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Good evening everyonde
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(loop for i in '(1 2 3) for j from 1 finally (return j)) ;=> 3 in CCL & SBCL ;=> 4 in CLISP & EMACS
are both ok?
Seems exit tests happen ASAP in CCL & SBCL but are deferred in CLISP & EMACS.
I.e., the former do update1, test1, update2, test2, ...
but the latter do update1, update2, test1, test2, ...
;; in other news, резидент вернулся
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MIT loop implementations are non-conforming according to beach's paper, giving that specific comformance issue as one example: http://metamodular.com/SICL/loop.pdf
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The following fails on my sbcl 2.4.10 with "WARNING: unrecognized declaration (SB-EXT:GLOBAL 'FOO)": (locally (declare (sb-ext:global 'foo))). It should work though? Can someone test on this version to remove my setup from the equation, and on a different version to see if it's specific to this one?
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simendsjo: From Section 6.4 of the SBCL Manual it says that SB-EXT:GLOBAL is "Only valid as a global proclamation". I'm guessing this means that it is only valid to use a SB-EXT:GLOBAL declaration inside PROCLAIM or DECLAIM forms.
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Thanks. My reduction of the problem is wrong then. But I encounter this in a codebase where the author does not.
Fixed SBCL compilation warning in HOOK-UP and UNHOOK; refs #9 (683c1a4c) · Commits · Andrew Kravchuk / cl-fast-ecs · Git [...]
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beach: The SSA optimize for SICL has been named Clappers. There are also sub components for a debugger (Clover) and a garbage collector (Clash): It is based on the compiler framework Cleavir and uses the global environment Clostrom the reader Eclector.
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I see. Where is all this located?
And why are you working on a garbage collector?
What kind of debugger is Clover?
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Clappers is on https://github.com/jthing/Clappers. The others are local for now as they are just placeholders. I'll need them for testing later on.
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younder: when you say Cleavir, do you mean the old Cleavir in SICL's source tree, or clasp's Cleavir 2 which is in the git repository called Cleavir?
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(loop for i in '(1 2 3) for j from 1 finally (return j)) ;=> 3 in CCL, SBCL & ZetaLisp ;=> 4 in CLISP & EMACS
Does anyone think the spec has anything to say about this?
Devon: I did, tl;dr the value of the iteration variable is undefined at the end of the loop
it's allowed to be stepped or unstepped at the end
Where does the spec say so?
nowhere does it say what is the value of the iteration variable in the loop epilogue
Devon: Did you see kanuba's answer to you?
No, where could I see it?
In the logs I guess. kanuba remarked on this the last time you brought it up.
ah, found it
That said, I don't remember where in the standard it says that the loop variable can't go beyond its last value.
I think the last paragraph of might be it.
Based on the SPEC, it seems that if a generic function has only an around method, but not a primary method, then such invocation would still call the around method, and signal an error <no primar method>.
However, that's not the case of SBCL. I do see the error, but the side-effect of that around method isn't performed at all.
it's not clear from that page, but no, the error has to be signaled while constructing the effective method, i.e. before any methods are actually called.
"In standard method combination, if there is an applicable method but no applicable primary method, an error is signaled." ?
bike, specifically, I'm looking at the description:
"* If there are any around methods, the most specific around method is called. It supplies the value or values of the generic function."
yeah. i mean, ideally it might say "an error is signaled during" or "before" or something
This is the first step in the semantics.
no, the first step is constructing the effective method. this page is just telling you what that effective method does.
Got it. It'd indeed be nicer if it specifies it more clearly after " In standard method combination, if there is an applicable method but no applicable primary method, an error is signaled."
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