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Hello, I do create a UBI image with several volumes. How do I populate those volumes that are are not rootfs? I'm trying to create an empty image that only installs the files I want to have, but I cannot get rid of the root filesystem structure in a good way. Any tips&tricks? Thanks
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Or should I not use the image class at all?
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Any of you use /etc/buildinfo? I noticed that changes to local.conf followed by a rebuild doesn't update this file. A clean rebuild changes it. Any idea if this is intended behaviour?
I use /etc/buildinfo in CI so that I can track which built versions are installed on my test systems. This is annoying.
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wojci: what changes to local.conf? rebuild of what?
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Does someon know whether there is a way to add all the buildtime dependencies of a specific application to an image SDK?
knowing that the image includes the application
trying to run podman on a somewhat generic build, I get a networking error like ""cni-podman0": could not add "cni-podman0": operation not supported". if I add --network=host, then it passes but its obviously not the intended way. Does somebody have a pointer? looking at you @zeddii
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abelloni: not sure we have a way to do that automatically :/
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LetoThe2nd: I haven't seen that for quite some time. The reference images in master all have working networking, I'd check what you are installing on that image against those references.
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zeddii: yeah I found a note on the ipv6 DISTRO_FEATURE, but that's about it unfortunately.
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mckoan, In my local.conf I have: IMAGE_BUILDINFO_VARS:append = " VARIABLE" which is previously set in the same file.
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LetoThe2nd: next up is to check the kernel configuration. I had a lot of issues with the bridges not being created due to missing functinoality in the kernel.
zeddii: yeah that's my usual suspect too. just right now trying figure out if its a general problem, or a podman specific one.
wojci: I need to understand your scenario so I asked what changes to local.conf you did between the builds?
zeddii: ok, so with docker it works. podman seems to have some additional, hidden dependency or requirement.
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mckoan, I changed the value of VARIABLE in the above line.
mckoan, IMAGE_BUILDINFO_VARS points to something which value changed in local.conf.
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LetoThe2nd: I just verified the meta-virt podman profile on container-image-host, qemuarm64 machine. I see all the podman* interfaces coming up and being torn down properly.
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so at least that's one data point.
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zeddii: ok thanks!
LetoThe2nd: podman doesn't play well with cni anymore, so you might want to try switching in netavark and aardvark
unless it isn't cni creating those and they are just bridge interfaces that are using those names. I've done that in the past as well.
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zeddii: ok, pointer to doing that switch maybe?