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<ak77> task fails with exit code 134. Pseudo log: path mismatch [2 links]: ino 75377833 db...... Setup complete, sending SIGUSR1 to pid 513674
* landgraf hates this one
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<ak77> oh. you've seen this before
<ak77> any hint how to tackle this ?
<RP> ak77: first, find the pseudo.log file and see what the files are
<ak77> got it. already.
<ak77> the file names that is.
<RP> ak77: it means something was changed when pseudo wasn't loaded and it's database is confused
<RP> so you then find what made those changes and why pseudo didn't see it
<ak77> yes. there are path1 req path2, files at both path exists and they are equal
<RP> I guess you can't say what the files are and its probably your own private recipe so beyond that...
<ak77> well. it alternately fails on my private recipe, and nss recipe. let me get when nss fails
<RP> ak77: what did you change recently? are you upgrading?
<RP> host distro changes?
<ak77> no, but i did try a) separated SSTATE_DIR, and use that SSTATE_DIR for kas build and my normal build.
<ak77> currently SSTATE_DIR is not set.
<RP> ak77: SSTATE_DIR is unlikely. Containers/kas may be a factor potentially
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<ak77> oh. shit. yes. kas somehow overwritten local.conf. god knows what was there :)
<RP> ak77: everyone loves to blame poor old sstate first :)
<ak77> ok. i'll reconstruct local.conf eventually, but how to ... fix this issue at hand ?
<LetoThe2nd> is there a hook to run something to modify the output of wic, e.g. the resulting binary image
<ak77> LetoThe2nd: is still wic after modification ?
<ak77> LetoThe2nd: maybe you could add another image type, provide command for modification, and make your new image type depend on wic
<LetoThe2nd> ak77: not sure I understand the question?
<LetoThe2nd> ak77: ah yes, that *might* work
<ak77> RP: i got my local.conf back. nothing noteworthy, and it still doesn't work what should I delete except for whole build directory :)
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<wojci> I would like to include a binary file in a package from outside of my build tree - for instance in my home dir. I built a container that I would like to include as it is and use on the device I'm working on. Any examples for this? The reason for this is that I'm using devops artifacs and they can only be downloaded using some of the MS tools .. which I would rather not use from within my build.
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<wojci> A good example for a recipe where someone does something like this?
<ak77> this is dev only or will be in production ?
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<rburton> wojci: SRC_URI can be an absolute file: url (so triple slash), so you can refer to any file you can see
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<RP> ak77: clean the recipe in question
<RP> ak77: pseudo's db is per recipe/WORKDIR
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<wojci> rburton, Ah. I see. I tried this and it didn't work for some reason. I will try harder. :D
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<wojci> I use 'USERADD_PARAM:${PN} += "--system -M -d / --shell /sbin/nologin -U someuser' and then install -o someuser -g someuser from do_install:append() body. The result is that the output image has the installed files which are owned by another user. Any clues as to what is wrong here?
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<landgraf> wojci: which files?
<LetoThe2nd> ok, next stupid question. my custom image type creation needs qemu-img. how do I make it available? do_image_myimg[depends] += "qemu-native:do_populate_sysroot" doesn't seem to do the trick
<RP> LetoThe2nd: qemu-system-native
<rburton> i think you need qemu-system-native,
<rburton> qemu-native is user-qemu only
<RP> e.g. meta/classes-recipe/image_types.bbclass:CONVERSION_DEPENDS_qcow2 = "qemu-system-native"
<rburton> i should finish the cleanup patches i had to tidy up the naming and recipes...
<rburton> do i need a "it's in a branch" sticker?
<RP> rburton: is it on a branch? :)
<rburton> it is!
<RP> rburton: see above :)
<LetoThe2nd> RP: yup did the trick
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<wojci> landgraf, In my recipe I have a section called "do_install:append()" which installs some files which are added using file:// from the local directory.
<LetoThe2nd> Ok I almost nailed it now. The last thing: my customized image happily builds, but the .qemuconf does not get updated upon subsequent runs, hence runqemu always refers to the first one. Any pointers?
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<wojci> landgraf, I had some unfortunate paramters to useradd which resultet in wrong permissions in my image.
<LetoThe2nd> Shouldn't the qemuboot class always triggered?
<wojci> landgraf, USERADD_PARAM:${PN} += "--system -M -d / --shell /sbin/nologin -U username" resultet in the files having wrong permissions. Changing to "--system -m -d /home/username --shell /sbin/nologin -U username" made the chmod work as it was supposed to.
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<RP> LetoThe2nd: it likely only triggers when its inputs change
<LetoThe2nd> RP: sorry I don't get it. first bitbake image, all good. rerun bitable image, everything stays around, and a new version of my custom image time (with new timestamp) is added.
<LetoThe2nd> so all the symlinks, everything is stuck on the original build. am I missing some dependency here?
<LetoThe2nd> on a completely different note, should plymouth+x11 be functional on scarthgap x86?
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<RP> LetoThe2nd: I'd say yes, you're missing a dependency. In general we exclude "time" since it causes things to rebuild every time. It sounds like you're trying to add that back in
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<vnd> Hey, my recipe is shipping old pre-built binary, just installing it directly in do_install.
<vnd> In the recipe work folder it's still original.
<vnd> But somehow binary in the final image is different, in particular readelf shows a lot of differences.
<vnd> And the worst part, the one that ends up in rootfs crashes at runtime, unlike the original one.
<vnd> Any ideas of what might be causing this? Stripping is explicilty disabled, yocto is dunfell.
<Slawek> I don't have a solution, but I've had a similar issue. Discrepancy between work folders and what was in tmp/work and what was being deployed. I spent a lot of time troubleshooting it and eventually decided to call it a bug and I restarted my build from scratch (deleted the tmp/work folder). Hope you find a way around this though. Assume you've
<Slawek> tried do_clean, do_cleanall, and even do_cleansstate?
<vnd> I think yes, but let me try to do a cleanall and re-build just to be sure (will message here if it helps)
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<LetoThe2nd> RP: yeah maybe
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<hcg> Hi guys, I would like to add a udev rule for a kernel module - it is an in-tree module and built as a module. I have tried various methods, none of which were successful - can anyone provide some hints please?
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<gyokhan> Don't we have anyone around? I do not understand why no one
<gyokhan> asks any question.
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<SlimeyX> i have questions but not related
<gyokhan> That's nice to see someone writing stuff :D I thought that I dont have network connection on my client app :D
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<khem> folks asked questions but did not stay long enough here to get answers
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