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<Armbian-Discord> <T​onymac32> What is this "netsplit"? confused in discord
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<lanefu> Lol
<lanefu> Go ahead and enjoy sitting on your hill of event based architecture
<lanefu> I'll be here in the stateful valley
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<Armbian-Discord> <M​icroLinux (Salva)> What you mean?
<archetech> lanefu, about time eh
<archetech> ill keep my N2+ 4gb ram is fine
<Armbian-Discord> <M​icroLinux (Salva)> Hey archetech
<Armbian-Discord> <M​icroLinux (Salva)> Itried peazip with flatpack, it does work fine.. but it's a waste of space
<Armbian-Discord> <M​icroLinux (Salva)> Can you build a deb for aarch64?
<archetech> nope I use lfs no apt
<Armbian-Discord> <M​icroLinux (Salva)> Okay
<archetech> you can just get the source
<Armbian-Discord> <M​icroLinux (Salva)> Yes, but I dont know how to compile woth lazarus
<Armbian-Discord> <M​icroLinux (Salva)> It's not that straightforward
<Armbian-Discord> <M​icroLinux (Salva)> Anyway
<Armbian-Discord> <M​icroLinux (Salva)> I will just drag the binaries from flatpack and preload a bunch of libs
<Armbian-Discord> <M​icroLinux (Salva)> The bare minimun
<archetech> ah ya that thing
<Armbian-Discord> <M​icroLinux (Salva)> Not 2 gigs like flat pack does
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<NeonLightning> no matter what i seem to do i can't make my user be a sudoer. i tried adding to group sudo, i tried adding "vitadock ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" to /etc/sudoers. btw the user is vitadock
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<archetech> never give a program sudo rights
<NeonLightning> it's for an automated system that needs to modprobe
<archetech> dont sound right imo
<NeonLightning> it's for a vitadock. the vita acts as a webcam but it's kinda unstable so as a protection it does modprobe -r uvcvideo && modprobe uvcvideo
<NeonLightning> man why does everyone keep telling me to use mpv instead of mplayer. i can't get decent speeds displaying the vitadock even using caca and the only other one that's working from ssh is drm and that's really slow too
<NeonLightning> mplayer i can use fbdev2 to get good speeds easily. just can't seem to figure out what -xy setting to use
<NeonLightning> and it's slightly annoying that it's not centered
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<Koopz> howdy, my company recently made the glorious decision to buy a Banana Pi as alternative to the Raspberries which currently are barely available anywhere. Unfortunately we didn't research long enough and only found out that the Model M2 (yes, no +, no berry, no ultra, nothing) is no longer produced and support apparently dropped. I saw two images
<Koopz> (debian and ubuntu) from 2019 in the Armbian archives and tried flashing them using Balena Etcher. But for some reason this stupid thing just lights up a red LED for a few seconds and then turns it off again. Does anybody have any idea what i'm dealing with here?
<Koopz> of course we bought 3 of them and i already tried putting the SD card into one of the others to make sure i didn't just destroy the one i was fiddling with
<Koopz> we also tried using a 5v 2.0A barrel jack power supply to make sure it's not just "underpowered" through the 2.8A USB power supply
<Koopz> my coworker initially slapped some Ubuntu MATE 16.04 image he magically found on the official Banana Pi page (which is quite a feat considering they're basically denying it's existence on their site at this point) which actually booted properly through USB. Except i wasn't able to change the resolution from 720p to 1080p
* archetech made a bad arm purchase....once
<archetech> I think its part of the arm initiation
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<IgorPec_> Koopz: which numbers are on the chip?
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<Armbian-Discord> <y​ahyayp> Hello, armbian image link for orange pi one (without plus) is broken, all link is 404. Can I flash orange pi one plus to orange pi one?
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<Armbian-Discord> <I​gorPec> did you check main download pages?
<Armbian-Discord> <I​gorPec>
<Armbian-Discord> <I​gorPec> "Missing your favorite?"
<Koopz> IgorPec numbers?
<Koopz> it's the Allwinner A31
<Armbian-Discord> <y​ahyayp> yes I tried this page , all links broken
<Armbian-Discord> <I​gorPec> did you read what main download page says?
<Armbian-Discord> <I​gorPec> tl;dr; we have been moving 1/3 of images from primary network to archive
<Armbian-Discord> <I​gorPec> yeah, that's it. we don't deal with that for many years
<Armbian-Discord> <y​ahyayp> ahhhh... thanks @IgorPec , finally found it 👍
<Koopz> does the discord bridge work bidirectional?
