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<IgorPec> we invested a lot into rockpi4 which is why it works good
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<IgorPec> and others as well, ofc.
<IgorPec> the story which i have pointed out relates to software support. There is a problem and someone needs to fix it. And that someone is usually not end user.
<IgorPec> this is one month later when client reported this to Radxa support and they didn't do anything about. Its just ... a few days of work is a normative at paid jobs to fix this problem. FYI
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<lanefu> @RadxaYuntian is Radxa aware of this thread?
<lanefu> Probably your best example of breakdown between community and vendor. Hang on to this, it's an example that might help improve things
archetech: silly question, would you consider linux from scratch to be faster to setup than gentoo?
same effort
gentoo ya gotta read to get the methods
lfs ya just cp paste
comes out the same imo
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so i forgot my root password or any type of credentials to 4 of my armbian box's
what do i do? i know i could boot armbian from a sdcard but is there any mechanisms for these situations?
<IgorPec> That is just a symptom.
my build of u-boot has no usb support
i figured i would not need it! and also my box's do not have any uart's
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parabyte: move sdcard to other runing system, and clear password field in /etc/shadow on sdcartd
i installed armbian to internal mmc
but yeah ill do that with another instance from external sdcard
or do chroot to sdcard, like `chroot /mnt`, then `passwd` and set a new password.
then exit, umount, move sdcard back.
oh i used to do that back in the day to bootstrap debian, good idea, i just thought there was a key combo on boot i could press to drop into single user mode
to fix goof ups
maybe i will install grub and get uboot to strap that!
hm. far way.
<lanefu> let's call it an "indicator" that's easy to understand
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error in the matrix
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Check out our awesome documentation! It's tremendous, promise!
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