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Good morning! I just published a release candidate of my first Common Lisp application. I need to gather some feedback from users and work on documentation before I give it a 1.0 release, but it has been working well for me for about a month of heavy use.
Feel free to offer any criticism. I am aware I have some off style conventions and the project has all comments offline in a separate file until it is polished enough to convert into code comments and documentation strings, so it may be hard to understand :)
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mfiano: Okay, I have an idea of BTRFS but not ZFS. However, I don't understand why you kept so little code in so many files. I see many files containing only 1 or 2 small methods. I like to learn from these projects, so that is why I am asking.
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Some files only establish protocols and not implementations.
It is organized into conceptual pieces of the problem domain.
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mfiano: I think you should topo-sort the code, as that guy yesterday suggested. :^)
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I think I will objectively object
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What's the point of topo-sort? It sounds like the reverse of modularity to me. Although to be fair, I don't understand much about it.
CodeBitCookie[m]: To implement one module, I use one directory, one ASDF system definition and one (perhaps more) package definition. The number of files in such a system is not important, nor is the order between them as far as modularity is concerned.
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beach: So what does that have to do with topo-sort?
Isn't everything in topo-sort interconnected? You gave an argument as to why manual memory management is bad, and you told me that since pointers have to point to other things in code, we don't get modularity, as changing one thing has to change the other and so on.
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If you sort the functions inside a module, you don't violate modularity.
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It is not because pointers point to "other things" that modularity becomes a problem. The problem is knowing how many references there are to an object, something you don't need with automatic memory management (because it is done for you) and you must know in languages without automatic memory management, or else you have memory leaks and other problems.
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It looks like I am loop in circles, however you didn't mention how memory leaks can violate modularity.
They don't, but memory leaks are very undesirable.
Oh, I see.
Then what makes manual memory management unmodular
Because tracking who-frees-what needs to be part of the interface, which can restrict how a module can be used.
Ohhhh, okay.
Thanks *no-defun-allowed*!
Also, why is your username that?
Why it's no-defun-allowed? Because you should use defgeneric.
Why? Like Always? Even if your not using CLOS?
You probably shouldn't, as it's a joke.
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is there a line-wrapping facility?
in what sense
utis: In format?
in format or anywhere
but in what sense. wrap what and when?
Shinmera: that will limit the number of columns and break at whitespace
Wow, Shinmera out here writing every library possible.
If only
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Hi, I'm trying to use croatoan for ncurses and set up emacs/slime to a cmdline sbcl/swank instance, which works, except connecting causes redifne warnings (WARNING: redefining SWANK::SYMBOL-INDENTATION in DEFUN) to stay on the terminal screen and apparently push the ncurses screen down. I've tried putting (sb-ext:muffle-conditions cl:warning) to suppress it, but they still show. Is there a
better way?
I've also updated my quicklisp and emacs packages, which resolved a mismatch error message on the slime side, but still get the warnings..
slime/swank version mismatch error, that is
the best way would be to track the redefinition bit and prevent it in the first place (if possible)
other than that, perhaps you could bind the stream that is printed to to (make-broadcast-stream)
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then the message will end up in a black hole
I'm still somewhat new to lisp, and I'm not sure how to catch it, other than maybe start with a swank only stub to remove croatoan from the debugging.
And is the result of (make-broadcast-stream) the stream that's a black hole? I guess warnings go to standard error?
make-broadcast-stream accepts any number of streams that it forwards the message to
if there are no streams, then it doesn't forward it
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@jackdaniel Thanks, I'll try it. A "(let ((*standard-output* (make-broadcast-stream)) ..." is where I'm headed
icer: I'd try first *error-output* if I were you
n.b the convention on irc is "foo: dubi dobi dom", and not "@foo dubi dobi dom"
jackdaniel: thanks
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Ok, let didn't work, but a top-level setf did. Thanks!
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sure, remember to return error-output to previous value after you successfully muffled the warning. also keep in mind that it is a kludge, not a solution
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lisp123: thanks, I was looking for something in this spirit
So how would you interface ECL with the browser? Does it have access to DOM (thought WebAssembly didn't have that yet)
if you want to interact with dom, you'll need to write a glue code to go through javascript
Also unlike jscl, it doesn't crash the browser tab with 1d999
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is there a standard interface between WebAssembly and JS?
