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<dnhester26> Loop question: I have a loop for which I need to have variables depending on the value of a previously bound variable, is it possible to do it with the `with` keyword? I've done something like this before, just don't have the code offhand, but I'm getting an error where ,(loop for i in (list 1 2 3) with j = (* 2 i) do (princ j)) is telling me j is nil, any ideas?
<ixelp> (loop for i in (list 1 2 3) with j = (* 2 i) do (princ j)) ERROR: The value NIL is not of the expected type NUMBER.
<dnhester26> yes, exactly, that's the error I get :D
<beach> Maybe you want FOR instead of WITH.
<beach> WITH is executed once in the beginning of the loop.,
<dnhester26> ah, for makes the bindings sequential instead of parallel? thanks, I'll look it up in the reference now
<dnhester26> ahh
<dnhester26> thanks
<beach> Sure.
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<dnhester26> ah it works, thanks
<beach> Pleasure.
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<dnhester26> can anyone please take a look at this two loop examples I just added to make sure I didn't say something wrong and the language used is correct? https://lisp-docs.github.io/cl-language-reference/chap-6/g-c-dictionary/loop_macro#looping-and-declaring-lexical-variables
<ixelp> loop | Common Lisp (New) Language Reference
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<beach> I am pretty sure that WITH can refer to variables in preceding WITH clauses.
<beach> AND DO is pretty useless. DO takes multiple forms already.
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<dnhester26> ah, so with can't take refer to previous for clauses but can refer to previous with clauses
<beach> I think that's true.
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<dnhester26> ok, thanks
<beach> dnhester26: (setf i (1+ i)) is better expressed as (incf i)
<beach> dnhester26: And usually the WITH clauses are written first, but that
<beach> ...might not illustrate your point.
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<dnhester26> is there a shortcut for: (setf list1 (nconc list1 (list 2 3 4))). Like push, but I want to append a list of items, not push a list into the list, but the values themselves
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<beach> Alexandria might have NCONCF.
<dnhester26> beach: thanks, updated it based on your comments for with clauses being able to depend on each other and style https://lisp-docs.github.io/cl-language-reference/chap-6/g-c-dictionary/loop_macro#looping-and-declaring-lexical-variables-with
<ixelp> loop | Common Lisp (New) Language Reference
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<beach> You replaced only one instance of (setf i (1+ i)).
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<beach> Otherwise, looks good.
<dnhester26> oh I missed that one, thanks for pointing it out. Just fixed it, should be building now in github (takes a couple of mins)
<dnhester26> thanks for looking it over!
<beach> Sure.
<scymtym> beach: i think and do is for cases like when test collect expr and do expr
<beach> That I can imagine, but not after a DO already.
<scymtym> i see. you meant useless in one of the given examples
<beach> Yes, with DO ... AND DO ...
<dnhester26> I have a function which I want to use and I have classes with slots named with the same names as the keys to the function. I am generating a plist from the slots and doing (apply #'foo list-of-args) but for some reason they are not being recognized. The printed list of arguments look like this `(#:HOST "localhost" #:PORT 1025 #:SSL :TLS :ALLOW-OTHER-KEYS T)`. Do you know if it's because the symbols are not interned? or why isn't it
<dnhester26> working?
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<beach> You typically can't use uninterned symbols when keywords are wanted.
<dnhester26> ok, thanks
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<beach> I mean, the symbols have to be EQ, and a keyword symbol (or any interned symbol) can't be EQ to an uninterned symbol.
<beach> You can of course use uninterned symbols as the "keywords" in a lambda list, but you must then be very careful so that the same symbols are passed to the function all.
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<dnhester26> thanks, for some reason doing (intern "PORT") is not enough, it still doesn't recognize it as a valid keyword, any ideas? is it the package? but when I call the function from my cl-user I don't specify the symbol's package
<beach> You have to intern it in the keyword package.
<bike> you should generally specify the package to intern as a matter of course
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<dnhester26> ah, now everything works. thanks. I got confused. When in any package, if I just write `:hello`, it's interned in the keyword package, but why? shouldn't it be interned in the current package? e.g. cl-user when I haven't done any `in-package`? Why is this the default behaviour?
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<mi6x3m> hey, does case support destructuring in the key-form?
<beach> The syntax :MUMBLE means that the reader interns MUMBLE in the keyword package.
<mi6x3m> da examples for ccase her ehttp://clhs.lisp.se/Body/m_case_.htm suggest it does
<ixelp> CLHS: Macro CASE, CCASE, ECASE
<dnhester26> beach: yeah, my question is: why was that the decided behavior in the spec?
