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How did you write the sdcard, did you remember to decompress the image before writing it to the sdcard if you used 'dd' for example?
some tools will do this for you, others will now
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<Jason123> Is there a way to run the build tool on fedora?
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<Tonymac32> Docker I believe would be the method
<Jason123> yeah docker will work thanks
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<NeonFetch> Did you try libreelec?
<NeonFetch> Try an older version of librelec
<NeonFetch> A very old one
<NeonFetch> Of it doesnt work out of thr box then the vpj is broken on that image
<NeonFetch> There is no enabling the thing
trying to remember what i moved over to next
<NeonFetch> They probably dropped the support for the c2
<NeonFetch> Its not anymore in production
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<SirRFI> Hello. What distro would you recommend for kiosk purposes? In early 2018 we bought some units of ASUS TinkerBoard, because it seemed to be capable of playing videos smoothly. In the end, it turned out to be the case only for mpv running in fullscreen on TinkerOS, because both had hardware-accelaration drivers for it. It's been a while now, and I suppose it shouldn't be that big of a problem anymore. I see that Armbian
supports this device - downloading it to test on VM if possible, because I don't have access to any unit right now. We also have units of Intel NUC, but thats x86_64 device, so for these Armbian probably makes no sense. Thoughts?
adeepv- is now known as adeepv
<NeonFetch> Look, the situation is the same
<NeonFetch> That tinker os use the legacy kernel with the vpu blobs for decoding
<NeonFetch> You should use libreelec or similar for videodecoding on mainline
<NeonFetch> If you need a desktop the there is armbian with legacy kernel and there you can run an script to get similar capabilities than the tinkerOS
<NeonFetch> The open source vpu drivers work, but just on libreelec and similar non linux desktop based environments
<NeonFetch> We have a section for rockchip vou at the bottom is you wanna test vpu on mainline and share your thoughts
<NeonFetch> You can install armbian on x86_64 of course (just added a month ago) but yeah, there is no big reason
<NeonFetch> Vpu inside the desktop on mainline it's still a tricky thing
<NeonFetch> I would recommend rpi4 with rpi os bullseye 32 bit, not 64 bit. That's the best vpu supported platform inside a desktop so far
<NeonFetch> H264 1080p60 and h265 4k30fps do work perfectly fine inside vlc, not the browser tho.. there nothing works, at least not out of the box
<NeonFetch> Habtro vpu decoder (the open source vpu decoder for rockchips and others) where promising vpu on mainline since 3 years ago. So far, only a thing outside x11.
other-nick is now known as Nickli
how's the suport for odroid C4?
can't speak to desktop, but as a headless device good... (I Use hc4)
is there a difference to HC and C versions?
yeah C4 is standard pi formfactor with usb 3.0 etc.. HC4, has 2 sata ports insstead of's a drive toaster
i see
<SirRFI> @NeonFetch We use TinkerBoard only for video playback, so desktop env doesn't really matter. Though it would be nicer to have the video being played in a browser rather than dedicated fullscreen player, as this gives more possibilities. The Intel NUC is actually used as kiosk people can interact with. Initially we just used regular Ubuntu with tweaked settings, but it felt like fixing gaps and holes, so eventually I
just used the server edition and installed i3wm, which did the trick. Now I'd like to try sway ("wayland drop-in replacement for i3wm").
<SirRFI> (the kiosk one is a browser running in kiosk mode, fullscreen, and user shouldn't be able to do anything outside it - using something as simple as i3wm makes it easier and safer to setup than say gnome)
<SirRFI> (and wayland because no screen tearing, afaik)
<SirRFI> Back then VLC was hit or miss experience. MPV worked way better, and is also scriptable, which is what we needed. Willing to elaborate on the browser part?
<NeonFetch> There I were specking regarding the raspberry pi 4
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<Miguel Reis> Hello, when trying to donwload the armbian image for a orange pi one i get a 404 Not Found page
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which image?
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<NicoD> I didn't read it all, but for video playback on the Odroid C2 there's C2Play. I used to use parole on it too. But it did need some changes to get it working well. To my knowledge there was no mainline kernel support back then. So all on legacy kernel. I even think it was 3.x. Best bet would be to check out Meveric his images. He enables everything. If it is possible, then it should work on there. I've got no idea how video
playback is with mainline kernel. I should do a big research on it to get to know all the ins and outs of the C2 now. I do know that edge isn't working well on it....
<Werner> Hm odd it seems like there are no images for this board...Well not a big deal, you can always build an image on your own using the build script
or archive
Malditron has joined #armbian
Ha it's true whole orangepione folder is gone on the mirrors