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<tux0r> curious: what is the correct lQuery expression to get a website's favicon from a parsed lQuery object? "link[rel=icon]" does not seem to work.
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<Bubblegumdrop> tux0r I came up with (lquery:$ *doc* "head" "link[rel='icon']")
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<tux0r> Bubblegumdrop: ah, i'll need to traverse down to where <link> is?
<Bubblegumdrop> seems to be the case
<Bubblegumdrop> If you look at the doc for $ it takes a series of &body actions
<ixelp> Lquery
<Bubblegumdrop> so if you want to go "down" you can just specify where
<Bubblegumdrop> "body" "div" "p"
<Bubblegumdrop> pranav im 40 seconds into this video and mind=blown
<Bubblegumdrop> thannks
<tux0r> oh. that would explain it. thank you.
<tux0r> works!
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<Devon> Good evening everyonde
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<Devon> (loop for i in '(1 2 3) for j from 1 finally (return j)) ;=> 3 in CCL & SBCL ;=> 4 in CLISP & EMACS
<Devon> are both ok?
<Devon> Seems exit tests happen ASAP in CCL & SBCL but are deferred in CLISP & EMACS.
<Devon> I.e., the former do update1, test1, update2, test2, ...
<Devon> but the latter do update1, update2, test1, test2, ...
<Devon> ;; in other news, резидент вернулся
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<kanuba> MIT loop implementations are non-conforming according to beach's paper, giving that specific comformance issue as one example: http://metamodular.com/SICL/loop.pdf
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<simendsjo> The following fails on my sbcl 2.4.10 with "WARNING: unrecognized declaration (SB-EXT:GLOBAL 'FOO)": (locally (declare (sb-ext:global 'foo))). It should work though? Can someone test on this version to remove my setup from the equation, and on a different version to see if it's specific to this one?
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