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<lanefu> ha i have a brand new suvell r69 still in box
<[TheBug]> so do I :(
<[TheBug]> lol
<[TheBug]> I have a couple of them
<[TheBug]> I even have the newer revision with 2gb of memory that doesn't work with armbian
<[TheBug]> which is a shame cause it actually has an h3 and 2gb memory if it did work
<Armbian-Discord> <J​ason123> I am trying to make an image for my radxa zero and its giving me this error error ] ERROR in function install_deb_chroot [ -> -> -> -> -> ] [ error ] Installation of armbian-focal-desktop-kde-plasma failed [ radxa-zero focal yes meson64 ] [ o.k. ] Process terminated [ error ] unmount_on_exit() called! [ ->
<Armbian-Discord> ] [ o.k. ] Unmounting [ /root/armbian/.tmp/rootfs-5e5a72d0-16a9-407b-88a3-d86067df9fa8/ ] [ error ] ERROR in function unmount_on_exit [ -> -> ] [ error ] debootstrap-ng was interrupted [ o.k. ] Process terminated
<Armbian-Discord> <J​ason123> I reinstalled the script and the docker image but its still not working
<[TheBug]> please post to forum if you are seeing an issue, will be best place to get support on that
<[TheBug]> also help others who might see the same issue
<lanefu> [TheBug]:
<lanefu> "support" is a forbidden word
<lanefu> you know that
<lanefu> Jason123 look in output/debug/*.log for more info
<lanefu> if you need a pastebin...
<[TheBug]> The forum provides support like a woman's DD bra, may not be full coverage but better than leaving things to flap around in the breeze
<Armbian-Discord> <T​onymac32> [TheBug] is grounded for a week. Hand over your keyboard
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<Armbian-Discord> <J​ason123> I can look in the log file
<lanefu> Alright the stupid freezing allwinner big has come back on another BY device. I've been leaving dmesg running on serial console but NOTHING when it freezes. Dailyish... Any red flags
<Armbian-Discord> <i​nvisiblek> power adapter?
<Armbian-Discord> <i​nvisiblek> > [ 3.095065] rtc-pcf8563 0-0051: low voltage detected, date/time is not reliable.
<[TheBug]> is watchdog rebooting?
<Armbian-Discord> <i​nvisiblek> that's probably just for the rtc though...
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<[TheBug]> as in something got stuck
<Armbian-Discord> <i​nvisiblek> i've had weird crap like this happen with a crappy power supply powering a board
<Armbian-Discord> <i​nvisiblek> woudl you not see something about watchdog toward the end of dmesg if that was it?
<Armbian-Discord> <i​nvisiblek> if you hit a watchdog timeout, the kernel is still functioning
<[TheBug]> or is it frezing solid and you have to manually reboot
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<lanefu> Solid freeze. Serial console even dead
<lanefu> Watchdog not rebooting
<lanefu> Good idea I could enable watch dog
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<Armbian-Discord> <R​adxaYuntian> we are having some issues with the production process and the product itself, and those contribute to the delay.
<Armbian-Discord> <b​ret> Are there any differences to the models that are being produced/shipped now and those that may be available from earlier runs?
<Armbian-Discord> <R​adxaYuntian> from what I just heard the current version (1.51) should have very little difference compared to 1.5
<Armbian-Discord> <R​adxaYuntian> for other versions you can refer to this page:
<Armbian-Discord> <R​adxaYuntian> @bret
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<Armbian-Discord> <b​ret> Great, thank you! 🙂
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<^tinyweasel2> if I buy an allwinner SBC, am I a winner or an incel for not installing a crappy kodi image?
<^tinyweasel2> but yes, compared to lede, armbian's build system is a joke
<^tinyweasel2> at least using makefiles makes it easier in general
<^tinyweasel2> but imo, openwrt is a smaller project yet has a lot more devices. I do think that focusing on SBCs all the time isn't a good idea
<^tinyweasel2> wait, my bad, not a smaller project
<^tinyweasel2> it's bigger, but in the early days, it still had a lot more devices
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<lanefu> Wrt just has to make the Ethernet ports work
<mjj> true...
<mjj> but most of those OpenWRT devices have working GPIO, you know
<mjj> no, I know
<mjj> I'll still probably put openwrt on the orpi, though
<lanefu> Not a bad option
<mjj> well, netbsd has working gpio for the RPI 4
<mjj> and I do want to migrate away from GNU/Linux
<lanefu> If I could manage openwrt easily with Ansible I'd explore it
<mjj> you can get python working, though
<mjj> opkg install python3, I think
<lanefu> Can I manage firewall etc with it?
<mjj> with the CLI (uci), yes
<lanefu> Looks more oriented around package. Management
<lanefu> K I'll have to read up on uci I guess
<mjj> it's just YAML, if anything
<lanefu> These days I'm fairly happy with plain firewalld
<IgorPec> we don't support enough devices ;)
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<Armbian-Discord> <T​onymac32> 🐐💨