it will work without multiconfig too I think but I need mc for different reason
landgraf Perfect, I was thinking about the same idea, this helps a lot, I will try that
landgraf where are you setting that do_install ? in a package recipe ? if I understand correctly, this needs 3 recipes, one for the OCI image, one for installing it, and the main image recipe ?
anyone else seeing ca-certificate build failures on rebuilds from latest poky master branch?
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bhstalel: in my case nodered-container-image is a recipe to build OCI image, and nodered-container-pkg is the one which depends on do_image_complete and install the image to the rootfs
bhstalel: and the main image recipe which installs nodered-container-pkg. So you're right
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does devtool know how to work with multiple overrides? for example, if I want to to add the patch only when overrides A and B are active, how do I do this? devtool modify would create separate branches for overrides A and overrides B
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rty: Yes, devtool modify will create multiple branches in that situation. It is then up to you to use the correct branch(es) during development.
Saur: right, my question relates to the fact that devtool would create branches 'devtool-overrides-A' and 'devtool-overrides-B'. do I then create a patch on one branch, cherry pick it on the other in order to achieve SRC_URI:append:A:B = " mypatch"?
also, do I understand correctly that I need to have an override to be active during 'devtool modify' call in order for devtool to create an overrides branch? because I'm missing certain overrides branches currently
rty: While you have the recipe devtool modified, the SRC_URI does not matter (for patches). Whichever branch you have active will be used to build the recipe.
`devtool modify` is not affected by whatever overrides you use when you build. It tries to create branches for all variants, but to be fair, I do not know how well it handles multiple overrides...
Saur: but then when I `devtool finish` it, devtool does edit my bbappend in a layer based on some logic. I was wondering, if it supports the logic of having multiple overrides active, i.e. edit bbappend to contain was I wrote with SRC_URI. not that I cannot do this manually later, but I `devtool modify` this recipe quite often and everything that
devtool cannot do is manual work for me, so I was wondering if I can make devtool recognize that certain patch is only to be applied when multiple overrides are active
rty: If `devtool modify` does not create a branch for the combination that you need, then you might have to resort to temporarily modify the recipe while you do your development.
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landgraf Did you work on k3s (or k8s) deployment of a pod running an image generated by Yocto ?
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bhstalel: speak to zeddii and/or have a look at meta-virt master
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bhstalel: No, I'm just a regular user of meta-virt layer. There's meta-virt irc channel btw
bhstalel: but when I tried to deploy container image in (iirc) k3s it failed (ctr: unrecognized image format) , I didn't have to revisit it since
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