jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/>
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<mmontone> Hello. I'm looking for a macro that lets me dispatch based on regular expression, creating bindings in the process.
<Colleen> mmontone: phoe said at 2024.12.27 08:58:53: you got the order wrong, SIGNAL/ERROR goes through condition handlers first, only then it invokes the debugger, from where the restart can be selected. You can possibly invoke a restart from a handler, but I don't yet know enough of your program logic to see if that's feasible for you
<mmontone> I mean, something like case, but using regular expressions for the cases.
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<jackdaniel> mmontone: trivia has ppcre extension
<mmontone> I'll have a look. Thanks.
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<jackdaniel> how is mold desktop progressing? (feel free to brag :)
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<mmontone> the trivia ppcre works perfect
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<mmontone> about mold desktop .. well, the "problem" I have is that it is infinite .. it is an applications platform, so I could go to anywhere and I tend to disperse
<mmontone> and I have lots of ideas
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<mmontone> I would like to stabilize it, document it better and provide some working and usable applications
<mmontone> like a bookmarks manager and a RSS feed reader
<mmontone> but for the moment, I'm trying to prototype another idea I have: remote objects and commands via HTTP
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<mmontone> the idea being, instead of delivering web pages via HTTP, remote services deliver objects, views and commands, via HTTP
<jackdaniel> oh, I have something in this spirit; where POST is technically execute-command and GET is display
<mmontone> so you should be able to implement some applications in language agnostic way
<mmontone> yes
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<mmontone> I would like to prototype that, then document and stabilize some apps
<mmontone> that would be my current way forward
<jackdaniel> you should make some blog posts from time to time about it (imho)
<mmontone> I should, but writing is not easy for me, writing well, I mean
<jackdaniel> for once it will probably help you focus by serializing the ideas, and as a second benefit is more people knowing about the project
<mmontone> I was considering some ChatGPT service that helped me with documentation
<mmontone> you are right, yes
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<jackdaniel> well, in any case keep up good work :) /me needs to go afk now
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<mmontone> I'll try :) see ya
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<rainthree> gilberth: "I moved away from that and would have a function called "$" to make HTML nodes. Like ($ :p "See " ($ :a :href ...) ...) and another called @ for splicing." is this the latest code? http://bauhh.dyndns.org:8000/gilbert/html.tar.gz I'd like to give $ and @ a try. https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp?around=1730976554#1730976554 spinneret
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<smlckz> What is the rationale behind having a property list for each symbol?
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<phoe> back in the way, when you needed some means of associating key-value properties with symbols, the symbol-plist was the way to go
<phoe> I'd say nowadays hashtables are more commonly used, and they're not tightly coupled to symbols
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