<dnhester26> I find it a bit counter intuitive. Maybe because it allows using keywords without specifying the package when using functions from another package, I see that as a plus. But I'm just curious as to why
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<beach> Interning it in the current package would be redundant. If you just leave out : then that's what happens. Keywords are used so often it was worth inventing a reader syntax.
<dnhester26> Ok, so it's a convenience as I suspected, thanks
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<beach> mi6x3m: No, just a list of cases.
<mi6x3m> beach, thanks!
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<beach> Sure.
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<dnhester26> aeth: what did you mean by "so you can probably still see a considerable long run productivity benefit even in high-performance code."?
<dnhester26> Full quote "However, C and C++ culture is "cryptically crash, sometimes very far from where the error is" so you can probably still see a considerable long run productivity benefit even in high-performance code."
<beach> dnhester26: I saw what aeth wrote, and my remark is that there are probably domains where performance is so important that modularity and maintainability won't matter. But I maintain that it is impossible to write a large C++ program that is both fast and modular.
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<beach> And I am guessing that aeth is working in one of those domains.
<dnhester26> beach: is that what aeth meant? or are you replying to his comment?
<dnhester26> I just didn't understand what his sentence meant
<beach> I don't think aeth meant what I just said, no.
<dnhester26> ah ok
<dnhester26> I just didn't understand that sentence
<beach> It is often not obvious (to me) what aeth means.
<dnhester26> If we have a running lisp image, would it be possible to make a refactoring tool which would allow for renaming symbols easily semantically and not just based on text?
<beach> You can't rename symbols.
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<dnhester26> ah ok, I still don't undestand that sentence haha as I'm catching up with the chats from before, sometimes it's just hard to understand. I feel like there were a few words or sentences missing there
<dnhester26> sorry, I meant renaming a function
<dnhester26> and all it's usages
<beach> That would be very tricky. You would have to recompile every function that calls the renamed function. And that is not always possible, because you would need to re-establish the same compile-time environment that was around when those functions were called the first time.
<dnhester26> beach: i literally was in the log page reading back and read: https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp?around=1737086200#1737086200 and thought for a seonc that my browser somehow refreshed and got back to the last logs hahaha
<beach> Yes, I remember.
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<beach> A particular implementation might allow this, but there is no portable way that I can see.
<dnhester26> Interesting I think you answered based on a mistake in the way I worded the question. I'm not quite interested in modifying a running lisp, I just want to make refactoring easier e.g. renaming functions, so would starting a lisp image and loading the system allow for renaming that works for all the regular cases?
<dnhester26> regular cases meaning not when a string is generated and interned to then find the function of that symbol... just the regular uses like (foo) or (bar #'foo) to rename foo
<beach> Oh, so the "running Lisp image" was unimportant. OK.
<dnhester26> and package prefixes, etc
<dnhester26> I just meant an approach that works with some degree of certainty greater than simple text based search and replace
<dnhester26> So I thought that starting an image and loading the system would potentially allow for finding every place where the function is referenced for an easer way to rename
<beach> You want to do the renaming in the source files, yes?
<dnhester26> ah, I keep reading logs and just saw your reply to someone else https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp?around=1737086714#1737086714
<beach> Yes, it's the same question that jmercouris had, I think.
<dnhester26> Well he just wanted to do a refactor, I'm wondering if it's possible to build a tool for refactoring which will solve the issues you mention by loading the system into the image and then using SBCL or some implementation which would allow to distinguish between funtions or variables etc
<beach> A code walker can do such things.
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<beach> I don't know that anybody configured a code walker specifically for such tasks.
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<jmercouris> maybe it exists in commercial lisp editors?
<jmercouris> perhaps in lispworks?
<beach> That's entirely possible.
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<beach> I guess the task is not that hard if all you want is to handle calls to global functions.
<beach> SBCL has who-calls information as I recall. Then you need to figure out in which file that caller is located.
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<aeth> dnhester26: I mean that even if there isn't much of a difference between C or C++ and a higher-level language where low-level microoptimizations are concerned, this former category of languages just doesn't give you any compiler help at all. Welcome to "Segmentation fault". Now find it.
<aeth> You can try valgrind. Hope your program still runs fast enough.
<aeth> beach: C and C++ always make you care about (micro-optimized) performance. This is usually not a good tradeoff, but someone like Carmack, in the 1990s, probably wouldn't see much of a gain by using a Lisp instead. These days it may be different, though, with SIMD. Assuming such an optimizing, autovectorizing compiler existed.