<Armbian-Discord> <I​gorPec> yes
<Koopz> Could i bother you with the Banana Pi i mentioned about 3 hours ago?
<Koopz> The M2 with the Allwinner A31
<IgorPec> in my expense? not interested
<Koopz> hmkay
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<Macer> I’ve been running armbian on an orangepi+2e for years for upsd heh.
<Macer> That thing is a trooper.
<IgorPec> 2e was specially designed for armbian
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<lanefu> Yeah they're fantastic
<lanefu> My hashi Control plane at home still runs on them
<NeonLightning> how to i change the default resolution without having xorg? i don't see grub and i thought i had to set it through that
<IgorPec> NeonLightning: depends on hardware. it can be simple, but it can also reqire weeks of work
<NeonLightning> oh?
<IgorPec> if driver only support on or two resolutions, but you need a third one = weeks, if onla a parameter needs to be changed = google
<NeonLightning> i'm trying to figure out where to change it. and how to see what's supported
<NeonLightning> i'm just trying to get 1024x768
<IgorPec> whatever you are asking from here require research
<NeonLightning> because i'm trying to reduce how much power is used to scale video so i don't want it at a high one and mplayer is saying mine is 1924x768 or something like that
<NeonLightning> i don't remember exactly
<NeonLightning> it's 19xx i know
<NeonLightning> lol
<IgorPec> 1920x1080 is hd
<IgorPec> probably that
<NeonLightning> ya that's the one
<IgorPec> each hardware can have / has different approach
<NeonLightning> ah didn't know that
<NeonLightning> well if it's relevant i'm using a rockpro64
<NeonLightning> i only know editing xorg.conf and extlinux.conf
<NeonLightning> and i don't need the first and i can't find the second
<IgorPec> well, there is nothing i can do. I have no time to guide you
<IgorPec> also i don't know the answer without spending few minuts or hours
<NeonLightning> ah thanks to the allwinner documentation i have narrowed it down to /boot/boot.cmd needing to be edited i think. even though this is a rockchip.
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<sunshavi> neonlightning: mpv let You change it within /home/olla/.config/mpv/mpv.conf
<sunshavi> something like this: ytdl-format=bestvideo[height<=?360]+bestaudio/best
<sunshavi> also vlc let's You do the same change
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<NeonLightning> i couldn't figure out how to even get vlc to launch from a ssh connection to hdmi on the rockpro64 or connect to my "webcam" device
<NeonLightning> and that mpv line makes only minor sense to me. i find mpv is far too complicated to do basic things. also if i'm not mistaken there are rockchip patches for mplayer but not mpv
<NeonLightning> i don't think that's going to get me the speed results i want when caca has a 3-5 second delay even
<NeonLightning> where as mplayer only has about a max of .5 seconds
<sunshavi> ok
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<Armbian-Discord> <j​ohncharris> How can I translate the GPIO on my board Orange Pi Zero2 to gpiod numbering? For example, what pin number would PH8 map to?
<IgorPec> zero2 ... uh, not sure if this will work
<IgorPec> try, this is for mainline kernel
<Armbian-Discord> <j​ohncharris> I realized after I posted that that I'm using the Orange Pi image with mainline support. Sadly, Armbian doesn't have GPIO support for that board yet. I'll switch over when it does.
<Armbian-Discord> <j​ohncharris> I think that link is what I was looking for.
<IgorPec> well , its not speficially for one board
<IgorPec> this is standard
<IgorPec> but i never tested gpio on this board, so i am not sure
<Armbian-Discord> <j​ohncharris> It works!
<IgorPec> great!
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<juri_> IgorPec: Hello! Julia Longtin from the forum.
<IgorPec> hey hey
<juri_> I'm interested in supporting my boards in an official capacity. applied and all that.
<IgorPec> which ones? i think i have missed that info
<juri_> I suppose the only ones i'm officially able to help with (have more than 3 of them) are the orangePi R1 and the banana pi pro.
<juri_> my second banana pi m2 berry is in the post.
<juri_> .DE based.
<IgorPec> r1 we are not going to drag in, too many problems. other is open
<juri_> fair enough. how do i get a jira queue assigned / search for issues with this board?
