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somes like some random moron using its spam bot
rogerson_kaja[m] has joined #armbian
Perhaps an important information disclosure. Or maybe just spam. I did not investigate (yet).
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nice, like in old dayz ;)
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Werner: I would not bother. I am sure they are handling on net level. I dropped into #libera to listen in but been too busy IRL yet to even look there yet.
were you guys around, I think it was some months ago, where #linera ops took down an entire net bridge because of similar thing? lol
TRS-80 meant to say: were you guys around, I think it was some months ago, where #libera ops took down an entire net bridge because of similar thing? lol
so maybe this time they will be more careful
fyi i put dronebl on bad word list, so you might get kicked when using...even myself? lets try
guess im protected
you furst :)
TRS-80 was kicked from #armbian by ArmbianHelper [nope]
TRS-80 has joined #armbian
for science
science works.
hi juri_ ! :)
hio. :)
hey gang
enjoying sunday?
dwarf just woke up. brought him to the "food station" ;)
today feels like the first day in a while i got to just hack stuff.
$dayjob is keeping me too busy lately.
Mamabear made Mexican breakfast: frest greel salsa, beans, scrambled eggs with chorizo, and corn tortillas, delicious
juri_: FeelsGoodMan.jpg
s/frest greel/fresh green/
TRS-80 meant to say: Mamabear made Mexican breakfast: fresh green salsa, beans, scrambled eggs with chorizo, and corn tortillas, delicious
Their power monitoring is apparently extremely accurate
I have one for the washing machine so I can text my wife when it's dry
Werner: Ah, good to know
Do you thing ;)
Werner meant to say: Do your thing ;)
From #libera: > @A_Dragon | TRS-80: running theory is its lagged spam, we're aware
Is +r registered users only?
Yeah I'm fine with leaving that indefinitely
Then no more guest144434 saying: help
Since this is the first time after several month we having issues like this I'd remove it again after a while
yeah well the bot wasn't there to let him know ;)
I think I made my case lol
lanefu: Yeah, at first I thought 'power monitoring' was a meme, but then realized that sort of use case would actually be quite handy and intend to do similar.
also, lol
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TRS-80: I do same for monitoring dehumidifier so I can empty bucket
lanefu: Why, it has a float switch and stop when full? Or you can somewhat reliability predict full state after x hours of operation?
I leave mine on run 100%. So once full I can empty quickly
grangemarder[m] was kicked from #armbian by ArmbianHelper [nope]
I guess was point is that I stop dorking with cheap 433mhz crap and DIY with MySensors + NordicRF devices, and try my first WiFi based ones.
TRS-80 meant to say: I guess my point is that I stop dorking with cheap 433mhz crap and DIY with MySensors + NordicRF devices, and try my first WiFi based ones.
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433 better Battry life but yeah I like the wifi
They are mostly reliable, but that 1% just became annoying enough over time to splurge $2 extra per device. :D
I mean, at least for handful of devices we need / have now.
When I build a place, I will need hundreds, then I will make my own including custom boards, etc.
tomaw is now known as Guest256
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tomaw_ is now known as tomaw
MySensors is also extremely excellent (amazing, in fact) battery life, if you do all optimizations. But I just use rechargeable batteries instead. ;)
TRS-80: check out 'esp now" mesh
TRS-80 zigbee rulez)
adeepv: Waaaaay too expensive devices!
* TRS-80
considers Sonoff devices 'splurging' :D
* TRS-80
don't have your kinda money :p
you can always use self-made one)
I try that way for a long time (MySensors) but my wizard level too low, frustration, break down and buy Sonoff :p
I learn a lot though
433 is a very dirty freq, usually with a lot of interference
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Yes. To be clear, MySensors does not use 433 (I mean, I guess you can) but rather much nicer NordicRF devices + Arduino (micro/mini, usually). But besides those, I also just had some cheap 433 devices off Aliexpress.
TRS-80 meant to say: Yes. To be clear, MySensors does not use 433 (I mean, I guess you can) but rather much nicer NordicRF radios + Arduino (micro/mini, usually). But besides those, I also just had some cheap 433 devices off Aliexpress.
I only spent few mins, but so far ESP-NOW seems like MySensors (in that it's non WiFi network) except only for ESP devices?
then there are some others like ESP-MESH which maybe are more open
I seem to recall nRF24 being the 'classic' radios used by MySensors. I think because they are very cheap. I dunno what the others go for, and have not played with them. But MySensors is a pluggable architecture, you can use any of a number of radios.
alekksander has joined #armbian
we must destroy X10?
juri_: Did you read the D r o n e B L stuff (I don't wanna get kick, lol)?
,unload badwords
The operation succeeded.
+r will do until this is resolved
Werner: it's OK, humans can work around lol
haha indeed
also juri_ I follow you now. As X10 were my first HA experience in fact, setting me on a path to where I am today. Just forgot that for a moment.
TRS-80: nope! :)
But I have fond memory of turning on (outside) Christmas lights as a child with X10 modules, I was hooked ever since! Thought that was coolest thing ever...
