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Howdy everyone. Got a weird thing going on, too noob to know if it's normal or not. I have a defconstant that's giving a "... is being redefined" error. This is happening when I first open a new REPL and it's the first thing I do after doing "in-package :xyz". Does SBCL keep some stuff around that I'm not aware of, even after killing the REPL and starting an entirely new one from scratch?
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No, it does not.
mountainman1312: It may be that you define it in more than one place, or that you execute that definition more than once.
mountainman1312: What is the constant you are defining?
It happens when I first open sly in a fresh Emacs after a PC restart, that's what's got me all weirded out about it
You must do something before the DEFCONSTANT so that the package is created. What is it that you do to make that happen?
Just a simple (defpackage :xyz (:use #:common-lisp)) and (in-package :xyz)
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The very next thing is (defconstant +PUZZLE-INPUT-FILE+ "~/proj/Learn/aoc/src/2015.01._PUZZLE-INPUT.txt")
That's very strange. The only thing I can think of is if you have something in your .sbclrc that defines that constant.
Is the package really named "XYZ"?
No, the package name is "2015-01-02-more-lispy-this-time"
Iirc, use alexandria:define-constant for sequences. Because you can define a test. Which for strings would be #'string=
aeth: That's not the problem right now.
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mountainman1312: Hold on, is the package named "2015-01-02-more-lispy-this-time" or "2015-01-02-MORE-LISPY-THIS-TIME"?
I bet the latter.
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mountainman1312: OK, so what if you start your imagine and not do the DEFPACKAGE, and instead (FIND-PACKAGE <the-name-of-your-package>)? What happens then?
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Okay, I just killed every Emacs buffer with "sly" in the name... New sly...
I get NIL
That's normal, but doesn't give us any clue to the problem.
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mountainman1312: Does the same thing happen no matter what name you give to your package?
beach: Yes. I just attempted it in a new package: (defpackage "testing-weird-stuff" (:use #:common-lisp))... I still get the same error.
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That sounds like an SBCL problem then.
Is it possible that killing all the sly-related buffers in Emacs isn't actually killing SBCL?
I don't think that's possible. But even if it were, that doesn't explain the issue.
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If you define a totally new package with a totally new name, then you should be able to do a DEFCONSTANT in that package.
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Also, I just checked and the constant is not defined in the base-level package "CL-USER>" prompt on the REPL either
mountainman1312: What if you start SBCL from the command line and do the same thing?
... i.e., no Sly.
Works just fine
So weird
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Then Sly is messing things up somehow. I don't use Sly, so I can't help with that.
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My uneducated guess is that sly is evaluating the buffer I'm in when I start sly?
That can't be possible if FIND-PACKAGE returns NIL.
But I've noticed that C-c doesn't work on the (in-package ...) bit so perhaps +PUZZLE-INPUT-FILE+ is actually being defined in the base package?
What is "the base package"?
Whatever it puts you in when you start the REPL... For me it says "CL-USER>"
You can test that as follows: Before doing DEFCONSTANT, do an (APROPOS "puzzle-input-file").
beach: that returned "; No values"... I also did (describe +PUZZLE-INPUT-FILE+) and it gave an error saying it's unbound.
I did it again after defining the package and doing (in-package), still unbound
mountainman1312: Maybe share the entire file here so someone can test if it is the code or your setup that's causing this?
Is there a special way to share files or just dump it?
mountainman1312, do not dump it here directly, please. Use a paste service.
Jeez I know these things, sorry I'm in a frazzle over this haha
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Wow what happened to all the decent file hosting services? Got any recommendations, all the ones I can find want me to give them power of attourney
Ah nvm, I found one
mountainman1312, there's on in the topic.
mountainman1312: Then, the only thing I can think of is that Sly somehow evaluates the DEFCONSTANT form twice.
phoe: The problem is that the constant is reported to being redefined even the first time the DEFCONSTANT is evaluated, and only in Sly, not with SBCL at the command line.
killing all buffers with "sly" in its name might not be enough, also kill the inferior-lisp buffer
or just M-x sly-restart-inferior-lisp
phoe: Pleas read up. All that has been tried.
phoe: trying M-x sly-restart-inferior-lisp now, just to be sure
The image must be fresh if FIND-PACKAGE returns NIL.
mountainman1312: So what if, instead of doing DEFCONSTANT, you do something like (eval (list 'defconstant '+PUZZLE-INPUT-FILE+ ".."))?
I am able to replicate it. Just copied the file over, started sly, evaluated package-def and defconstant forms (L:8 and L:19), and get same error as mountainman1312 So it is not your setup.
bitspook: That's good information.
mountainman1312: I am working under the hypothesis that Sly somehow recognizes the DEFCONSTANT form and makes SBCL evaluate it twice.
Ah the plot thickens :) let me try opening sly without this file open at all
Problem does not occur if I interpret the defconstant form with `C-x C-e`. It occurs only on compile with `C-c C-c`
I am using `sly-retart-inferior-lisp` to reset things.
