whats the bitbake commands i can use to help find out what a vendor did and how things are built
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Is is possible to apppend to FILESEXTRAPATHS based on a condition? For instance if a specific variable defined in local.conf is set to a non empty string?
I can only find examples from use in do_install:append(). I want to do this before to set where to find specific files before fetching.
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looks like this chat logs are not stored since 2025 started? I only see December and earlier.
has semantics of FILESEXTRAPATHS changed somewhere between kirkstone and scarthgap with regard to looking up python modules?
I'm migrating our yocto build, and it can't find custom util.py file anymore. Apparently the only line that points to parent folder is FILESEXTRAPTHS, but something changed and it's not working anymore.
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vnd: look up addpylib, you might need to use that
is there a way to influence that HOSTTOOLS should pick python3.12 not python3.13 (scarthgap doesn't work with 3.13)
ak77: change your python3symlink on the host? i think it just searches PATH so you can make an entry before /usr that has python3->python3.12
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rburton thank you, that must be it! Of course it's documented, but oh well..
mcfrisk: the beagleplay bug is two separate issues, that could be one of them yes
interesting datapoint for sure
rburton: fwiw, in our setup, only rockpi4b sees this kernel issue. qemu, kv260, zcu102 and synquacer work though there are separate tf-a and high level TPM issues
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i did new build, new machine, ... still have pseudo log issue path mismatch, how is this possible (no SSTATE_DIR)
on some random recipe, now it's alsa-topology-conf
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ak77: You probably have some task inbetween install and package that does something to the files. Do you have any custom classes that do things for instance?
ak77: Is it consistent for alsa-topology-conf even if you build only that recipe?
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olani: i last run alsa-topology-conf wasn't present. base-files was, now, if I build only base-files, error always popsup
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ak77: I'm guessing that the install task is not rerun, only the failing package task. `bitbake base-files | cat` will show which tasks actually executes and in which order. Will bitbake -C install base-files solve the problem for that recipe?
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I'll try to use it and see what we can do with it, maybe a native recipe to be used with rockchip-rkbin-ddr where we could modify the baudrate, uart controller and mux to use for the console for example
I need those to be changed for my RK3588 boards, so I'll likely end up working on it, but I know this was one of the blockers for you for one of your RK3308 board I believe?
qschulz: nice!
and the reason why we have a rockchip-rkbin-rk3308 recipe?
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Hello. Can i add an entry to RPROVIDES based on a PACKAGECONFIG value?
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olani: after cleanall, | cat shows do_install succeded, then do_populate succeeded, do_package failed... but. do_package started before do_populate succeeded
FYI, I sent a patch to the poky ML before being subscribed to it. I'll wait a few days to see if it gets allowed to go through by the admin before resending
there's no hurry, it's just basic support for b4 tool in poky
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rburton: this may be unrelated to the current beagleplay issues, but I just saw mine kernel panic after sitting at the login prompt for an unspecified amount of time (kernel is 6.10.8)
im hearing the latest uboot release fixes a few things so fingers crossed
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I feel like I've found myself down a rabbit hole. I've been trying to share my sstate-cache with developers scattered throughout. Did the usual http endpoint thing of the sstate-cache folder, but bitbake would refuse to use it unless there was a hash equivalency server. Well, I have hashserv container up and running and responding, but am still
left at putting in the credentials. I'm finding VERY LITTLE information about hashserv, but I hear about people using sstate-cache all the time. It doesn't seem to add up.
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Slawek: what is your BB_HASHSERV value?
It was auto because I was using the _UPSTREAM variable. Assigned BB_HASHSERVE to to my hashserv and it showed signs of life. Also discovered the @report permissions. Getting pretty close here.
I do use BB_SIGNATURE_HANDLER = "OEEquivHash" as well as BB_HASHSERVE = "auto". This thing works well both with and without connection to the BB_HASHSERVER_UPSTREAM
And you have other users utilizing your sstate-cache?
Yes, I believe so. When there are issues with bb-hashserv host, they just reports a typical warning: "BB_HASHSERVE_UPSTREAM is not valid, unable to connect hash equivalence server at '%s': %s". I did not test this well for a couple of years, but we do use sstate-cache over http and I believe they'd tell me about bad build performance having no conneciton to hashserv. I'll try to check later on
Slawek: I did check my chats with colleagues. All the issues they report that sometimes (not each time) during hashserve outage they experience freezes during "Checking sstate mirror object availability", like: "Bitbake still alive (no events for 2400s). Active tasks..."
Gotcha. I guess I never properly set BB_HASHSERV until now. I'm choosing to run a standalone hashserv.
I'll double check now, blocked my hashserve in my local firewall and verify that sstate will still be used
I'm getting hundreds of "get-outhash" and "Handling report" events in my hashserv, and the database is growing, but what I have configured as SSTATE_MIRRORS seems to be ignored an unutilized.
Sstate summary: Wanted 182 Local 0 Mirrors 0 Missed 182 Current 0 (0% match, 0% complete)
Maybe I'll run the build that populated my sstate-cache (via SSTATE_DIR being defined) again so it populates it with the hashserv configured now???
Hmm, strange. Currently I do see "Timeout while waiting for a reply from the bitbake server (60s at %s)". Change firewall from DROP to REJECT and check again
Yes, now I see: "BB_HASHSERVE_UPSTREAM is not valid, unable to connect hash equivalence server"
And (100% match, 0% complete)
Empty build/cache dirs on local side, and REJECT connections on the HASHSERVE upstream side