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<aeth> C is very much a scalar language.
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<dnhester26> aeth: thanks for explaining what you meant
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<aeth> And as much as some people talk about garbage collection, it seems entirely irrelevant here, at least for a language with reasonable semantics. If you want predictability, you object pool / preallocate in a GCed language. But you also don't want the cost of malloc() or lots of little allocations, so you'd do the exact same thing in a language without GC.
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<skin> Who can I talk to about the history of asdf? Who wrote it, when, circumstances at the time, etc.
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<ixelp> Last Monday (i.e two days following the previous entry here) I had - diary at Telent Netowrks
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<skin> Thanks
<tux0r> source: wikipedia
<tux0r> too obvious :p
<tux0r> but np! if something interesting comes out of it, please share
<edgar-rft_> skin: Fare Rideau has written a lot about the development of ASDF, for example https://github.com/fare/asdf3-2013
<ixelp> GitHub - fare/asdf3-2013: Material about ASDF3, its history and lessons, and how to use it.
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<jackdaniel> skin: first there was defsystem; the portable version was written later by Mark Kantrowitz and lives today under the name mk-defsystem; later Dan Barlow wrote his own defsystem and called it ASDF
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<jackdaniel> later ASDF was forked by Fare as ASDF2 who worked at the same time on yet another defsystem variant XCVB, but he abandoned the effort and spinned ASDF3
<skin> Right.
<tux0r> waiting for the german fork KLÖÄ
<jackdaniel> as for the roots of DEFSYSTEM, I'd look here: http://www.nhplace.com/kent/Papers/Large-Systems.html
<ixelp> ``The Description of Large Systems'' by Kent Pitman (September 1984)
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<skin> Thanks!
<jackdaniel> sure
<jackdaniel> currently ASDF is maintained by NotThatRPG and contributors and I think that it is more stable now compared to Fare's custody
<skin> Looks like it started getting bundled into implementations, what, mid 2010s? Looking at the changelog.
<aeth> if you've ever poked around the internals of ASDF
<aeth> it looks very incomprehensible, every overengineered
<aeth> but maybe that's what a build system requires
<aeth> no clue how I'd extend it, though
<aeth> s/every/very/
<aeth> I have never seen CL written in the style of ASDF anywhere else
<bjorkintosh> CL _is_ IOP: Idionsyncratic Oriented Programming.
<bjorkintosh> nothing should come as a suprise.
<aeth> just poke around its code, though
<NotThatRPG> It's very idiosyncratic to Fare AND to the fact that achieving portability is incredibly difficult. Combination of the fact that the ANSI CL spec doesn't fit modern OSes very well and that there are a lot more CL implementations than, say, perls or pythons
<NotThatRPG> There is A LOT of very painstaking code in there to make sure that pathnames and namestrings work properly, and even with all that, there are still a bunch of remaining corner cases (I'm looking at you, symbolic links!).
<NotThatRPG> Honestly, I don't know anyone but Fare who would have had the patience to slog through all the implementations the way he did
<aeth> not just portability, also with-upgradeability (like UIOP) as well as the fact that afaik it gets built into one file
<aeth> with-upgradeability so you can upgrade over the one you are currently running that you probably already have in the current image
<aeth> you might have had to do this in UIOP to get newer features
<aeth> but I think it also does something vaguely like continuation passing style at points?
<aeth> it has been years since I looked into it
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<aeth> It might be some of the hardest CL to understand, some of which may be necessary complexity and some not (good look determining which)
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<dnhester26> NotThatRPG: from your comment it seems like there were basically two issues besides the main goal of making a build system: 1) dealing with portability issues between CL implementations, and 2) dealing with potability issues between OS's. How much of that was abstracted away into trivial-* style libraries? IIRC uiop is for dealing with OSs, correct? So the other issue is the implementations. Has that code been separated into its own
<dnhester26> library/system? is that even possible?
<dnhester26> The reason I ask is because I am wondering about how to make it easier for people to build upon the parts already there and use them to make alternative build systems
<dnhester26> IIRC Shinmera mentioned once in discord about disliking ASDFs code and saying it had certain issues that he would like changed or maybe to write a build system of his own. Does anyone know what are issues with ASDF that are somewhat pressing or that by fixing them could dramatically improve our CL experience?
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<tux0r> ASDF makes most sense with a package manager (e.g. quicklisp)
<tux0r> thats the thing that annoys me most
<tux0r> "here's my software as an easy-to-install system. but first install the dependencies!"
<tux0r> rust does it better
<tux0r> *sigh*
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