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srji: This mechanism also simplifies the code when you might otherwise evaluate some code twice. Consider (push 234 (car (f x))).
Without this mechanism, you might write (set-car (f x) (cons 234 (f x))), but then you would evaluate (f x) twice which is not desirable. So you would have to write (let ((mumble (f x))) (set-car mumble (cons 234 mumble))).
With this mechanism, you can write (push 234 (car (f x))) and the system takes care of evaluating (f x) just once.
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srji: You can check this by looking at the macro expansion of the expression above: ,(macroexpand-1 '(push 234 (car (f x))))
I wonder if most any Lisp program could be reduced to a single horrific PROG. :D
That's be one hell of a compiler to write. :P
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I wrote a brainfuck to common lisp compiler that turned programs into a single horrific tagbody. Does that count?
(sbcl would die horribly when trying to compile anything non-trivial)
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shawnw, I think that's on PAR. :)
tagbody? odd... brainfuck really isn't a language with GOTOs, which is one of the reasons why it's so difficult (probably best to turn it into a stack or register machine by bringing the whole world with you as you move down the tape, but it's not free)
seems to more naturaly map to AREFs and storing a current index into that AREF
s/the whole world/the whole stack or register set/
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bf totally has gotos - all the jumps forward and backward.
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no, those are positions on the mutable tape, which are probably best seen as INCF/DECF in CL
typically with a MOD wraparound so not quite as simple (you'd really want an e.g. INCF-MOD)
and so don't really map cleanly to a tagbody because you never have an absolute address like a GOTO, including a GO in CL
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>>>> isn't (go 3) or (go 4) depending on 0-based or not... it's advance 4 from your relative position, whose absolute position you'll never know unless you find a way to track it (and you have to store it somehow! and bring it with you since you can only move relatively!)... and even if it was a goto, how do you mutate the contents that that goto returns? Recompile the form? That really would count as a
horrible compilation, but CL lets you do it, I guess
I'm having a bit of trouble modularizing part of my code. I think it has something do do with LOOP's expansion.
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I'll post on pastebin if anyone can give me a second set of eyes.
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I don't like my monolithic infix-to-RPN function so I was trying to break out sections 101 and 114. However when I abstract them into accessory functions they act different.
;;;; shunting.lisp(in-package #:shunting);; wikipedia https://en.wikiped -
I get extra operators which is odd.
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I wonder if it's due to the way LOOP expands...
aeth, but the program isn't mutable.
So, if you keep the data pointer, you could translate [ and ] to branch to corresponding tag if 0.
... that is, assigning tags to each [ and ].
Oh, this isn't the cafe. Sorry.
Alfr: oh, GOTOs on the []s... well, yes, that's trivial from the fact that CL (probably; I don't think it's mandated) implements iteration that way, whether you do it directly or not
although you could do tail recursion
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Oh, it had lots of incf/decf calls too.
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You can work out the locations of all jumps in bf ahead of time. They're absolutely absolute.
It's not a self-modifying language and doesn't have computed jumps, just conditional ones.
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(Never did get around to optimizing runs of +/- into a single addition/subtraction. That would shrink the size of a compiled program considerably)
the problem with implementing Brainfuck is that you could optimize it all day, and then write clever programs on top of it, especially with extensions, etc,. etc., and yet at the end of the day, it is very time consuming time that probably should be spent on more useful CL libraries
at least, that's why I stopped dabbling in it
Eh, it's fun.
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same reason I avoid programming puzzles e.g. Advent of Code and Project Euler
Those are also fun. Until they're not.
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usually winds up with writing a library to solve particular types of problems faster
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