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as in calling JS from WA
I guess there must be given how you had the msgbox
there is a section in emscripten manual how to call js functions and vice versa
oh its via emscripten
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not direct
what do you mean by "direct"?
no emscripten
so just ECL + own's code
interesting definition of direct
i just looked up emscripten
as I've mentioned, I plan to experiment a little with wasi too
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nomen omen, ecl won't work without some kind of libc
didn't know it was a compiler
thought it was like emacs lol
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it is built without asdf, because that would only blow the executable size without any gain (there is no networking to pull extra libraries)
this is pretty groundbreaking
hmmm, how to wrap in xterm.js
well, not really, you can preload libraries with your wasm and then asdf will make sense
no I meant having ECL in the browser is ground breaking
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Nilby: thanks for the hint, I'll look into that too
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btw, if you want something less annoying (i.e not the input box), then downlaod ecl.wasm and ecl.js in the same directory and run them as `node ecl.js'
it works™
jackdaniel: this is cool. then maybe we could have more usable repl
jackdaniel: have a look at codemirror too
yes, the ultimate goal is to add official support to ecl with necessary documentation
for a showcase a proper repl is needed
its not a terminal, but if you want buffers etc, it would be one of your best bets
I see
author is ex-CLisper too (think he did postmodern?)
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either way, I have other stuff to do too - it is prone to issues due to a bad glue between read/select and js reading, so if you encounter problems with that please ignore it for now; if you encounter other issues then please let me know - I'm leaving the website unless it crashes my server ;)
if I want to add lisp code to the image
how would that work? does one precompile an ECL image and use that?
the easiest method will be to statically link the library with ecl (so precomipile), alternatively you could preload a set of files during compilation
there are other more sophisticated scenarios possible, but they would need to be implemented - i.e dropping a wasm module in a js widget - then it could be stored in the virtual fs and you could call dlopen
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precompile seems to make most sense
also emscripten does present some ways to access the network, so it would be also possible with enough effort
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<jackdaniel> it is built without asdf <- Did you mean Quicklisp? Or do I misunderstand how you're supposed to use libs
I've meant what I've told
asdf is just a library in common lisp that happens to be often preloaded in the implementation
quicklisp depends on asdf
Oh wait, I get it now
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jackdaniel: does asdf really add that much size?
let me see
(rebuilding from scratch)
to compare resulting wasm file size
because llvm wasm backend produces binaries of a different size than my native compiler
erm, wrong compilation flags :)
ah well :)
so, with asdf 7.5MB vs 5.8MB without
if we add gzip to the mix (because that's probably how that would be shipped on a real production server) it is 1.9MB vs 1.5MB
not that bad
I'm suprised asdf adds that much
otoh asdf introduces extra startup time (that's the case also on linux)
when ecl learns how to dump images the startup time will be greatly mitigated I hope
its very promising already
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it's interesting that (find-package :ffi) doesn't return nil. i wonder if it can dlsym some fake system calls?
dlopen etc won't work with this version; the package ffi has features like conversion between lisp and c types - if some c libraries are linked in wasm, and calls to them are also precompiled (i.e library compiled along with ecl), then you should be able to do ffi
dlopen may eventually work, I did not investigate that yet but there are some resources on the internet how to use it
as of a dynamic ffi - in ecl it is handled with libffi, and that library does not work on wasm currently; there is a limited hackish port made by a haskeller though
so that may be a fine starting point for eager dynamic ffi calls hackers
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jackdaniel: it's theoretical at this point. i'm just wondering how i would port my code that uses o/s level functions.
jackdaniel: thanks
in principle WASI may act as an intermediate between the wasm runtime and the operating system, that depends on the runtime though
I don't know whether there is a functionality to escape from the wasm runtime to call a function from a system shared object library
I would be surprised if there were
but if your code uses stuff like posix functions (fread and such), then they are implemented as part of either WASI or emscripten - the libc is available (although it is a bit esoteric at points)
there is even working sdl port to emscripten that opens gl context in the browser
ah, interesting
i.e this
(SDL2*) btw, that's how McCLIM will work in browser in 2033 (given my current time constraints!)
browser is the new installer
I'm personally very sceptical about web development, but hacking a new runtime is fun
there's something enjoyable about making one's code run on everything
not that one would want to use it there
I was thinking that some interesting kinds of interactive literate programming can be done, if one's favourite language can be run in a web browser.
well, it surely helps with onbording - hey check this out http://evil-lisp.js
instead of: download emacs
done? ok, then here's slime, you need to add it to emacs.el
To keep the weirdness up, one demo I have in mind is a compiler book, which culminates in generating a native executable...that is then run in another emulator written in JS.
ah, and download fnsCL
well, you could output wasm code directly
without an emulator
You can say you bootstrapped your compiler from a web browser, which few people can say.
hayley: you've seen the SCIP with live in page execises
Sure, but I am not sure how good of a target WASM is yet. I think unwinding and GC roots might still be missing; haven't really paid attention to it.
when you write a runtime that is managed by you, then you don't need a "platform gc", just like unix does not run gc for its proceses
I do need to be able to find roots in order to run GC. In Unix I can walk my own stacks to find pointers; I don't know how you do that in WASM.
well, I'm walking my own stack of course! :)
or at least, libgc does
I read somewhere that Emscripten has its own Boehm-compatible but not Boehm GC, which presumably avoids the problem somehow.