Old RadioShack ones
<joe_2021> I got a question regarding switching kernels in armbian. Is this the right place to ask?
Yep what's question joe
some times we even talk about Armbian here :D
Yeah usually once TRS80 logs off we talk about armbian
<joe_2021> 🙂 ok. let's give it a try. I installed armbian kernel buster. Kernel is 5.10. Now I applied RT_PREEMPT debian package.
<joe_2021> I finally have two kernels now in my boot directory. one from 5.10 another one 4.19 (preempt).
<joe_2021> How can I switch between both?
lanefu: I submit that community is a (very!) important component of F/LOSS, and my idiotic ramblings often increase channel participation. :)
The debian kernel probably won't work period
You'd need to build an Armbian kernel and patch RT Linux accordingly
<joe_2021> ok. the kernel is 5.10.60, but for this peticular version I can not find RT_PREEMPT patches..
But if you look in /boot you'll see symlinks you could try. Most likely will brick your device
Yeah the rt Linux patches are pretty specific
TRS-80: I accept your position
<joe_2021> I tried to change symlinks already. But It seems, it switched them back during boot-up?! At least, two of them point to 5.10 again. Even when I am 100% sure I changed them to point to 4.19
Joe_2021 unfortunately no fast answers for you. It's doable. I've done it before. Ht do t have any tutorial for you or anything
<joe_2021> are they altered during boot up?
<Tonymac32> Hmmm, anything I can hang from a ceiling in that list in the living room?
not sure but I think they are more like typical SoHO routers usually
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If you care less than I do about freedom, you could expand to, of which first link I posted is a subset.
Of course everyone will probably recommend those round ones, I mean I guess they are good by most accounts.
forgetting the name atm
<Tonymac32> I've seen TP, Netgear, and Ubiquiti round ones lol
<Tonymac32> "If you care less than I do about freedom". Damn, that hurts fam.
just the facts, ma'am
<Tonymac32> tonymac32 has left the chat
Ubiquiti was what I had in mind, good hardware I hear, well certainly popular anyway, but proprietary to my understanding
<Tonymac32> MIPS64 from the stuff I already have
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lots of these devices seem to be MIPS (I learned from readding at OpenWrt)
kind of interesting
<Tonymac32> Cheep
<Tonymac32> I guess
<Tonymac32> We can go full faux-open and use Risc-V. At least as long as we pretend that the IP won't be licensed anyway where it comes to hardware itself
looks like lots of Ubiquiti devices are supported, my guess is they need like one blob for the radio or something like that
<Tonymac32> Silly kids think an open ISA matters
very few people understand that very fine point you just made about RISC-V, very good
so I am guessing Ubiquiti with OpenWrt is not unlike SBC or PinePhone situation (educated guess) in the end
what I can say is that I really enjoy using OpenWrt, after coming from oldschool DD-WRT, which was not only proprietary (in parts) but janky as hell
<Tonymac32> Haha yeah
<Tonymac32> I'm going to have enough space to use all of my speakers at this new place....
OpenWrt in comparison is veryy nice with proper docs and architecture, standardized across devices, and very much like 'regular' GNU/Linux, with the only exception being provisions for flashing, etc. as required by the device
cool man
<Tonymac32> I'm excited about that. Been arguing with wife about keeping them for 5 years
<Tonymac32> :-D
LibreCMC is just fully libre subset of OpenWrt, sort of in the same way that Libreboot is a subset of coreboot.
<Tonymac32> Gotcha
Out of first list, I bought some WNDR3800 and they work pretty good but are older now. looks like they added some new devices since then. But back then those were most performant on the list.
OK now your turn. Inexpensive pin compatible to RPi GPIO SBC (not uC, lol) suitable for use as networked audio node?
oh yeah 'Go.' :)
my thought being that many audio HATs/amps are already available in that form factor
<Tonymac32> Wireless?
I think would be nice in some cases, but not necessarily. So maybe some with and without. Also maybe a few different ones, given current supply chain issues, I dunno what I can get.
There are probably so many meeting what I am looking for, but I keep looking at Download page and just getting lost.
Oh yeah Supported would be nice of course.
preferred anyway
but I guess I can build if I needed to
maybe I should make a forum posr lol
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Tonymac32 aerohive AP230 they're free on ebay
Remember I've sent you pics before
121, 330, and 350 are supported in OpenWrt, but not that model, wonder why? Although I guess that's less important for an AP.
Always wondered that myself, I run AP230s with stock firmware and cli-fu
What about that one you like so much? They are inexpensive?
And you get good results I presume? I will need some APs eventually when I buy property.
But uhm yeah 802.11ac with 6 radios for $20 per AP
I have mesh givinf my neighbor lady 3 doors down wifi as well
I got campus wifi beatch
IOT the block
@Tonymac32, if it makes you feel better even rms / FSF official policy is basically that 'firmware doesn't count' unless it's software that can be changed
I was just busting balls anyway per usual