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i was restarting armbian-ramlog.service instead stopping it and starting again
ramlog is ok now, 20MB used on reboot
no more atop leftovers
why it doesn't work with restarting it beat me idk
restart just reloads the config, really
i thought it's the same as stop and start again
like, short version of it
one command less
but, tbh, with ramlog i had to restart whole board to accept config change
neither, stop & start or service restart helped with that one
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hello guys. can someone recommend to me a nice tool to monitor network usage?
something is downloading data to my server and i'd like to investigate what and when is doing so. in other words i'm looking for a tool to monitor and log incoming data usage
Yep. wireshark. You beat me to it. :-)
fast reply, thanks :)
do You know stipa, if Nagios can display summary of up/down per application? not just protocol and address
in terminal i like nload and iftop
alekksander: nagios is awesome, it has lots of functionality, i think it can recognize network based applications by their traffic
and list them in some way
it logs
nagios needs ot do
but i don't use those stuff anymore, i have a bridge through all my traffic goes
terminal tools are looking even better (simpler for my simple need)
`vnstat` is easy for monitoring interface bandwidth consumptin ntop-ng for more depth of looking at flow
and slap nload or iftop on it, enough for me
i have vnstat but it's more for a bandwith control rather than logging traffic per desired conditions
define control
nonetheless vnstat is a great little tool i have on all my systems
lanefu: what i mean is that it can display amount of data per specific interval, but not much beside this
yeah, vnstat is if you don't have flat internet or smthn like that
hmm still not quite following, but i think `ntop-ng` is more of what you're looking for
what is „flat internet”?
without limit of how much you can spend
per month
that is adsl marketing thing
i turn vnstat on when i'm desperate or smthn
when i have to care how much i spend
otherwise it just destroys recording media with logs
in reality something has to log stuff only for debugging purposes
with SSDs it's ok, at least they're silent
when something logs on HDDs it's like, annoying
tick, tick, tick, tick tick
put the damn thing in other room, in a closet or attic and You're free again
i hide my server (two loud rotating wd disks) in other room AND in the closet
even simple box can help. if it's stationary pc You can mount the disk in the way it doesn't touch any stiff metal parts, just rubber
it doesn't do wonders, but helps with the ticks, tocks and clicks
nah, it's half torn laptop that's upside down