zeddii:this gets the kernel going with GCC 15
GCC 15 has switch to C23 as default standard from C17, this is going to cause a bit of stir, since in C23, true, false are keywords now
so lot of old s/w will be unhappy, I guess we need to add -std=gnu17 where we can not fix them
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khem, ack'd. I'll put them on top of my -stable queue and send them tomorrow
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Hi, suppose that I maintain my own fork of linux kernel and I use it in my kernel recipe. I need to backport a device driver from the latest kernel to my version. How would you approach this? Would you just take source code of this driver and apply it to the fork or perhaps would you add it as a patch in yocto?
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Or perhaps is there other way I'm not aware of that is designed for integrating backport drives?
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pbiel: if you maintainer your own fork then just backport in your fork
no point complicating things by patching in the recipe too
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rburton: do you need slirp for that systemctl reproducer?
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hm possibly.
rburton: still wondering why that machine
there was some annoying thing about passing IPs into the qemu as it boots edk2 so you can't just pass flags via qemu
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RP: very glad i tested that automake prerelease. just the AM_RUN_LOG issue in all autotools recipes in core, but it broke about six recipes.
rburton: that is really useful to know, we can give them feedback?
yeah have
cool, thanks
rburton: was that "drop automake patches" safe even before any upgrade?
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it looks like cgdb isn't happy with the new compiler version
tlwoerner: by new compiler version, do you mean gcc-15 ?
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oh! it hasn't been pushed yet.
vmeson: sorry, i guess it's something else then
i pulled and did a full build on Monday or Tuesday, which succeeded
pulled and built this morning to find cgdb not building
shouldn't be too hard to find the issue
* tlwoerner
starts bisecting
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zeddii:thanks, eventually they will showup on 6.12 because when gcc-15 releases in may it will show up otherwise, I do see some of them are already marked for stable backport
ptests using gcc-15 are passing
khem: I was hoping the rust upgrade would fix the rust-llvm clang issue but it seems not :(