quick someone prove P = NP while it's unlogged
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P = NP // P/P = NP/P (P/=0) // 1 = N QED
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Shinmera: Yes, I see.
beach: will you be further pursuing any of your music notation projects
stylewarning: Clovetree is a long-term project, because I am so busy with SICL, but I haven't abandoned it.
Clovetree = Gsharp v2.
beach: do you play any musical instruments
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I used to. Not so much anymore. I have a keyboard hooked up to my computer.
A MIDI keyboard I mean.
Playing an instrument somewhat well requires hours of practice, perhaps not every day, but at least every week, just to maintain the level. I can't handle that.
beach: will you be attending ELS?
That's the plan, yes. You?
I'll bring the translator of Lisp in Small Pieces. If you bring your copy, she will sign it for you. :)
beach: tentative yes — and i'm scared i don't know the location of my LiSP book :(
it's buried in 1 of some 50 boxes
Ouch! You moved?
maybe she can sign my arm in permanent marker
So where do you live these days?
beach: between Los Angeles and Boston
I see. :)
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Beach: I am starting a sub-project of instruction fusion for SSE and AVX integration into that SICL compiler.
I mean 6000 instructions can't be ignored :)
Finding that elusive good pattern for OP generation might take some time, but I think it is worth it.
I mean most compilers for Lisp started in the 1980's or earlier and don't at a structural level take modern processor architecture into account.
So I have chosen to focus on Vector instructions and cache alignment. Secondary NUMA
I will keep you posted.
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I see. I'll read up later. I am very busy today; my favorite coauthor is coming over for lunch.
younder: CPS is not a replacement for SSA.
Shinmera: Is it just me getting a "Bad gateway" error, when I try to access the IRC logs on tymoon.eu?
younder: I much prefer the register-allocation algorithm that hayley implemented for the x86 backend. I thought I invented it, but apparently it has been published somewhere. I don't know the name of it, but it is based on the OPT algorithm for page replacement in operating systems.
beach: seems a extension of Cliff Click's approach to hotjava
That would make sense.
Then, a backend library for Common Lisp compilers should probably ultimately contain several algorithms for register allocation.
Anyway, I must go do some incremental cooking.
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I consider the register allocation algorithm a -done deal- we have already settled on it.
We are pretty much sacrificing size, and going for registry optimization to achieve java like speeds.
By massive inlining
Whether it works will depend on the cache alignment. Memory reads are slow compared to computation. I will give it some thought.
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beach: my server ran outta disk space and that killed the db
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was trapped in the cold at a motorcycle course until now so I couldn't fix it earlier
-trapped in the cold at a motorcycle course- that's a new one
Canadian women these days..
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hey all
is there a mechanism to provide a type conversion function, so that when a function (like for example concatenate) expects a char, but gets an integer, that it can automatically convert the integer to a char?
for example: (concatenate 'string (list #\a #\b) (vector 66))
Shinmera: Oh, I see.
so that it automatically calls code-char to make #\B out of 66?
The spec specifies the result not how it is achieved, but yes that sound about right.
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McParen: There is no such thing that could be specified by the user, but some functions take a "designator", and then the object is converted to the object it designates. No such thing for CONCATENATE, though.
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... and an integer is not a "character designator".
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,(concatenate 'string (list #\a #\b)
,(concatenate 'string (list #\a #\b))
=> "ab"
so #\a is what 97, but its to type character not of type integer
,(char-code #\a)
(char-code #\a) => 97
That's not specified by the standard, though.
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,(type-of (code-char #\a))
ERROR: The value #\a is not of the expected type (MOD 1114112).
,(type-of (char-code #\a))
=> (INTEGER 0 536870911)
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I stand corrected
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What type-of returns is also largely implementation specific.
In Unicode the first 128 characters as ASCII
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Why are you telling us that?
Cudos for being able to read the spec Beach. I mostly learn by '-fighting- the compiler. Before LispWorks now SBCL.
so you basically have to manually check (and convert) the elements before passing them to map, concatenate, etc.
McParen: Yes.
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Beach I was saying I know what the number is, just not how it is interpreted by the compiler type wise.
it would be nice to be able to specify "if you expect X but get Y, use Y-to-X".
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McParen: Yes, this is a major oversight by the people who wrote the standard.
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The behavior of 'coerce' is confusing to me
,(coerce #\a 'integer)
ERROR: #\a can't be coerced to type INTEGER.
In light of (type-of (code-char #\a)) above.
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So I concur the spec could be better.
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My remark was sarcastic.
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Well mine wasn't. You really need to know the type that is returned.
