LetoThe2nd changed the topic of #yocto to: Welcome to the Yocto Project | Learn more: https://www.yoctoproject.org | Community: https://www.yoctoproject.org/community | IRC logs: http://irc.yoctoproject.org/irc/ | Having difficulty on the list, with someone on the list or on IRC, contact Yocto Project Community Manager Letothe2nd | CoC: https://www.yoctoproject.org/community/code-of-conduct
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<ernstp> huh, this was a bit unexpected... Pseudo log: path mismatch [1 link]: ino 34997119 db '/home/ernst/yocto/fdp-yocto/src/poky/bitbake/lib/bb/fetch2/__pycache__/git.cpython-310.pyc' req '/home/ernst/yocto/fdp-yocto/src/poky/bitbake/lib/bb/__pycache__/data.cpython-310.pyc'.
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<jonmason> LetoThe2nd: who's this baby faced person? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKpLQ2bGsAk&t=839s
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<LetoThe2nd> jonmason: days long gone.
<jonmason> LetoThe2nd: someone on meta-arm mailing list was actively using that video and had an issue
<jonmason> just saying it's still used and useful
<LetoThe2nd> jonmason: LOL invoice address plz!
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<landgraf> find_path: select returned neither a row nor done: database disk image is malformed
<landgraf> never saw this before :) something new!
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<landgraf> How to specify machine/arch specific src_uri checksum properly? I have this now and this looks ugly: SRC_URI[sha256sum] = "${@'99ef5ad4c64942fd3cfe547f6f1f5f6283261d99db5d867f3df1126cfcc6906a' if d.getVar('TUNE_ARCH').startswith('aarch64') else 'ebba4ee8ba8bc00cbc2f6fa7eb87f4c9cc70c6d2d88bc095658d532dc9246b10'}"
<landgraf> even if it works :)
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<RP> landgraf: you could indirect via a variable
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