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<JaMa> From https://github.com/openembedded/openembedded-core + c9970daef9...ff469ab2e8 master -> origin/master (forced update), another accident?
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<RP> JaMa: yes :(
<RP> not sure what happened there :/
<RP> Your past is forever trying to come back:
<RP> Author: Richard Purdie <richard@openedhand.com> Date:   Tue May 23 11:07:10 2006 +0000   
<RP> someone asking why I did that nearly two decades ago
<LetoThe2nd> RP: one of the reasons why I left my old industrial job was that I was asked too often why I did things 10 or 15 years ago.
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<JaMa> RP: ok, it's strange when CI picks new sha and new commit one day and the next it picks new sha's but without any git log (as it just lists commits between old and new sha)
<JaMa> reverts would be more obvious
<RP> JaMa: I didn't think those commits had been there long :/
<JaMa> long enough for our mirror to pick them :)
<RP> JaMa: sorry, I try had not to do this. I also really hate reverts
<JaMa> yeah, np I won't be running this CI for much longer anyway
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