<IgorPec> dann sind wir im gleichen zone
<IgorPec> jira i have to send you another invite ... one moment
<juri_> my german's not that good, but i am in berlin, so the same timezone. :)
<IgorPec> aha, my german is also terrible ;) lol
<juri_> (american ex-pat)
<juri_> here in 2 years, i get to apply for citizenship. :P
<IgorPec> jira invite went out
<IgorPec> you familira with Jira in general? We don't use anything extraordinary
<juri_> I'm a product owner, tech lead, and chapter lead at . i configure jira and run three teams with ~15 people in them. VERY familiar.
<IgorPec> ok ;)
<IgorPec> we would very much need help on running teams within, which are barely visible and amateur based
<IgorPec> voolnteer
<juri_> 7 years running hackerspaces. i know the drill. :)
<IgorPec> perfect. well, lets roll things from board support 1st. all those allwinner boards are fairly mature, but we are having more and more difficulties maintaining them
<juri_> yeah, i'm sticking to them because of the hardware SATA.
<juri_> so i've also got one cubieboard, and a pcduino.
<IgorPec> exactly. they are still usable and we would like to keep them alive.
<IgorPec> with all modern sofware support
<juri_> only thing i'm not prepped for is anything graphical. i might be able to plug a monitor in from time to time, but all my boards are in a single 2U rack server.
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<IgorPec> somebody else has it. and we have a lab as well
<IgorPec> i can send you a video, but its 15m, tl;dr; a bunch of SBCs connected via power switch to network, some with serial consoles, others with HDMI to switch, switch to grabber ...
<juri_> ah, good.
<juri_> I'll start reading tickets, then.
<IgorPec> yeah, try to sum the state of support on A20
<IgorPec> TBH I lost track
<juri_> you're not using anything to sort SOC or board in jira?
<IgorPec> not yet. There is one task open to unify all tags we use
<IgorPec> our primary usage of jira was not to record bugs on hardware. that we plan to start doing if there will be enough voolonteers taking care of this
<IgorPec> i just linked the other task related to tagging
<IgorPec> until then, we keep HW issues under one Epic. I know its not the best, but this is how things are
<juri_> reality sucks. :)
<IgorPec> oh, yeah
<IgorPec> i am always affraid our chaos will scare people. everywhere you look, there is a big pile
<juri_> i work at a startup, and my queue has 1K tickets in it. :P
<IgorPec> we don't allow people to open tickets ;)
<IgorPec> otherwise this place would explode and we would only feel more miserable and further from closing any ticket
<juri_> makes sense. i know this song too well. :)
<juri_> wow. why does building require root? seems.. strange.
<IgorPec> loop devices needs root
<IgorPec> well, we could hack that on host i suppose
<juri_> ok, i'm gonna start my hacking there. docker is fine, user is fine, but root is a nogo. :)
<juri_> I imagine i'm not the first one to say something about it.
<IgorPec> nope
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<juri_> so, why do we need libc6-i386 and zlib1g:i386?
<IgorPec> probably for compiling some weird tool. it could be legacy
<IgorPec> don't recall from head
<IgorPec> this embedded linux is full of weird approaches
<juri_> I see. i'm used to my own weird approaches, so.. :)
<IgorPec> we drag this library since ever
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<juri_> can confirm bPI pro ethernet is broke on 5.10.60, works with 5.10.34.
<IgorPec> ts impossible to trust upstream to not breeak things. not even for those stable and matured"
<IgorPec> recording those things is best what we can do. then next come up with a system to place this information right
<IgorPec> automated ofc
<juri_> ok, so assume i now have two goals: bringing the bPI pro out of mothballs, and building without root. where should i be sticking observations like the above?
<IgorPec> building in anyway. if building is difficult, i can enable automate builds for this board. which changes if sources are changed
<IgorPec> then observation - like network is down - a bug is opened. i would very much like to hear suggestions here. how to do it right.
<IgorPec> the idea is that this information is placed at the board download pages and also on forums. curently for both variants a manual task is needed
<IgorPec> its copy paste but its still a manual way
<juri_> typically, i'd have a dropdown for board, and a dropdown for SOC.
<IgorPec> where? How do you mean?
<juri_> I do like epics, but tagging in my org is only useful for making things visible to management. within the board, i'd be using dropdowns.
<IgorPec> aha, jira.
<juri_> I mean i'd add to the bug issue type a field for SOC, and a field for board.
<IgorPec> so to have two type of bugs, one for soc one for board?
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<juri_> no, i'd have one bug type, and both fields optional.
