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<Guest57> can anyone please give me the documentation related to keyword "install" in recipe having details related to its all flags like -m and -d so on... I shall appreciate
<landgraf> guest57: man install
<Guest57> landgraf oh I thought it's bitbake specific and not linux. Thank you for your response though
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<Guest59> what would you recommend in general, given that one can see many manufacturers setting "randomly" `preferred_provider:virtual/kernel` in either machine.conf or distro.conf or image.bb.
<Guest59> I am trying to make up my mind, to create my own distro, being able to be fairly easy adjusted later, to use different hardwares ect. For now it seem that one either uses layers "as is" given how they are constructed, or rip them apart, and copy puzzle bits yourself.
<Guest59> How do you typically do it?
<RP> Guest59: the kernel is sometimes quite machine specific so the machine conf is usually ok. The distro does have the right to change it if it wants to, depends what the distro is doing. Setting the kernel provider in an image won't work
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<Guest18> Hi everyone, has yocto changed anything in its shared library symlink naming convention? With recipe build through yocto scrapthgap libmkzapi.so is missing from under target's /usr/lib . Everything else is present. This is what the recipe is doing. I shall appreciate your response
<Guest18> install -m 0755 libmkzapi.so.1.0 ${D}${libdir}
<Guest18> ln -sfn libmkzapi.so.1.0 ${D}${libdir}/libmkzapi.so.1
<Guest18> ln -sfn libmkzapi.so.1 ${D}${libdir}/libmkzapi.so
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<rburton> guest18: did you install the recipe's -dev package? that is where the .so will be.
<rburton> your naming is wrong: the .so.1.0 should be the real file, the .so a symlink
<rburton> (this is many-decade convention that we haven't changed)
<Guest18> rburton I have taken over vfom someone and this worked in sumo as it is. Would you suggest me to change?
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<rburton> guest18: write the actual library file to libmkzapi.so.1.0 and then symlink the other names
<rburton> if you use a proper build system to make the library, that happens automatically
<Guest18> rburton libmkzapi.so.1.0 this is the library which compiled out from c code.
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<rburton> oh sorry i'm reading wrong, shouldn't be on a call at the same time
<rburton> yes thats right and if you want the .so in the image then install it, as it will be in the -dev package
<Guest18> rburton my code's exerpt is from do_install() what I have shared. Are you suggesting something different?
<rburton> no, you're good - just install the -dev package in the image if you want the contents of the -dev package (which is where libmkzapi.so will be)
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<Guest18> rburton I extend apologies of not having you understand correctly. Could you please a bit elaborate how to do what you are suggesting
<rburton> assuming your recipe is called libmkzapi and you dont manipulate FILES then the .so.1.0 and .so.1 will be in libmkzapi, whilst the .so will be in libmkzapi-dev. if you want the .so to be installed, add libmkzapi-dev to IMAGE_INSTALL
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<rburton> if you've set FILES then you'll have to work out what you've done. oe-pkgdata-util list-pkg-files will tell you what files are in what package.
<Guest18> rburton ahh thank you very much. I'll try to figure it out.
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<tgamblin> kanavin: thanks for submitting that numpy upgrade to 2.2.1. I got sidetracked before I could come back to the reproducibility issue :)
<kanavin> tgamblin, cheers. you can do the valgrind update ;)
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<tgamblin> kanavin: tempting :)
<RP> tgamblin, kanavin: keep vmeson on the loop on that one
<RP> I have heard him talk about it
<kanavin> my way of saying 'you're welcome' is to give people more work :)
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<kanavin> but seriously, it's not an easy update. valgrind has an elaborate oe-core specific ptest system which needs to be rebased against upstream doing their own thing, and then actual ptests fail (or fail intermittently) too, on every version update. And what they do can be very esoteric.
<kanavin> I'm tempted to just disable valgrind ptests, if no one picks it up.
<kanavin> RP: I'm writing tests for bitbake-setup. It will be a part of bitbake-selftest, and use synthetic data contained entirely inside the test. No fetching anything from the network.
<kanavin> RP: later on there can also be oe-selftest for it that uses 'real' repositories and build setups.