Oh, hold on.... I thought it was evaluated at the REPL and not by C-c C-c.
That changes everything.
beach: well, I've been trying it both ways because I knew there could be a difference. For me it happens even when entering everything directly into the sly REPL
Package definition has nothign to do with it. Even in CL-USER behavior is same. Interpreting works, compilation don't. Is this documented behavior? I've never really used `defconstant' before.
bitspook: It must be the case that the form is first compiled and then executed. Then the DEFCONSTANT will be evaluated twice.
mountainman1312: Did you try the (EVAL...) test?
bitspook: Or you.
> For me it happens even when entering everything directly into the sly REPL
mountainman1312: I can't replicate this in any combination. It fails only when I try to compile the form.
I'm not sure about the (EVAL...) test, however I just tried opening sly without any .lisp files open, and now it works as expected, no errors.
If I wrap `defconstant' form in `(eval-when (:compile-toplevel) ...)', it compiles just fine. But only once of course, trying to recompile gives same error.
So should we just chalk this up to "C-c C-c is weird with defconstants"?
mountainman1312: How can that be the case if you get the error when you evaluate the DEFCONSTANTS at the REPL?
Oh yeah...
But bitspook can't replicate that problem.
mountainman1312: Can you try executing `sly-restart-inferior-lisp' and copy-paste just the `defconstant` form to REPL and see if it still fails?
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one moment...
No, does not fail
I think you'll observe same behavior if you run `sly-restart-inferior-lisp' again and try `C-x C-e' on the form.
Yes, it works perfectly fine that way
So conclusion so far: in an empty lisp environment, this problem occurs only when we try to compile the form with `C-c C-c' of Sly. And does not occur if we wrap the form in `(eval-when (:compile-toplevel) ...)'.
C-c C-c is sly-compile-defun for me, and C-x C-e is sly-eval-last-expression
Thanks for the help everyone :)
Same for me. I think these are the default.
I'm not entirely sure if this means there's an issue or if I was just using the wrong keybind
btw forcing evaluation instead of compilation by simply wrapping defconstant form in `(eval ...)' also works.
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Loading my system via ASDF gives me a runtime error "The value 47172871258001024 is not of type VECTOR
When loading a specific file via swank manually (does a CL:LOAD, I guess), it works fine.
ASDF is defined with :SERIAL T, and later files don't define macros or redefine functions.
Can anybody offer ideas how to debug that?
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hmmm, assembly output of the offending function is identical for both cases (apart from start address)
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"(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) ...)" isn't run on LOAD
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what an oddly long backlog
flip214: What if you comment out the components in the system definition beyond the one that contains your function, and then load the system via ASDF?
flip214: stalled fasls
to be sure rm -rf ~/.slime/fasl ~/.cache/common-lisp
a fasl file compiled with a different version of the compiler (i.e sbcl-1.4.0 vs sbcl-1.5.0)
the source file does not change, but the fasl is not compatible (i.e some kind of offset changes). that's a guess of course
but I've seen similar errors caused by exactly such happening
in theory asdf should recognize it and recompile file, but it does not always happen, and there's also slime offender who caches its own fasls without any particlar protections against versioning
does it answer your question?
(and asdf won't recognize that the compiler changed when you have multiple different builds of the compiler with the same version)
but i.e varying configuration flags -- threads vs no threads etc
I think we usually use the term "stale" for that.
I'm sure you could have figured it out, but yes, that's what I've meant
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jackdaniel: it's reproducible -- so ASDF, broken, LOAD, working.
beach: thanks, might help
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and did you try to compile-file, and then in fresh image load the result?
hmmm, it's enough to recompile just the one offending function via swank... no LOAD of the whole file required
as soon as ASDF recompiles that file it gets broken
but dropping one file that is macro-heavy (and I'd have suspected as offender) from asdf isn't enough
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ah, when using sb-disassem:disassemble-fun there are differences
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please help is there pjb around? Thanks!
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Posterdati: nope. if you need to contact him he's "informatimago" on github.
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bike: ok, thanks!
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Anyone know a quick easy way to get the 2 lowest of 3 numbers? I can think up a big defun about it but I'm expecting there's already a function for that sort of thing?
Or rather, the X lowest of Y numbers
I'd probably cl:remove the a:extremum
sort the sequence and take the first couple elements
there's no built in partial sort, though
or cdr the sor— yes what bike said
oh yeah, forgot about sorting :)
would this be also acceptable? (let ((x '(2 1 3))) (remove (apply #'max x) x))
what would be the result when several numbers are equal?
hmm, good question ... maybe (remove (apply #'max x) x :count 1)) to ensure the result contains a list with 2 elements (for x being a 3 element list)
another questions is how would Lisp be able to identify the lowest 2 of a vertical row of numbers? :-)
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depends on which approach you choose: top-down or bottom-up :)
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