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Clojure has these functions: `partition', `take', and `drop'. Are there equivalents built into Common Lisp? I am running SBCL.
I think that it would be more useful if you had described what they do
probably: take is remove-if-not and drop is remove-if
while partition, um, remove-duplicates? probably not
take returns the first n elements of a sequence. drop removes the first n elements of a sequence, returning the rest.
SUBSEQ with start and end arguments <-
partition breaks a sequence into smaller sequences of length n. Option step. Not specified, step is the same as n. Step tells how many elements to drop before returning the next sub-sequence.
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I don't think that there's something built-in (but perhaps there is)
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yeah i don't think there's anything by default for partition in CL. i wrote my own (and partition-by) since they're both pretty handy:
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nthcdr works for drop.
i could've sworn i found them in some lib somewhere (at least partition) but wasn't able to find them again when i needed them
ah yeah
Yes, serapeum
ah serapeum partition seems like clojure partition-by and batches is partition
i swear i checked serapeum but i guess i can't read
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serapeum seems to fit the bill for take and drop. Now I have to remember the name of that package. partition is different from the Clojure one. But, can write it in terms of take & drop.
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Can anyone comment on the current state of the art for building a Quicklisp dist? I tried but it doesn't seem to work, it doesn't build the sources/ and releases/ directories as described and even with the -v flag it shows no output when compiling
GitHub - Shirakumo/redist: A project to handle the creation of Quicklisp dists
I use it and it works
(big surprise)
Ok, when I do ./redist compile -v it's supposed to print some output, right?
if there's any projects and dists, sure
if not, there's nothing to do
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Yeah I added a dist and a couple projects inside it, when I added the projects it printed some output that looked right
Maybe it's because I was doing it on an M-series Mac
I doubt the m-series matters, but mac probably does
I'll try on Linux then
does `redist list projects` show anything?
Let's see
I'm honestly scratching my head a bit at what could be going wrong, I don't remember it using much of anything that should be platform dependent
Nope, it comes back blank
right, so, the storage is messed up
Also, before doing sbcl --eval '(asdf:make :redist)' I found I had to manually install the sqlite package
Should I quickload the redist/sqlite package?
it already does that when you build a bin
otherwise it wouldn't need sqlit
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I'll try it on Linux now
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Oh yeah, also ran into this: Symbol "EMPTY-DIRECTORY-P" not found in the ORG.SHIRAKUMO.FILESYSTEM-UTILS package
then you're out of date.
I fixed it by using (not (filesystem-utils:list-files ...))
Ok, need to update the QL dist
Anyway, I'm not the only one using redist
So it's not just a case of me having a particular setup.
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I would like it to just work on macs (and windowses and bsds and whathaveyous) too, I just don't have the capacity anymore to make my stuff work on everyone else's systems that I don't use
So I'll have to hand wave and say "I'm waiting for PRs"
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I understand, I just tried on a Linux box and had the same issue -- but as you said, the system's QL dist is out of date
I'll try on another updated box
does it not even create a ~/dist/ directory or anything?
The files are going somewhere it seems: when I do ./redist add ... it gives a message saying ; Cloning from GIT ...
Then if I try cloning the same repo it does nothing, gives no message -- becuase it knows those files have already been cloned
However, there is no ./sources directory. I also tried setting DIST_SOURCE_DIR=/tmp/sources but that didn't work either
did you create a dist before adding projects?