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<kanavin> RP: I thought that any further tweaks to bitbake-setup do need to be automatically tested, as it's very easy to break, and I can't run through the full init/status/update sequence by hand on every code change.
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<RP> kanavin: that sounds reasonable to me. Situations like this are why many of the tests were written
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<guest21> rburton there ain't any libmkzapi-dev. There is only https://paste.linux.chat/?a6a327df87bd0629#DdNa8QMkwjLr6LBV2D51hTh9VYwtKf1759CvmdThoLo8 . .../1.0/image/usr/lib contains both .so and .so.1. However .so is missing on target.
<vmeson> kanavin: tgamblin: RP: I did strip valgrind down and spent some time on native and YP buids but I haven't gotten back to it yet this week.
<vmeson> Rather than re-do all the skipped tests, I decided to just make what kanavin had in his branch work and submit that so if tgamblin is interested, that's where to start.
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<rburton> guest21: remove FILES:${PN} += "${libdir}/*"
<rburton> and INSANE_SKIP:${PN} += "dev-so"
<rburton> guest21: if the .so is missing with that recipe then you're just not installing the package at all
<guest21> rburton .so.1 is present under /usr/lib on target only .so is missing. In older yocto it used to be present as well
<rburton> guest21: did you try oe-pkgdata-util list-pkg-files?
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<guest21> rburton I didn't try that because it was also a new land for me. If
<rburton> try it, it will help
<guest21> rburton let me please have a look
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<guest21> rburton oe-pkg results in only .so.1 and .so.1.0 and not .so
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<rburton> what command did you do?
<guest21> rburton oe-pkgdata-util list-pkg-files mkzapi
<rburton> add --recipe to that
<guest21> rburton there are three sections now normal -dbg and -dev. Under dev it shows .so
<rburton> so as i said: the .so is in the mkzapi-dev package
<rburton> if you want that in your image then install it
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<guest21> rburton dev section has also .h under its banner, does that mean they would also be installed as well
<rburton> yes
<rburton> a .so file is for built-time only
<guest21> rburton thank you very much, it works as you have suggested. You are a great help.
<rburton> note that if you want the .so on the image and you're not adding it to compile stuff then you're doing something wrong
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<guest21> rburton libmkzapi.so.1.0 is used for compilation
<rburton> guest21: actually when you do -lmkzapi gcc reads libmkzapi.so and then follows the symlinks to the .so.1.0. that is what the .so symlink is for.
<tgamblin> kanavin: vmeson: which branch is that on?
<kanavin> tgamblin, I have something here https://git.yoctoproject.org/poky-contrib/log/?h=akanavin/package-version-updates-later
<tgamblin> kanavin: thanks!
<guest21> rburton I am still a bit confused about it. For me it's other way around , I generated symlink of .so from .so.1.0
<rburton> right. the .so.1.0 is the real library. then there is a .so symlink that points to it.
<guest21> rburton exactly
<rburton> you do -lmkzapi and that means gcc looks for libmkzapi.so and follows links to the .so.1.0 which it then links to
<rburton> thus, the .so.1.0 is in the main package and the .so (and headers) are in the -dev package
<guest21> rburton now I understand
<guest21> rburton it was bit complex, you made it look very easy. Thank you very much for such a great help
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<uglyoldbob> I'm trying to bring in a bunch of modified nvidia code for the nvidia jetson, what is the best way of adding an nvidia folder to the linux kernel? In 4.9.337, they used a variable in the top level makefile called KERNEL_OVERLAYS, which eventually modified VPATH.
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<mischief> uglyoldbob: no out of tree module?
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<uglyoldbob> mischief: The code requires certain changes that as far as I am aware cannot be achieved with an out of tree module.
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<rburton> isn't there a jetson layer? i remember spending some good time walking around prague with one of the maintainers last year.
<rburton> uglyoldbob: https://github.com/OE4T/meta-tegra <-- is that any use?
<rburton> oh ilias is at nvidia now, that's great
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<uglyoldbob> rburton: From what i remember, the support for the jetson nano follows the jetpack, which leaves the kernel at 4.9.337. Not really my idea of a great plan
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