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<ndeuteron> Hi. What causes yocto to parse recipes every time I run it, rather than caching? I thought it was BB_DONT_CACHE but I've set that to 0 and still no joy.
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<LetoThe2nd> ndeuteron: I would assume any kind of modification in a file.
<RP> ndeuteron: try not setting that at all...
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<ndeuteron> LetoThe2nd: It does it with no changes to any files. Back to back builds with nothing changing in between.
<ndeuteron> RP: Hmm, will do.
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<ndeuteron> RP: That works. Thanks!
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<ndeuteron> Is that a bug? Confusing at the very least.
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<RP> ndeuteron: is it a bug? yes and no. Many of our values don't accept "0" as disable :/
<RP> it requires a lot more processing than "is this set or not?"
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<halloy9196> I'm annoyed by the do_rootfs task. switching from a single nvme ssd, to a raid0 dual nvme. can i expect any significant gain in duration reduction?
<halloy9196> Watching IO during this step does not look promising, but this task consists mostly of copying, to I'd expect an impact
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<mcfrisk> jarvis-owl: tune build machine kernel vm to cache io operations in RAM, rm_work or manual cleanup will remove the files anyway. This does not help if package manager, which works in series not parallel, calls sync()/fsync() all the time. works for all recipe compilations, not just rootfs. and scales better than building on tmpfs will can run out of space without overflowing to real disk.
<mcfrisk> to get rid of sync/fsync calls, eatmydata wrapper
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<jarvis-owl> nice, thanks for the hints! i'm going to test that :)
<RP> mcfrisk: if the package managers run under pseudo, we intercept the sync/fsync calls FWIW
<AdrianF> ThomasRoos: Thank you for raising the issue of address sanitizers. We have just decided to do the same. Would it be possible to open a bug that summarizes the status of your work and findings and to which we could also contribute?
<ThomasRoos> AdrianF Hi Adrian, basically do this: CXXFLAGS:append:aarch64 = " -DSANITIZER_CAN_USE_ALLOCATOR64=0" in gcc-sanitizers.inc work around it for arm64 (tested with a recipe containing an error)
<ThomasRoos> I plan to enable sanitizers for all ptests in meta-aws where it is possible, enable sanitzers when ptests enabled. Like here as an example: https://github.com/aws4embeddedlinux/meta-aws/blob/0bc3f805fbac8fefe80b1aa4a17e75c4f14aaaa3/recipes-sdk/aws-crt-cpp/aws-crt-cpp_0.29.9.bb#L50
<ThomasRoos> I was about to send a patch, but not sure what is the correct mailing list. rburton
<ThomasRoos> Also tested it with arm32 - this is working without the patch. So this should be good.
<mcfrisk> RP: good to hear, I think I saw some call paths in the past which allowed native sync/fsync calls to pass. Could have been in normal build tasks, not do_rootfs. These are easy to spot once the vm config is applied. IO going to disk should stop as long as RAM is available. https://pcp.io or similar perf data loggers can show CPU, memory, IO and networking load when builds run.
<mcfrisk> (default 5 second wait for ext3/4 to do background writing is really bad on build machines)
<RP> mcfrisk: it would be interesting to see where the problem calls come from. I know we do sync the qemu images to disk before testimage because of the opposite problem - IO storm during qemu causing test failures
<mcfrisk> my builds on aarch64 machine are fast enough already so had no reason to dig deeper :)
<RP> mcfrisk: right, NVMe is great too
<mcfrisk> /proc/sys/vm/dirty_background_ratio at 10, and /proc/sys/vm/dirty_writeback_centisecs at 500 on my current machine. IO writes are not bugging me though they can kill the device at some point. rm_work is enabled so writes should actually fit to RAM all the time when doing mostly upstream image builds.
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<ThomasRoos> rburton AdrianF did send the sanitizers patch now to this openembedded-core@lists.openembedded.org mailing list -> https://lists.openembedded.org/g/openembedded-core/message/210144
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<sakoman> JaMa: hmm . . . that somehow dropped on the floor :-( I'll pick it up!
<JaMa> sakoman: thanks, I've sent a version for styhead as well
<sakoman> JaMa: thanks for the ping!
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<halstead> Taking https://wiki.yoctoproject.org/ offline for a moment.
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<halstead> I've scaled the wiki up to handle increased load while dealing with an intense data harvesting event. It should be back online now.
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<mischief> halstead: is that one of those ai crawlers? :)
<halstead> mischief: my hunch is yes. It's built to look like a bunch of Macbooks are all browsing the wiki history from all over the world at once though.
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<mischief> claudebot took down my personal git server so i had to robots.txt it
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<rburton> halstead: <shakes fist>
<rburton> the sooner a few big orgs get together and have a crowd-sourced live IP block list the better
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