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khem: that is indeed an annoying issue :/
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Hello Yocto Team,
I am working on switching from the GCC toolchain and GLIBC library to Clang and Musl in my Yocto project. My Yocto is based on Kirkstone and has been customized for project-specific purposes.
There are prebuilt libraries integrated through recipes in the build system. These prebuilt libraries are provided by different vendors, built using GCC, and linked with GLIBC. Unfortunately, I do not have control over the source code of these libraries.
Is there any way to make these prebuilt libraries compatible with a Clang and Musl environment?
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Is there a way to disable extlinux file generation while using bootimg-partition through wic?
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glad to help
you have to wonder if an addtask on a task which doesn't exist shouldn't be a bug
er, error and needs a bug
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RP: just curious, do you plan to merge Steve's last scarthgap update today?
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JaMa: Steve actually pushes them himself these days
ah, thanks
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I should have noticed the change since April
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rburton: the thing still fails. I think the answer is the ordering changes from the autobuilder config frags. The bigger question is then why was it intermittent
kanavin: we have a worrying problem with config fragments where I'm seeing non-deterministic build results :(
RP: is it the same as in bugzilla?
kanavin: probably related
RP: I can look but I need a lead
is there somewhere on AB I can poke into?
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kanavin: looking at the build results, I think this is deterministic and I misconfigured one of the builds
RP: I think either the selftest itself should be using fragments, or we change the autobuilder fragment to use ?= for that variable, so it's a soft assignment?
kanavin: we can certainly work around it, I'm just worried about how many more of these kinds of issues we'll hit
people expect the fragments to behave the same way :/
?= won't help btw, it would have to be ??=
ah, it probably will be ok
even I'm getting confused already :(
RP: yes there's a usability problem here. The expectation will be that things set in local.conf override what fragment says.
and right now it's not like that.
kanavin: not sure what we can do about it though :/
On the other hand, people will want to set OE_FRAGMENTS from local.conf too. These expectations seem to be in conflict?
they are, but that won't be obvious to anyone
RP: on the other hand distro and machine config do come in after local.conf, so fragments behave that way too
I need a bit of lunch now :)
kanavin: good plan. We need to think about this a bit....
RP: one quick, and maybe bad idea is to indeed move addfragments to before local.conf, then print some kind of notice/warning/error when OE_FRAGMENTS is tweaked after processing that
I guess the autobuilder will set them in auto.conf :)
I don't think it will make people happy though
RP: autobuilder, and bitbake-setup, and bitbake-config-build will do it correctly
RP: but if someone places it into local.conf... they should then get notified that it won't work
kanavin: most users configuring a local build will use local.conf, I've done it myself already
RP: it's muscle memory, yes :(
----> food
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Hi all! I am doing work related to secure boot and I came across something regarding fitImages. I have a fitImage with u-boot + dtb which is loaded by U-boot SPL, and I have a fitImage with the linux kernel, dtb, bootscript and optee loaded by U-boot. In the fitImage helper-class for the kernel the images are hashed, and the configuration is signed
to avoid an attacker from injecting an "invalid" configuration (https://docs.u-boot.org/en/latest/usage/fit/signature.html). This is not the case for the fitImage-class used by u-boot however. There the images are signed but not the configuration. Shouldn't these be handled the same way?
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iceaway: probably yes. There are a number of fitimage patches around at the moment but we want to try and simplify the code a bit and ensure we have good test coverage for the right cases
RP: Thanks, I have run into some other issues as well with circular dependencies with secure boot, fitImages and bootscripts which was on the mailing list a short while ago. I'll just leave it for now then until an "official" solution is available.
iceaway: help would be welcome with helping find that solution!
* RP
is trying to keep out of it as I don't have good knowledge on any of it
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iceaway: you can be the change you want in the world :) by writing down what your goals are and what the problems/gaps/issues are
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RP: I would love to help out but the whole chain of events leading up to a secure bootable image is just way over my head I'm afraid with my limited experience with Yocto.
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khem: I didn't get very far as it turns out kvmtool is buildable under buildroot... but still have buildroot/busybox bugs to sort out
khem: i'll update the project repos and readme this aftrenoon and push out what i have got
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Hello, I have built a custom linux-yocto distribution for amd-x86-64 hardware but I am experiencing some kernel panic. Example I have an wifi ath11k. When I use it with my kernel config It crashes but If use a defconfig from a ubuntu for example to configure my kernel it works like a charm. Same for nvidia-drm and X11 working together. I get a
kernel crash. So based on this I believe there are some kernel modules missing to have my kernel fully working without having a full ubuntu one. What is the best way to debug this kind of issue ? I was going for comparing defconfig and lsmod but it's a slow process and not sure super usefull. cheers
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Austriker: I think you're using the right approach, it isn't a simple thing to work out sadly
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Hello! I'm working on making the boot partition of my Raspberry Pi A/B capable. Typically, the boot partition is a single VFAT partition with all the files located in its root directory. To enable A/B capability, I need two folders on the boot partition: bootA and bootB. Each folder should contain the same files that would normally reside in the root of the boot partition.
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Does anyone know how to modify the Yocto Project to achieve this? Is there a pre-boot-partition image creation hook I could use to copy the files into bootA and bootB? Or is the only proper way to achieve this by modifying everything related to IMAGE_BOOT_FILES using bbappend files?
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