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clim has presentation translators for that
there may be many applicable, so there are priorities
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younder: COERCE is not user-programmable (sadly)
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just define a generic function convert
convert, equals, sxhashs
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and more;p
with default methods calling coerce, equal(p?) and sxhash
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(defun do-what-i-want () ) ; left as an exercise for the AI
emacs kinda already has this with gpt-dwim
since lisp is very prose-y it works pretty well too
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Call me old fashioned, but I prefer to write my code unsassisted. Slow and stumbeling though I might be at times..
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I have noted that CHAT GPT 4 is quite good at elisp code but I have never seen it used for Common Lisp.
Anyone here have any experience with that?
yeah I use it
it's pretty good but if you know better it's terrible
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I use it a lot for "generate these generic methods: generic-method-a generic-method-b ..."
I usually only ask for the outline
then I'll copy the defgenerics and ask "implement these methods given this class"
It's pretty cool, it works naturally like a repl
I think they call this "CHOP" chat oriented programming
It works very well with gpt.el in emacs
You can even send the entire contents of multiple buffers, so write your prompt in *scratch* like "Take all these files and integrate them into a single module"
very powerful.
gpt struggles with more advanced code. if you've read PAIP implementing a prolog interpreter/compiler with CPS is what I'm talking about. gpt struggles with that kind of "conceptual" stuff.
but since lisp is extremely prose-y it's really good for modeling real world data like "generate the SQL query for this structure" "generate the defclass that matches this SQL query" and so on
good data in => good data out
I do have the prooblem you describe though
If you rely heavily on GPT you can feel your skills atrophying
so I only use it when I'm stumped now or if it's really boiler plate
that's how our small internet civilization falls into slop :)
it's really good for writing tests too
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my blog was slop before AI lol
nice to know
iirc you can use gpt.el offline with ollama too
I haven't really worked with that too much but need to focus more on offline llms
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does anyone know whether methods can be specialized on structs? In SBCL this seems to work, but it this a standard behavior?
I thought methods only can be specialized on classes, neither types nor structs.
The type dispatch works on any type
defstruct makes a class if you don't specify :type
Well, any class, but classes are more than just CLOS
it is just a STRUCTURE-CLASS rather than STANDARD-CLASS
methods can only specialize on classes (and EQL), but structs and some other types are also classes
so in general, methods can specialize on structs.
does this go further, can classes be inherit from structs?
ok, seems not to work, defclass doesnt accept structure-class.
structure-classes defined with defstruct sort of can :)
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don't think defclass can though
common lisp is so weird and inconsistent (still great though).
with MOP and custom metaclasses it gets a bit more ambiguous, you could probably make something that looked like it did, but then you would start arguing definitions and probably better to just treat it as something else
It's consistent, it's just the definitions are a bit different from other languages
At least it's consistent *here*
how is it consistent to have standard-class and stucture-class which are incompatible to each other?
you can't inherit from INTEGER or LIST classes with DEFCLASS either
or any number of other classes
it consistently defines a class hierarchy, and assigns properties to some branches of that tree
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McParen: what do you mean by "consistent"?
not everything can inherit from one another, if that's what you mean
for performance reasons (and history, compatibility, etc) it split user-defined composite data structures into STANDARD-CLASS and STRUCTURE-CLASS, which behave differently
if they were interchangeable, you wouldn't need both
if it were made 20 years later, it might not have made that decision, but it is probably reasonable for the time, and people do still use both options
phoe: i was just answering boigahs comment that it is consistent. defclass being unable to inherit from structs but methods being able to specialize on structs is inconsistent.
you are assuming methods are subsidiary to defclass, which is wrong in CL
methods consistently work on all classes, even those outside the DEFCLASS subtree
yes, i am actually positively surprised that specializing on structs works, i assumed that it did not.
though i guess you could argue "integers are full classes you can subclass" would be more consistent, it tends to not work well in practice
and then you end up with some integers you can subclass and some you can't, which is even more confusing
because doing full class dispatch on every iteration to increment your loop counter is not fun
"oops, the loop bound was a lunar-int, which always compares false on days with a full moon, maybe the loop will terminate tomorrow" :p
Bubblegumdrop: boilerplate shouldn't really exist in Lisp and the APIs are too obscure (or you may be writing them!) to be in the training data (although it may hallucinate a good API to implement)
Bubblegumdrop: tests? now that's a use that might make sense
|3b|: This is one sense where an older language is better than a newer language... In an older language like CL, it had to run on the machines of the time, which are slower than today's smart toasters. In a newer language, they would have gone with consistency over performance and might have gone too far, especially in the mid '90s through the '00s when it looked like Moore's law would solve all software
aeth you can even ask it to come up with weird fringe cases which I find it's very goood at
|3b|: So CL has a lot of "free" performance at the expense of some inconsistency.
Although in theory, a JIT could do similar, just at the expense of making only roughly two independent implementations viable due to all of the extra effort.
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