I've compiled boehm for emscripten (from pre-release 8.2)
it works well. the release before that doesn't work so well because, indeed, it can't scan the stack
well, it compiled, but I had to disable the gc for the time of running a function
otherwise it collected things that were stack-allocated
Then I'm not sure how Emscripten lets one walk the stack. I don't believe you can do that in WASM.
I could maintain a shadow stack, but that's nasty.
what can I say to you? libgc works just fine and it scans the stack
I did not investigate emscripten internals to learn how
you may look for the function emscripten_scan_stack
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comments in headers claim, that it is api that gives access to introspecting the wasm data stack
emscripten_scan_registers requires spilling registers to linear memory, by the description there. I was not aware of any way to introspect the data stack, after having skimmed the WASM spec some time ago.
either way, good that they allow that; otherwise ecl wouldn't be able to run its gc :)
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Sure. It affects how I'd approach code generation still, if it is necessary to spill to somewhere in linear memory, in order to scan the "stack".
I imagine that this still would be cheaper than adding another layer of emulation
Quite possible, though I'm not sure if performance in the browser is that pressing. It is important, but the emphasis is not so much on using the finished implementation, let's say :)
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any thoughts on Degrees VS Radians in vector graphics?
I'm adding the ability to specify relative points by angle and length, but that requires a concrete orientation besides the format. Compass rose style clockwise, 0 at top? math like from the x axis +- 180, clockwise? counterclockwise?
doesn't really matter. you could do 0.0-1.0 for a full circle's angle if you want
no reason to lock into a single representation either
doesn't really matter. you could do 0.0-1.0 for a full circle's angle if you want
but it would probabl compile down to radians ccw fom +x in math
except when you have the ability to specify paths in a string format you need a single representation.
the string can specify units, too
dispatching on 1 char
like a glorified svg path.
also, if I'm making a generic functions if I don't go for one representation then I'll have to wrap numbers to be able to dispatch to degrees/radiansetc...
I usually only think in relative degrees so I'm not sure what orientation is intuitive.
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morning everyone
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morning ldb
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Hi, I need some help. AllegroServe has #'publish-file. I want to loop over all files in a given directory an call publish-file on those. The tricky part is to get the list of directories. My first idea was to call out to the `ls' command and map over all the listed files. I just came back from a programming break, so I wouldn't know how to actually retrieve all those file names.
actually I think there is a publish-directory function.
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but out of curiosity, how would you call `ls' and map over the result?
You wouldn't call ls. You would probably use DIRECTORY with some combination of wilds to do what you want, depending on your implementation.
oh, #'directory is a build in. Thanks for the pointer. I didn't really work a lot with fileIO yet. Libraries did that stuff for me. :^D
(directory "*.png")
sometimes I also use lparallel if the tasks are independent
I'd guess lparallel is asynchronous is some way?
or parallel I guess
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(directory "./banners/*.png") gives a neat list of paths. Thanks.
lparallel is taking advantages of multi threads
just note that they are paths, and somethings prefer NAMESTRINGs
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I think AllegroServe can handle that
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I'm currently working on a .onion site, which was a lot easier than anticipated. Tor makes it's proxy totally tranparent. So AllegroServe worked out of the box with a non-root user. Just had to make sure to bind a rather high port.
right low port numbers are for root user
I wish more people used Tor. No need to have a static IP address, so no need to rent a VPS, no need to rent DNS from shady organizations. It makes web hosting easy and fun. But people are scared or something. xD
well tor is more likely to be monitored, I concerned.
if you can self host
not intented to be advertising, but offers website hosting for a very low rate
and you can meet lots of people there
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Sounds interesting. But can I want my Lisp REPL. > . <
key=address is really nice, but requiring custom software is probably the killer for most
did you write your own SOCKS5 lib for the lisp side?
I was surprised that I didn't need to.
or wait, that'd be for the client side I think
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for the client side I use torsocks
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gabc: thanks, that's one of the reasons I asked, I was wondering whether there was anything newer ;)
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ecraven: that is fair, I haven't looked much but I have hard time resisting showing that I know stuff sometimes :P
gabc: thanks for pointing it out though, others will be interested too!
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