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<lanefu> What game
openarena, of course
<Tonymac32> Empyrion
<lanefu> Ha openarena sounds about my decade
<lanefu> Googling empyrion
<lanefu> Damn was hoping they at least had empyrion for mac
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or... openclonk/clonk rage?
<Tonymac32> For Mac? Ew
<Tonymac32> Lol
<lanefu> Steam has a decent amount of Mac stuff
<lanefu> Literally my MacBook is my only device with any potential gaming horse power
<NeonFetch> Monka's rock3 pic from today
<Zaza> yeah, he is using p2 station
<Zaza> balbes150 already did some images with kernel 5.16 to p2 too
<Tonymac32> Is 5.16 lts?
* Dalatiidae
leads lanefu back into that forum channel
ROFL fine
<Tonymac32> Lanefu cannot be led. Like a mule sometimes fire is necessary
5.15 is tony
<lanefu> @NeonFetch sweet sweet 8 gigs of RAM
<Tonymac32> 5.15 is stable, not lts
<Tonymac32> It was a bit of a trick question, I don't quite get kernel chasing when even the stable kernels are shit for ARM and need patching
5.10 for lyfe
5.15 is a 2 year LTS
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so, I noticed something with the build system and would probably like to submit a patch
it thought devuan/beowulf wasn't debian. I think this can be improved by looking for /etc/debian_version, and checking if meets a certain version
also, then it didn't see if aria2c was installed, and so, it exited out. I think it should fallback onto wget
now, I need to have a qemu image, but hmm, arm only, huh?
surely there's an x86 image
oh, I can see why it didn't fallback: "downloading using torrent network"
but uh, huh, it didn't make sunxi-fel (missing libfdt.h), and it's still going on...
are you kidding me? It didn't check for lz4, and now, the compilation failed... see, that's the one thing about the openwrt build system
at least the openwrt build system validates the system packages BEFORE compiliation
welp, one big patch, indeed
yeah, not sure why, but this build system is buggy as hell; torrent download and all just times out, etc
maybe it's my distro...
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Pretty sure Devuan isn't a supported host.
I know, I did a small modification to the bash script
seems silly, it SHOULD work
I haven't used it in a long while but last time I checked it was Ubuntu.
hmm, yikes
I did check the script, though
buster, etc., were listed
but I don't like how it's doing a bunch of systemd commands and those don't have ||s
There is always docker :)
use docker and forget about
I don't use/like docker, though
I've seen enough compromised systems with docker on it, and those said systems always get compromised through some docker "appliance"
so nah
you don't like docker, fine. but asking for support for unsupported stuff is fine?
unsupported? it's related to the build system
and only one host is supported
docker (which i also don't like very much TBH) saves from maintaining hell
100 SBCs seems a little low, though, compared to OpenWRT, but then again, erh
there aren't *that* many SBCs, I guess
*100 or so
Openwrt just had to make the Ethernet ports work
We've got an epic PR thats almost merged that will add some more flexibility to the build system, and slowly we're working to make it more modular. But it will always be a quirky and eccentric tool in some regards.
could always adopt makefiles
We could put a hole in our heads too
reminds me of the lede openwrt merge
How so?
well, they went from bash to makefiles
Honestly I just don't really follow openwrt much. I think I've got one device with it
lots of things changed
See pr #3300 for what's coming
RPI 4 support
erh, let's just apply this patch, and give it a go, I guess
You guys are using that Ubuntu kernel source for the Pi4 aren't you?
armbian just kills off board configs instead of archiving them and leaving them in?
c0rnelius: yeah starting with Ubuntu kernel packages and source I believe. Point was to get the other stuff working before going down mainline wormhole
Don't bother mainline is never gonna be up to snuff.
c0rnelius: not even for headless
Basic headless sure.
No overlay support.
wonder if stock debian could run on an orpi, for instance, if you put the effort in
That's all we really care about
then again, their official images run, so it should be possible
and there is an openwrt port, actually
Could also just pull from the foundation. Thats what most people do.
