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<Guest24> I want to upgrade my yocto version from dunfell to scarthgap-5.0.5, can i do it directly or need to upgrade to each version in between  dunfell & scarthgap?
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<tor> Hi, i have a problem with a recipe that needs procps-dev from poky. I add procps-dev to DEPENDS in my recipe but bitbake then says "ERROR: Nothing PROVIDES 'procps-dev'" this even though rpms are built for procps-dev. What am i missing?
<tor> It do however say when trying to build: "Close matches: procps\n procps RPROVIDES procps-dev" but obviously the recepies doesnt build with procps in DEPENDS.
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<RP> tor: there is a difference between "recipe" namespace and generated packages namespace (aka runtime)
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<RP> tor: DEPENDS are recipe names, RDEPENDS are packages
<RP> so you'd DEPEND on procps or RDEPENDS on procps-dev
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<tor> RP: thx but if i put procps-dev in RDEPENDS, bitbake does not complain anymore but the recipe/package still does not compile since it is missing development files during build. Isn't RDEPENDS dependencies during runtime on target? I need the pkg-config file and libraries during build.
<RP> tor: build time is DEPENDS so you'd put procps into DEPENDS
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<tor> RP: Sorry, maybe i have misunderstood something. But the procps package only provides the procps applications, top, kill etc not the development files. (Which are in procps-dev and libproc2) With procps in DEPENDS and procps-dev in RDEPENDS it still wont compile :/
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<ykrons> Hi all
<RP> tor: there are two different namespaces, build time and run time. At build time, the contents of the sysroot files are used, not packages. This means DEPENDS += procps is the right thing to do
<RP> the procps sysroot files will have any development headers and so on at build time. It is different to the generated packages
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<LetoThe2nd> rburton: remind my aging brain, what's the correct way to tinker with fancy refi security boot yadayada through meta-arm?
<LetoThe2nd> *uefi, even.
<ykrons> I'm using an old Yocto version (2.6) and several recipes are now failing to fetch sources for two reasons: change in github that didn't allow unauthenticated git protocol and rename in some repository of the branch master into main. I know how to fix it, but it requires a lot of recipe modifications. Is there a script or a global way to fix such issue withtout creating a bbappend for every impacted recipes ?
<LetoThe2nd> ykrons: yup, its called upgrading.
<RP> ykrons: setting PREMIRRORS might help but 2.6 is rather old
<ykrons> :) yes but it is an old project with minimal maintenance and the cost to upgrade is too high unfortunately
<LetoThe2nd> ykrons: well then deprecate it and cut down maintenance to 0. :-)
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<LetoThe2nd> rburton: MACHINE qemuarm64-secureboot it is?
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<ykrons> LetoThe2nd: thanks, I don't know I can replace the branch and protocol with PREMIRRORS. Not sure about the syntax but I will try.
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<mischief> we are beginning our scarthgap upgrade soon.. wish me luck
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<RP> ykrons: I think in modern bitbake you can. In 2.6 maybe not, I don't remember
<tor> RP: But isn't the sysroot for the build of _my_ package made with the packages in DEPENDS. Is the sysroot made up from sysroots on all dependencies? I.e. from build/tmp/sysroot-components?
<RP> tor: it is made of the things in sysroot-components but those are not packages and not packaged based, there is one per recipe
<RP> ykrons: put some anonymous python in to remap SRC_URI as needed
<tor> RP: I see that thx then i learned something new today :) Ok, i might have found the problem. The procps used by the build is older than the one in Yocto. Thx for the patience!
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<rvignesh> Hi everyone,
<rvignesh> aarch64-poky-linux-musl-ld: /recipe-sysroot//usr/lib/libgbm.so: undefined reference to `calloc@GLIBC_2.17'
<rvignesh> aarch64-poky-linux-musl-ld: /recipe-sysroot//usr/lib/libgbm.so: undefined reference to `__stack_chk_guard@GLIBC_2.17'
<rvignesh> I am building a clang and musl-based Yocto project, but I'm encountering issues with prebuilt libraries that were built against glibc. Specifically, I am facing the following errors:
<rvignesh> aarch64-poky-linux-musl-ld: /recipe-sysroot//usr/lib/libgbm.so: undefined reference to `close@GLIBC_2.17'
<rvignesh> These errors seem to be related to missing glibc functions such as close, calloc, and others, which are required by the prebuilt libgbm.so library.
<rvignesh> What I've tried so far:
<rvignesh> I have added gcompat to the DT_NEEDED section of the prebuilt libraries using patchelf.
<rvignesh> I have ensured that gcompat is available in the recipe by adding it as a dependency.
<rvignesh> Despite these efforts, I am still getting the same errors.
