(gethash) tells me it isn't a hashtable. (car) tells me it's not a list.
it looks like a list of two hashtables?
it looks like a list of two hash tables
it looks like a list of a vector of two hash tables
(...) list #(...) vector #<HASH-TABLE ...> hash table
how do I get elements from a vector? I thought (car)
also e.g. SVREF, but these are useless, because you'd need to know which vector subtype
oh, and you can play with print-object via defmethod so it's possible that what it looks like isn't the case
they're not supposed to do that, of course.
what would have mangled print-object??
anything could have made a class/struct, defined a custom print-object on it, and forgotten to include a name at the start making the object look like a list of a vector of two hash tables without it actually being a list (so CAR wouldn't work on it)
However, that would only be a possibility if CAR wasn't working on the initial value
CAR (or CAAR) wouldn't work on the contents that you obtain via CAR because #(...) is (or at least should be) a literal vector
I can't get anything to work on it.
what is the type-of
(vector-pop *mungeddata*) (car *mungeddata*) both fail.
(pprint *mungeddata*) also.
okay, (elt) works.
I get what happened. I'm using jzon. I passed it a nested json structure. It put the outter into one hash, then the second into another, and put both into a vector.
#<HASH-TABLE :TEST EQUAL :COUNT 2 {1003867C33}>)) is not an array with a fill pointer.
There you go.
I guess I need to use loop to iterate over the vector?
BrokenCog: First of all, you have a list with a single element in it, and that element is a vector. But the vector has only two elements, so you can access them directly without a loop, unless you expect more elements in the future.
BrokenCog: These are very basic questions. Perhaps you would like to join #clschool where people hang out in order to answer basic questions.
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I have a file in my project that includes side-effects during loading. However, I've noticed that if the file hasn't been modified, SBCL appears to load definitions from cached compiled files (even in a new session), which skips the desired side-effects. How can I ensure that SBCL always loads the file fully and executes its side-effects every time? Should I put EVAL-WHEN (load-time) for each top-level form in that file?
Top-level forms are evaluated even when the cached FASL file is loaded.
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That is weird..
You can try this out easily by creating a file containing (say) (PRINT "hello"), and then first load it and then compile it and loading the FASL.
I'm not using #'load, but #'asdf:load-system. Could that be why?
Sure. It will load only modified files and files that depend on those modified files.
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I see! So it's my misusing asdf.
It seems so, yes.
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Thanks! I overcame this by using (asdf:load-system "paren" :force t).
Sounds good.
just wrap it in eval-when
varjag: What? Wrap what in eval-when?
varjag, that didn't work for me as, I believe, asdf just skips the whole file while there's no file change.
varjag: We just went through a long conversation that figured out the problem.
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but it still loads the fasl, or do i misunderstand something?
The latter. ASDF compiles the source and loads the FASL only if the file has been modified, or if the file depends on a file that has been modified.
That's what ASDF does; it handles dependencies. Otherwise, you could just always load everything.
oh, so reloading it in the same image
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Yes, but even so, wrapping a top-level form in EVAL-WHEN wouldn't help.
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i mean :load-toplevel would do just that, even if the file wasn't rebuilt as long as it is loaded
so it's fine e.g. for builds
not so much for interactive case here
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Like I said, top-level forms are evaluated anyway. So EVAL-WHEN won't change anything.
I even gave a very simple way of checking that this is the case.
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varjag: Does that make sense?
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* beach
guesses maybe not.
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if i hadn't knew better i'd read that as an unnecessary snark
beach: i read the q as them wanting to execute the form at load time specifically (not compile time)
hence eval-when
something that i have in my builds in certain places
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anyway you are right and i just misread
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And yes, the desire was to evaluate the forms at load time, which will happen for all top-level forms without wrapping.
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I am almost done with the Futhark library: https://github.com/robert-strandh/Futhark I have two documentation strings left and one compiler macro. Any remarks or questions are welcome.
GitHub - robert-strandh/Futhark: Implementation of the Common Lisp Strings dictionary
And if someone would like to fill in those documentation strings or the compiler macro, feel free. Just try to follow the style in the rest of the code as much as possible.
One thing I think I should change is that I should not proclaim the -CORE functions NOTINLINE after definition. Someone who wants the standard function inline would expect the body of it to contain the essential code.
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I get how load-time-value does the trick. But.. I wonder whether GC would clear that value out, as no variable is really pointing to it? https://paste.debian.net/1342981/
debian Pastezone
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basicnpc: If the GC is doing its job, it will eventually collect anything that is not referenced.
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So, as long as #'test-function is not GC'd, is it the case that that value is referenced by the local variable in the function?
the load time value cons is referenced from the function, so it won't be GCed
(and therefore not GC'd?)
basicnpc: That code means that the form (CONS 0 NIL) is evaluated at load time.
the whole point of GC is that it's automatic. if the GC collects something you can access in any way, the GC is buggy (excepting deliberate GC subtleties like weak pointers)
Seems that the standard didn't specify anything about GC. Interesting.
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beach: which function missed a compiler macro in Futhark?
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I guess that would be MAKE-STRING
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beach: So I've opened PR on GitHub, hope that's would you'd expect
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::notify basicnpc in order to make a cl-style condition system in any language, you need dynamic binding (if you have any equivalent of unwind-protect, you can implement them yourself), non-local returns (throwing and exceptions as understood in C++ will do), and lexical closures (mostly for efficiency; you can do without, if you really need to)
phoe: Got it. I'll let basicnpc know as soon as possible.
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