^tinyweasel^: yeah that's why everyone is doing it?
ease of install + usability
There is no "stock debian" because there is no UEFI
I see the orpis listed, I should try that out, actually
Sure I mean I'm not sure what's better about it
just wondering
An Armbian CLI minimal bullseye build is pretty close to stock debian
yeah, I saw
There's some dude on GitHub that had some scripts to take the Armbian kernel and uboot devs and shoe horn them into fedora or something
If you really wanna go that path
hmm, wouldn't mind adding in the required patches to use v4
He was kinda uncool tho. Bragging about it on Twitter and then not sharing links and being like "follow my github"
yeah, kernel v4
don't know why, but I just don't like v5
it ate up a lot more memory on those 32MB of RAM routers
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Yeah I don't think we're interested in a PR for that but that's the whole point of the "userpatches" frame work the build tool has
Does your opi only have 32MB of ram?
no, no
1GB of RAM
Anyway unless there's a specific regression, probably more optimal to just build a 5.x kernel with custom kernel config that's leaner
maybe, I guess
Otherwise you can check out an oldrr release of the build tool where 4.19 was -current for allwinner
no way, the debian image boots
I guess the orpi is close enough to the plus model
USB ports don't seem to work. Seems like the device tree files are a bit too off, I guess
Yeah all the allwinner h3 stuff should generally boot device tree is where the differences are
yeah, I've dealt with the device trees before from openwrt porting
should be simple enough to just look at the armbian one
But explain to me what value you're getting from the debian image over Armbian
indeed, I'm just interested
because if I can get a devuan ARM image working, that would be nice
Ah. Intellectual exercise
I've had the orpi longer than the RPI 4, though
this is an 11/11 orpi
Could use armbian builder and custom the package list and make your own devuan
I guess
You'd make at least 1 other person happy
It's funny how opinionated the debian users are
You should see the Devuan users.
oh, come on, I should submit a patch to make the build system stop relying on systemd so heavily
You can use Debian and Ubuntu to create Devuan images. You just need switch out whatever custom systemd services there for inits.
I know
but ubuntu? that's long gone
I do it all the time
with Ubuntu and Debian as hosts.
firejail is driving me into madness
whitelist doesn't seem to actually work
augh, fine, I will just do a whitelist to the home dir
annoying as hell
Personally I want to build a de-optioned systemd Deb that has less
Don't think I'm gonna get to do any computering this weekend. Sounds like I have to put my human suit on
lanefu: you'll be missed
come back soon
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I'm honored
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I did read an announce that armbian will teduxe the list of supported boards. Now I worry that my board (rockpro64) longer be supported. Is there anywhere a list of. Boards.that will be dumped?
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First boot Armbian 21.08.6 Focal
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those bards on the list will be auto updated by scripts even if they don't have maintainers
but if something brakes no one will fix it
Actually I like dietpi which uses armbian
I guess they won't be for much longer.
But it makes me very nervous to know a lot of boards are about to be no longer supported
yeah, lack of maintainers and not enough time
& money
volunteer are welcome * problem fixed
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This is the typical open source Problem.
yeah, it's clears as day
The quality of armbian is pretty amazing.
it's ok
maybe even the best there is
to bad it'll die
it's just a matter of time when it'll start to break as c0rnelius mentioned
I see it as positive that armbian will only focus on a few boards.
Who needs 1000 different boards?
On a super basic level it comes down to kernel patching, which is already in place. From there someone needs to make adjustments as the kernels move forward.
If there are 5 or 10 then I guess this would cover most usecases.
But I see some boards that I think should be pretty popular on the dump list.
Beyond that firmware and whatever little bits are needed to get everything work. Scripts, services, blah.
I don
I don't own the board, but if its anything like the NanoPC T4 it can't be that tough
awb99_: yeah, there's bunch of lazy armbian users and i've heard there's bunch of boards online sukcing updates
but, they're not willing to help
greedy motherfuckers
including myself
c0rnelius: yeah, users will come here and cry when it starts to happen