<IgorPec> i have to applogize - i am not well aware of what jira can do
<juri_> not a problem. it's what i do. :)
<IgorPec> also we have to keep maintaining of if straight as possible
<IgorPec> so it would be possible to have a link from outside to list all banana bugs ?
<IgorPec> that's all i need to know
<juri_> yep. you'd use a dashboard for that.
<juri_> so, first you do a search, then you save that search, and you can create a dashboard from that.
<IgorPec> that means if we have 100 boards, we have 100 of such queries?
<juri_> if you wanted a dashboard per board.
<juri_> if instead, you made one dashboard, the users could click on 'soc', and sort the dashboard.
<IgorPec> the key is SoC in most of the cases, but users explores from the point of a board name
<juri_> so i'd put together one dashboard for "an SOC has been added".
<juri_> and one for "a board name has been added".
<juri_> you already have a 'bugs' dashboard. go take a look at it.
<juri_> you'd essentially make board and SOC keys that are searchable there.
<IgorPec> i have to be able to create a link outside
<IgorPec> automtically. like
<IgorPec> and there one linke "Bugs" which will display bugs opened in Jira for Odroid HC4
<IgorPec> at website i don't have information about daskboards
<juri_> ok. this is sane.
<juri_> let me think a minute. :)
<juri_> ok, you could use deep links to the issues page.
<IgorPec> in english :)
<juri_> that will let you specify the query from .. :D
<juri_> you know, i'd much rather be writing microcontroller code in C. :P
<juri_> you can pass a JQL query to the issues page, selecting a board, or an SOC.
<IgorPec> aha, then this is good enough I guess
<juri_> with filters and dashboards, you have to create them. with the issues page, you can just write JQL.
<IgorPec> ok, back to original problem
<IgorPec> this can be done this way.
<nekomancer[m]> <juri_> "ok, so assume i now have two..." <- Do you mean sudo=root?
<juri_> I mean building images shouldn't require root. i'm wondering what's "wrong". :)
<nekomancer[m]> But root not required.
<juri_> you seem to be having problems attracting developers... for us old developers, we don't change our system for the fun of it. the system i'm attempting to build on has an OS that's over 20 years old. i don't mess with it. :)
* nekomancer[m] use docker build option to keep workstation unmodified
<juri_> docker is good for this.. but isn't it still wanting root?
<IgorPec> it needs root to install docker
<IgorPec> but it shouln't need root for running it
<juri_> docker is already installed on my machine, through debian. this appears to want docker-ce?
<juri_> which is NOT on my machine.
<IgorPec> isn't this changed somehow? docker is no more and we only have docker-ce or vice versa?
<nekomancer[m]> There are privileges and sudo usage for system preparation like "to set clock" and "to install dependecies".
<nekomancer[m]> First type tasks can be excluded, second type can be prepared once manually
<IgorPec> well, then we have to sort this sudo / docker problem too
<nekomancer[m]> was too old to be usable a year or 2 so
<nekomancer[m]> Ago
<juri_> things i run as root should be things i can easily understand. this maze of twisty shell scripts does not meet muster.
<IgorPec> understand
<juri_> I can see a short 'prepare_env' script. this would make sense.
<IgorPec> we produce ready to run docker images as well
<IgorPec> those are used in a CI process
<nekomancer[m]> Then it should work without root with docker. I remember root outside docker need only for clock (can be skipped), docker install, and run docker with privileges for device mount
<nekomancer[m]> Device mount used when image of sdcard filesystem creates
<IgorPec> yes, that's needed unless we can find some better approach
<IgorPec> that only what is needed, beside host pre
<juri_> hmm. how does openwrt manage this? it also builds whole filesystems...
<IgorPec> perhaps they ship boot loader separate from rootfs
<juri_> ok, i can buy that.
<IgorPec> yes they do
<juri_> still, i think if there's a direction i want to take this, that's it.
<IgorPec> solution here would be to prompt you "for building images, root is required"
<IgorPec> unless there is a way to workaround
<juri_> there's always a way. ;)
<IgorPec> i have to adming we didn't pay much attention to this for a while
<IgorPec> arch / manjaro builders are all sudo ....
<juri_> this is trouble if you want more people onboard.
<IgorPec> ok, then lets do something about
<IgorPec> record it with high priority, i will try to speak with people who might have some ideas
<IgorPec> nobody relevant around atm, so in following days
* juri_ nods.
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