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<mckoan> good morning
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<Mayur> hello all,
<Mayur> I have que reagarding sylink generation in yocto update. I will try to explain our problem a little bit in detail.
<Mayur> We have our proprietery update mechanism based on rsync where it generates a file list of all the files in rootfs including symlinks.
<Mayur> Now we have updated our yocto version from mickledor to srathgap. Since then our update mechanism is failing.
<Mayur> reason : diving deep we found that symlinks generated in mickldore version were having 777 value and in srathgap we are having 755 and due to that our update mechanism is breaking.
<Mayur> simplified: i tried with simple ln -sf ** to see whats normal behaviour in filesystem and there its also different. assuming rsync and ln are using the same mechanism.
<Mayur> So que are,
<Mayur> 1. where it is exactly going wrong? which lib / kernel function is going wrong there?
<Mayur> 2. is there any bug in scrathgap yocto rsync/ln libs (most probably not)?
<Mayur> 3. what will be the most suitable way to fix this?
<Mayur> Hope you can understand the description and feel free to ask more in case not enough info.
<Mayur> Thanking you all in advance.
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<CrazyGecko> Mayur: the ln should be part of coreutils. that behaviour could have changed with the update. maybe you can configure the default permissions of symlinks
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<rburton> Mayur: symlinks don't have permissions...
<rburton> not their own, anyway
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<khem> if updates are being performed by root user then this would not matter. but if it is being performed as normal user which is not same user as user who owns the files then this issue can be associated with permissions
<khem> how doe your update mechanism work maybe if we know that a bit more then it could be deduced further
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<khem> RP:do we have version of uninative with glibc 2.41 done or not yet ?
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<khem> I am seeing - WARNING: Your host glibc version (2.41) is newer than that in uninative (2.40)
<RP> khem: we probably need one
<khem> yes now that we have 2.41 in core
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<khem> and f42 ( due in May this year ) will have glibc 2.41
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<RP> khem: agreed, we need a new release
<RP> khem: I commented on the pcp-native bug btw, I'm still thinking it is a BUILD_LDFLAGS issue and that uninative will handle it. There are also questions about libexecinfo on the list
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<khem> yeah pcp-native, I need to log back in into the builder and see the logs, I did see it adding -L flags into native-sysroot
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<khem> but dont remember anything else
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<khem> yeah I will reply to libexecinfo issue to ML, there is slight difference, gcompat is meant to run binaries pre-compiled for glibc so it does not offer APIs via header files to link etc. rightly so
<khem> but libexecinfo is a development package
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<RP> khem: patch on list for uninative ready for testing
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<RP> khem: you know about https://autobuilder.yoctoproject.org/valkyrie/#/builders/18/builds/585 ? rust-llvm failing with clang
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