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<mischief> RP: sorry about the bungled bitbake patch, it took me some spelunking to realize i messed up the usage of the --stdin commands for very old git. if you need me to resend the full patch let me know..
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<RP> mischief: A patch to fix things would be great :). I've put something into master-next just to confirm it does fix things but I've not for example written a commit message yet!
<RP> mischief: the patch is in master so it would be a bugfix patch I need
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<RP> mischief: that build did pass where it failed previously (on a host that failed)
<RP> mischief: it worked and you had the info in your email so I've sent a patch, just so test builds don't fail any further :)
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<brrm> I would like to patch a recipe but just for a selected image. In other images, the patch should not be applied. How can I do this? The recipe is from another layer, I just `.bbappend` to it. What I could do is copy the content of the original recipe instead of appending and create two recipes, one with patch, one without. But I prefer not do go for this solution because I would loose track of the
<brrm> upstream recipe. Is there a way to apply a patch using a variable which I can set per image?
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<mckoan> brrm: in such case you usually should introduce a new DISTRO
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<mcfrisk_> brrm: all images get created using the same package repo produced by recipe builds, thus patching some recipe per image is not possible. images can have different contents and config files. I would try to resolve this kind of things at runtime based on the HW and image which runs the SW.
<mcfrisk_> resolve issue at runtime, or at image build time, or build two versions of the recipe. order of complexicty increases from left to right
<brrm> mcfrisk_: it is a kernel patch. Therefore changing at runtime is no option. The patch enables debugging printks which are not wanted in production images.
<brrm> mckoan: I will have a look at distros then. I take it that I can define and use variables per distro?
<mcfrisk_> brrm: debug prints can be tied down to runtime features like device tree flags or secure boot status
<mcfrisk_> or kernel command line which bootloader controls based on ...
<mcfrisk_> for example product configurations should disable all serial control usage, logging and login prompts. some fuse or secure cert/bit can enable this also on product builds to enable more verbose serial console logs and even serial port login prompts
<brrm> I like to enable this one:
<brrm> one has to replace the undef line by a define of the `LOG_DEVICE`
<brrm> I think it is done so purposely, because it is not meant for production use
<brrm> because it prints register I/O on a very deep level
<mcfrisk_> yep, this should not be enabled in production builds
<brrm> at the moment my workflow is: commit the patch, build image(s) with printks enabled, revert the patch
<brrm> maybe I'll just stick to this workflow
<mcfrisk_> the patch can be applied based on machine/distro features, but then something needs to toggle those, possibly via GUI/menu in CI system
<brrm> I already have variables in the CI which allow me to select the image to build if I run the pipeline manually. And I can exclude those debugging builds for piplines triggered by other means.
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<pbiel> How can i create non-rootfs image without /etc/ /var /lib and so on? I want to install there only things that I need
<mcfrisk_> pbiel: plain image recipe, remove all things which create these directories. I think base-files is creating them.
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<rburton> pbiel: you'll find there's a few things that go into images implicity, but https://github.com/rossburton/meta-ross/blob/master/recipes-devtools/gtkdocs/gtkdocs.bb at least used to _just_ install the doc package and nothing else (by turning off locales, all features, disabling ldconfig). its not been tested for a while though.
<pbiel> Thanks will check it
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<denix> anyone else is seeing "Checking sstate mirror object availability" taking forever (10min+) and loading CPU close to 100%?
<denix> I do have upstream YP feed enabled and it could be slow network, but why CPU load then?
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<SlimeyX> eh i read all the yocto docs
<jerrycash> Should `RDEPENDS:remove:packagegroup-base-wifi = "wireless-regdb-static"` work for disabling this package? https://github.com/yoctoproject/poky/blob/master/meta/recipes-core/packagegroups/packagegroup-base.bb#L263
<jerrycash> Its signature is malformed in my build and I want to download and overwrite it in a separate recipe but I want to keep the rest of packagegroup-base-extended
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<jerrycash> Figured it out :D
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<vmeson> Is there anyone who has an Apple email address and a non-Apple email address that can help with: https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15705 Unable to register for bugzilla account using an Apple email address
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<vmeson> If so please reply to the bugzilla. The original reporter (tyn here on IRC) has not been around on IRC so I can't contact them.
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