) /usr/local/lib/sbcl/sb-aclrepl/sb-aclrepl.asd and /usr/local/lib/sbcl/contrib/sb-aclrepl.asd to see which one is newer.
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<beach> mountainman1312: Are you still here?
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<srji> \o/
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<beach> Hello srji.
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<mountainman1312> beach: sorry, I fell asleep over here in my chair, let me go looking now
<beach> I see.
<mountainman1312> It seems "cl-asdf" is in packages to be removed by "pkg autoremove"
<mountainman1312> That seems to have fixed it, sorry for the trouble haha
<mountainman1312> Something must have force updated it because my update script includes autoremove (shrug emoji)
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<beach> If the STRING argument is supplied to WITH-OUTPUT-TO-STRING, how does it turn the string into a stream that can be used for the output? I can't seem to find a standard operator to do that.
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<beach> I guess there is no standard operator or combination of standard operators for doing that.
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<phoe> you'd need a stream class that would vector-push-extend into the string; I don't think there's a standard stream class that does that
<beach> Yeah, I think I arrived at the same conclusion.
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<Inline> wth is going on here
<Inline> some channel like #java tells me my connection is intermittent, but it's not
<Inline> and i get banned from #c too
<decweb> They know you've been in the commonlisp channel and are jealous.
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<edgar-rft`> C is like Common Lisp, but only in the beginning
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<rootnode> the rest is "oh my mother on neptune, lisp is super powerful"
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<Shinmera> oh what I wouldn't give for being able to cast array contents to an object
<edgar-rft`> C crashed right after the start
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<mountainman1312> Do we do code reviews in this channel? Like someone post some code and then talk about why it sucks? Or is that considered something like spam?
<pranav> mountainman1312: Certainly wouldn't be considered spam if you post a link to a pastebin and express your intent.
<beach> mountainman1312: Absolutely!
<mountainman1312> Neato, code incoming then :)
<beach> mountainman1312: Use plaster.tymoon.eu
<mountainman1312> Okay followup question, would it be in bad taste to use links to my own git server?
<beach> I don't see a problem with it. As long as it is accessible.
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<mountainman1312> So, I'm just looking for general feedback about the lispyness of it, major mistakes, code smells. I'm like 2 weeks into learning CL and maybe spent 3 good long days on it. I'm doing Advent of Code challenges starting from the very first one. http://git.tgwil.net/Learn/aoc/tree/src/2015.02.01-first-attempt.lisp
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<beach> mountainman1312: It is best to create an ASDF system definition and put dependencies there, rather than having QUICKLOAD forms in the source.
<beach> mountainman1312: Top-level comments take 3 or 4 semicolons.
<mountainman1312> beach: would the section headers (e.g. ";;; Package Definition") be considered top-level comments?
<beach> mountainman1312: There is no need to use uppercase names for parameters.
<beach> mountainman1312: Anything outside of a top-level form is a top-level comment.
<beach> So, yes.
<beach> Same thing for constants, surrounding the name with ++ is enough. No need to make them uppercase.
<mountainman1312> Is it "bad" to do uppercase or just unneccessary? I just like doing it that way for no real reason, easier to spot them from a distance.
<tux0r> mountainman1312: using git is a bad taste :p ymmv
<mountainman1312> tux0r: is this humor or am I meeting my first svn user?
<tux0r> svn is much less annoying.
<mountainman1312> I've always had a tiny little urge to try it out but never did
<tux0r> life's too short for git
<beach> mountainman1312: If you study existing Common Lisp code, I think you will not find many uppercase names. And it is good to follow existing practice.
<tux0r> try it
<mountainman1312> beach: I will keep that in mind, thanks :)
<beach> mountainman1312: You shouldn't mix FIRST/SECOND... with CDR. Use REST instead of CDR if you are manipulating lists.
<mountainman1312> beach: ah okay why is that?
<mountainman1312> Just confusing?
<dcb> easier to read?
<beach> mountainman1312: CAR/CDR are used when you manipulate CONS cells as pairs. FIRST/REST are for lists.
<beach> mountainman1312: It has to do with giving hints to the person reading your code.
<mountainman1312> ohhhhh that's good info
<beach> mountainman1312: You want to make things as easy as possible for that person.
<beach> mountainman1312: One blank line between top-level things is enough. You don't want to waste precious vertical space.
<beach> mountainman1312: Plus, you are not even consistent, so the person reading the code is left to wonder whether there is any significance to the number of blank lines.
