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<sa7mfo> Hello, I do create a UBI image with several volumes. How do I populate those volumes that are are not rootfs? I'm trying to create an empty image that only installs the files I want to have, but I cannot get rid of the root filesystem structure in a good way. Any tips&tricks? Thanks
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<sa7mfo> Or should I not use the image class at all?
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<wojci> Any of you use /etc/buildinfo? I noticed that changes to local.conf followed by a rebuild doesn't update this file. A clean rebuild changes it. Any idea if this is intended behaviour?
<wojci> I use /etc/buildinfo in CI so that I can track which built versions are installed on my test systems. This is annoying.
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<mckoan> wojci: what changes to local.conf? rebuild of what?
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<abelloni> Does someon know whether there is a way to add all the buildtime dependencies of a specific application to an image SDK?
<abelloni> knowing that the image includes the application
<LetoThe2nd> trying to run podman on a somewhat generic build, I get a networking error like ""cni-podman0": could not add "cni-podman0": operation not supported". if I add --network=host, then it passes but its obviously not the intended way. Does somebody have a pointer? looking at you @zeddii
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<RP> abelloni: not sure we have a way to do that automatically :/
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<zeddii> LetoThe2nd: I haven't seen that for quite some time. The reference images in master all have working networking, I'd check what you are installing on that image against those references.
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<LetoThe2nd> zeddii: yeah I found a note on the ipv6 DISTRO_FEATURE, but that's about it unfortunately.
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<wojci> mckoan, In my local.conf I have: IMAGE_BUILDINFO_VARS:append = " VARIABLE" which is previously set in the same file.
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<zeddii> LetoThe2nd: next up is to check the kernel configuration. I had a lot of issues with the bridges not being created due to missing functinoality in the kernel.
<LetoThe2nd> zeddii: yeah that's my usual suspect too. just right now trying figure out if its a general problem, or a podman specific one.
<mckoan> wojci: I need to understand your scenario so I asked what changes to local.conf you did between the builds?
<LetoThe2nd> zeddii: ok, so with docker it works. podman seems to have some additional, hidden dependency or requirement.
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<wojci> mckoan, I changed the value of VARIABLE in the above line.
<wojci> mckoan, IMAGE_BUILDINFO_VARS points to something which value changed in local.conf.
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<zeddii> LetoThe2nd: I just verified the meta-virt podman profile on container-image-host, qemuarm64 machine. I see all the podman* interfaces coming up and being torn down properly.
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<zeddii> so at least that's one data point.
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<LetoThe2nd> zeddii: ok thanks!
<zeddii> LetoThe2nd: podman doesn't play well with cni anymore, so you might want to try switching in netavark and aardvark
<zeddii> unless it isn't cni creating those and they are just bridge interfaces that are using those names. I've done that in the past as well.
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<LetoThe2nd> zeddii: ok, pointer to doing that switch maybe?
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<zeddii> LetoThe2nd: https://pastecode.io/s/30jghsvh
<zeddii> that has what container-image-host in meta-virt installs
<zeddii> and what the "podman" container profile defines the components as
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<LetoThe2nd> zeddii: hmm is that possibly post-scarthgap?
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<zeddii> I did the work in the fall, so whatever release that is. the components are there in older releases, just not defined the same way
<mckoan> wojci: bitbake isn0t able to detech the change to VARIABLE, then please call: bitbake <imagename> -C rootfs
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<khem> rburton:I have fixed tk8 for autoconf facelift there are couple of more recipes I am seeing in world build - https://errors.yoctoproject.org/Errors/Build/201436/
<khem> hmm - make[2]: *** No rule to make target 'MyPaint-1.6.typelib', needed by 'all-am'. Stop.
<khem> these happen with gir usually when its not able to understand compiler output and/or qemu-user can not run
<khem> so these could be related to clang-20 as well
<khem> cant be, since the clang and gcc are still whats in master on these builds
<khem> so I can rule those out atleast
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