<rvignesh> Can anyone suggest how I might resolve this? Should I explicitly link against gcompat, or is there something else I might be missing?
<rvignesh> Thanks in advance!
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<RP> rvignesh: I doubt a library compiled against glibc is going to work with musl
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<rvignesh> Ah I see, then I might understand something wrong about gcompat library. It claims that it will make glibc compatible in musl system.
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<RP> rvignesh: looking at it, it does look like you're right and it can under some circumstances. If the symbols are missing I think that means support for that age/symbol set isn't there though
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<rvignesh> RP, grep realloc * -r
<rvignesh> CHANGELOG.rst:* Adds __libc_malloc, __libc_calloc, __libc_realloc, and __libc_free which are
<rvignesh> CHANGELOG.rst: and malloc/calloc/realloc.
<rvignesh> libgcompat/malloc.c: return realloc(ptr, size);
<rvignesh> libgcompat/malloc.c:void *__libc_realloc(void *ptr, size_t size)
<rvignesh> libgcompat/malloc.c:alias(__libc_realloc, __realloc);
<rvignesh> I was trying to check the definition of some missing functions of gcompat. there is a definition present.
<RP> rvignesh: the error is for a versioned symbol though so the compat lib needs a matching versioned symbol
<RP> why the symbol is versioned I don't know, they normally have a reason
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<rvignesh> RP: Okay, rings a bell in gcompat documentation regarding glibc version like GLIBC_FAKE_VERSION.
<rvignesh> I didnt exported the variables in my build. I will try them as well.
<mischief> that does not appear to help you with versioned symbols https://git.adelielinux.org/adelie/gcompat/-/blob/current/libgcompat/version.c?ref_type=heads#L21
<rvignesh> oops, okay. Then I dont see a way except recompiling the libraries against musl.
<rvignesh> which is not possible at the moment. gcompat was my big hope.
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<rburton> LetoThe2nd: the -secureboot machines yes. mcfrisk is more involved with that than i am.
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<mcfrisk> LetoThe2nd: see qemuarm64-secureboot machine and related kas build config in meta-arm for examples
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<nbx100> Hi, does anyone worked on updating android-tools. The latest version in the repo is based on android-5.1.1.r37. Thanks!
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<georgem> perf call graphs seem to be broken on qemuarm (as well as my 32 bit ARM SoC) with poky scarthgap even with dbg-pkgs and `perf record --call-graph dwarf`. Has anyone gotten working call graphs (backtraces) with perf recently on 32 bit ARM?
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<RP> georgem: I wish we had automated testing for that
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<georgem> It might have been broken for a while. I'll have to check an earlier release. Just seems like something more people would have complained about.
<RP> georgem: I've not seen anyone mention it but it could have been broken for a while sadly
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<rburton> georgem: there is a patch on the list to save .debug_frame sections so it looks like there's definitely something going on here
<rburton> (though that patch appears to be specific to stripped binaries and using minidebuginfo)
<rburton> a silly test app that runs for a few seconds to profile would be useful
<georgem> indeed
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<AdrianF> georgem: what is broken? One of my colleagues had it working on scartsgap but some symbols (not all) could not be found with dbg-pkgs installed. I did not look into more details.
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<georgem> AdrianF: I get different results with perf --callgraph and --callgraph dwarf but the back traces are wrong and/or incomplete. So you'll see a symbol and when you expand it with '+' after running `perf report -g` it'll show no caller. I suspect it's an ARM 32 bit specific issue.
<Slawek> I need to cross-compile my application which is called with make, but also uses cmake for some modules. How do you introduce cmake without doing "inherit cmake"?
<gmorell> w2
<georgem> I just found that forcing ARM_INSTRUCTION_SET = "arm" and setting TARGET_CFLAGS += " -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mapcs-frame" makes `perf record -g` work which is good enough for profiling on debug builds for me.
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<AdrianF> georgem: Thank you for sharing this. Sounds similar to what I heard about. It was also on ARM 32.
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<rburton> Slawek: DEPEND on cmake-native, but then you need to write a toolchain file by hand. i'd use cmake for everything if its code you wrote.
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<Slawek> Thanks rburton. I did start to dissect poky/meta/classes-recipe/cmake.bbclass to find all the clues. Unfortunately, We are inching towards full cmake but it's just not the reality now.
<Slawek> Not exactly sure what a "toolchain file" is, but I guess I'll probably across it sooner or later.
<Slawek> Not exactly sure what a "toolchain file" is, but I guess I'll probably run across it sooner or later.
<gmorell> a/w 2
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<rburton> Slawek: its the thing that tells cmake how to cross-compile
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