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so, image build fails while doing do_rootfs, it fails on opkg, "Unable to update the package index files", it is unable to create temp dir inside '${T}/ipktemp' (only mentioned in scarthgap/meta/lib/oe/package_manager/ipk/, as there is no ipktemp dir. who should create this ipktemp directory ?
(using kas, scrathgap, DL_DIR and SSTATE_DIR redirected).
'${T}/ipktemp' is used as -t temp dir for opkg. but when running through kas (same layers) it's not created, when using bitbake directly (same _DIR redirections) it it somehow created. don't know by who though
Hello together, Does anyone have any idea how to get debug information in binaries in Yocto Scrapthgap? It used to be present in my yocto project before upstreaming to Scrapthgap under /tmp/work..../packages-split/. I shall appreciate your response
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guest77: work/ is transient so won't be there is a recipe was built from sstate. install the -dbg packages on the target (or just use the dbg-pkgs image feature to install them all) to get the debug symbols on the target, or create a debugfs for remote gdb usage, or use debuginfod. see the documentation for all of those.
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pbiel: did you try the image i pointed you at last week?
Yep but it didn't help. However I managed to fix it just a few minutes before. I removed all the directories adding a command to IMAGE_PREPROCESS_COMMAND
It's rather workaround not the ideal solution but is enough for now
any ideas?
it's strange. man(7) for mkdtemp() says it returns ENOENT if directory in given pathname is missing, but only place where "ipktemp" is mentioned is in that package_manager's ipk __init__ file. so who creates that directory. I have checked opkg source and it does not create all paths (like mkdir -p).