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<mountainman1312> I have a vague internal sense of what's related and belongs with 1 or 2 lines but you're right it's not a consistent system. Notice I also have 4 lines for "sections"
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<beach> mountainman1312: This might be for later, but I personally don't like to have the documentation strings inside the function, and instead I put them after the function, using (SETF DOCUMENTATION). Documentation strings are noise to the person reading the code, because they are meant for the user and not the maintainer. Additional information meant for the person reading the code should be in the form of comments.
<beach> mountainman1312: Documentation strings inside functions are particularly noisy when they have several lines and all lines but the first start in the leftmost column.
<beach> mountainman1312: You have a comment ";; Test correct answer" which is either superfluous, or else you should have similar comments for all of your top-level ASSERT forms.
<beach> mountainman1312: But aside from those remarks, the code looks reasonable to me, especially considering your relatively short experience with Common Lisp.
<mountainman1312> Thanks :) it's good to hear that it's mostly aesthetic problems. I'm going through and changing a bunch of it now
<mountainman1312> I'm curious about the (setf DOCUMENTATION) part, how's that work?
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<phoe> (setf (documentation ... 'function) "...")
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<mountainman1312> So something like this: https://0x0.st/8-kS.lisp
<dcb> I'm not a big fan of having docstrings separated from the function but I can see the appeal
<mountainman1312> I'll be honest I don't like the look of it, but I agree that multi-line docstrings also look bad
<jackdaniel> I think that docstrings should be one-liners anyway, as a short summary of what the function does. that way they don't clutter the source code and are useful for the person who reads the code and the person who uses the code
<jackdaniel> as of longer deliberations of what's going on, they should be put in a comment (for implementation specificities) and in a manual (for users)
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<mountainman1312> Fair point. Every docstring in the code I submitted above, the 2nd line is just saying "this function expects a list length of 3 as input", which I think should probably be done as an (assert (= x (list-length y))) instead of a docstring anyways.
<mountainman1312> oh I know... what if you put the (setf (documentation ...)) above the (defun)?
<mountainman1312> Then it reads almost like a docstring but still somewhat visually separate
<jackdaniel> I think that you should use whatever works best for you. it is not that the style is a religion or anything; if there were a single right way to do things then the language would force that
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<mountainman1312> I tried every combination I could think of and this is my favorite: https://0x0.st/8-kL.lisp
<jackdaniel> I personally don't see it as less cumbersome than putting the docstring in the function body
<mountainman1312> Since docstrings should be 1 liners, you're probably right
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<mountainman1312> Next question, are the (assert) tests alright being top-level forms completely separate from the thing they're testing, or should they be somewhere else that makes it more clear what they're testing?
<jackdaniel> asserts are not tests, they are encoding invariants; people often use testing frameworks and define unit tests in a separate system
<jackdaniel> and there are as many testing frameworks as there are lispers, that's a running joke in the ecosystem that everyone needs to write their own
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<mountainman1312> I'm still noob enough that I have no clue about testing methods outside of "send input into each function and see if the result is wrong"
<ixelp> Comparison of Common Lisp Testing Frameworks (28 Aug 2023 Edition)
<jackdaniel> well, that's how you usually write tests - yes
<jackdaniel> a popular name of the macro is IS, i.e (deftest xxx () (is (= (my-function 1 2 3) 42)))
<mountainman1312> So the asserts are more for the "this function takes a list of length=3 as input", instead of testing for correct output?
<jackdaniel> that's my take on the purpose of this operator, yes
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<mountainman1312> Since I'm trying to learn the language I guess I need to write my own testing stuff then
<mountainman1312> maybe jk, maybe not
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<aeth> I have never been able to one-liner a docstring
<aeth> For tests, I just use fiveam. It's the original. It probably won't break. It looks like it was mostly written 2002-2013. https://gitlab.common-lisp.net/fiveam/fiveam
<ixelp> fiveam / fiveam · GitLab
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<aeth> This is fine.
<aeth> I've had unit test frameworks that are supposed to be better than fiveam change over time so that when I come back to a project I haven't touched in > 5 years, I have to fix the unit tests before doing anything else. This isn't ideal.
<aeth> This is not obvious if you're just given a list of 30.
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<dcb> I like when the one-liner reads almost exactly as the function definition itself: (defun intersperse (sequence filler) "intersperse sequence with filler" ...)
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<aeth> dcb: you can fix that by providing two usage examples in the docstring
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<sturgeon> Hi there, IRC noob here.  I've been teaching myself common-lisp on sbcl for a few months now.  If I have a problem that needs a little code to explain it, what should I do?
<JuanDaugherty> use a pastebin
<JuanDaugherty> ppl will help
<sturgeon> Ah, ok, I've seen a link at the top, I will do that.  Thanks.
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<reb> sturgeon: Also, there's #clschool that's specifically for beginner questions about Common Lisp.
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