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<JaMa> khem: yes, that's the reason for ntp failure, I've reported the same to rburton yesterday, there are other changes in configure, not sure if this one is the only imporant one (except that it also causes build to fail)
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<Guest50> can anyone please tell me how to get rid of this error. I shall really appreciate "do_package_qa: QA Issue: non -staticdev package contains static .a library: node-red path '/usr/lib/node_modules/node-red/node_modules/node-red-admin/node_modules/bcrypt/node-addon-api/nothing.a' [staticdev]"
<JaMa> do you need this file to be part of node-red package? either don't install it, or remove it in do_install or move it to PN-staticdev package
<JaMa> if you look at node-red recipe in meta-webosose then I've removed it in do_install:append
<Guest50> JaMa I have created a recipe through devshell. It gave me straight away this message. I'll have a look. Thank you very much
<JaMa> check layerindex before creating a new recipe with devshell
<JaMa> meta-iot-cloud and meta-webos already have a recipe for it
<Guest50> JaMa I didn't check it.
<Guest50> JaMa I appreciate that. I'll have a look. Are you using the latest version over there
<JaMa> probably not
<qschulz> halstead: thanks for checking, just one more issue from my company mail server it seems...
<JaMa> meta-iot-cloud has newer version
<JaMa> you're looking at pretty old langdale..
<Guest50> JaMa I guess it is, the latest on meta-iot-cloud
<JaMa> hmm
<Guest50> JaMa I have used your suggestion of deleting the file. Now I am getting this error " Postinstall scriptlets of ['node-red'] have failed. If the intention is to defer them to first boot, then please place them into pkg_postinst_ontarget:${PN} (). Deferring to first boot via 'exit 1' is no longer supported."
<JaMa> the recipes I've suggested don't have postinst, I don't know what you did in your recipe
<Guest50> JaMa let me please try 4.02
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<qschulz> halstead: very sorry, I was looking at the wrong mail client. I'm sending patches with my personal mail and was expecting the failure to appear on my professional account. I did receive a mail telling me it didn't exist. Sorry for the noise!
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<Guest50> JaMa https://paste.linux.chat/?b7d69adaadc713bd#HQqLoDruRerHACj5F1WNmahwqWKphuyFEYZCqeXVNNLL I am still having theerror with postinst. Do you have any clue? Or could you suggest me something?
<rburton> khem: aha yes. i noticed the damned stupid ntp configure decided to run its subconfigures in compile.
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<JaMa> guest50: you're using wrong syntax in INITSCRIPT_NAME INITSCRIPT_PARAMS
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<Guest50> JaMa ohh thank you very much. Do you think that is the only error?
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<JaMa> guest50: sorry I'm not your helpdesk
<Guest50> JaMa thank you very much
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<rburton> khem: so i already had a fix for ncftp but failed to send it
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<halstead> Now problem qschulz. I think the helpdesk doesn't mind an easy problem every now and again. :)
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